The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Mystic Water - Windjammer
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Lavender Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Vintage Old Spice


I know I have another @Mystic Water soap somewhere around the house, but for some reason the only one I can find other than Coconut Sandalwood is Windjammer. That will do...and I really like Mystic Water Soap in a stick anyway. Another cold water shave and another 95% BBS shave. A healthy splash of the Vintage Old Spice and man do I feel good! I will likely go back for more aftershave and just before I leave for work...I will likely douse myself in Old Spice Cologne! Oh yeah baby! I am going to smell good!

The Danger Zone!!!

Chauncey is doing better. He still doesn't really want to get up for much. Just to eat and do his business. He needs a little prodding to get up to do his business...he needs no prodding to get up to eat. Poor guy keeps wanting to shake, but as soon as he starts I guess it hurts and he stops before it really gets going. I feel really bad for him. The wife is being a helicopter fur parent...and is kind of driving me nuts. But I let her do what she wants to do or else it will be bad for Don.

It's Friday Cadre! This wasn't the best of weeks for me...but I have a lot to be thankful and my life is no where near as the trials that others have. So I am Grateful for those people and the resources in my life. Have a great Friday Cadre! Let's finish this week off strong!
You can never go wrong with vintage OS, no matter what anyone around you might say.
Funny you say that. Old Spice (new or old) is an interesting scent. I ALWAYS get compliments on how I smell when I wear it...ALWAYS! And when they ask me what I am wearing...I tell them and then watch their face get this really confused face. 🤪
Funny you say that. Old Spice (new or old) is an interesting scent. I ALWAYS get compliments on how I smell when I where it...ALWAYS! And when they ask me what I am wearing...I tell them and then watch their face get this really confused face. 🤪
Lol the same thing has happened to me. I actually had someone ask me if I was wearing Joop! once. I also had someone ask me if I was wearing Old Spice once when I was wearing Amouage Sunshine Man. I've never punched someone at work before, but that was a close one. OPN(Other People's Noses), whatcha gonna do?
Sounds like Chaunce ugh is healing up...even though slowly.
Just remember the more time the wife helicopters over the dog, the less she helicopters over you.
Sounds like Chaunce ugh is healing up...even though slowly.
Just remember the more time the wife helicopters over the dog, the less she helicopters over you.
His wounds are actually looking a whole lot better this morning. He is a tad more spry. I am sure he will be back to normal in no time.
Just read about what happened to Chauncey. Hope he heals up quick Don! Willie hasn't been feeling too hot the last few days either (the back again) so he can relate!

Thanks! And I am sorry to hear about Willie. The cold can be bad news for dogs with bad backs. I know with Chauncey (he was paralyzed for a while there) but other then the recent mishap with the Allie Monster...He has been about as active as he can be...especially for an 11 year old dog. I credit a lot of this to his raw diet (species appropriate formulated raw diet) and bone broth. I know most people are hesitant to go to a raw diet...and it is expensive. But bone broth is a simple cheap way to help out with the dog's bones and cartilage. Bone broth is full of collagen protein and dogs love it. I make my own (actually I am making some right now)...but it's time consuming. So if you decide to give him Willie bone broth...make sure it is actually bone broth. Most of the stuff you buy in the grocery store is little more than beef stock. a couple tablespoons or a little more will help out a tremendous amount! Let me know if you have any questions.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (4th Shave)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Lavender Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Wholly Kaw - King of Oud


Mystic Water week has come and gone. This week over in the Soap and Cream Forum we celebrate those soaps that are warm and spicy! Ghost Dragon's Blood is a soap that definitely fits the bill. This particular formulation is with hemp oil and I applaud the great face feel with the good skin food! Superior shave also! This stuff just smells good...shave great...and feels fantastic!

I think the blade is getting a little worn so I will be pitching it before tomorrow's shave. But still ended up with a Damn Fine Shave! A couple splashes of King of Oud and man do I feel ready for the day!

The Danger Zone!!!

So more to come in the Danger Hound saga! Chauncey decided to pull out his drain tube and tear some of his back to vet he goes.

Driving to north Louisiana for work there will be plenty of time to listen to sports radio and all the local gloating of how my LSU Tigers won the SEC Championship!

It's Monday Cadre! And the Cadre ALWAYS starts the week off strong and finish strong! Have a great one TSC!
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Voskhod (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Oz Shaving Co. - Foxville
Brush: TSC 1st Anniversary Shave Brush in Timber Wolf Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Humphrey's Lavender Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Oz Shaving Co. - Foxville


With Warm and Spicy being the theme this week in the Soap and Cream Themes...this soap definitely fits the bill. It has a "dark base of oak and clove, warm mid-notes of pepper and allspice, and top notes of lime and anise." I am not sure why this is the only tub of Oz Shaving Co. because it gives a fantastic shave and fantastic post shave feel.

My neck was a little raw from yesterday so I opted to do only north and south passes and still ended up with slightly less than a DFS. Several splashes of an aftershave of the same name and I smell like autumn and Christmas all wrapped in one!

The Danger Zone!!!

Chauncey went back to the vet yesterday and the doc decided that he didn't want to re-stitch the wounds again. Most of them are healed enough that they will completely close up on their own...that is if we can keep the Danger Hound from scratching himself all to hell. Vet gave us some Collasate Spray to apply to his wounds. This creates a thick coating over the wound that keeps dirt and crud out of the wound. One of these days I will go over all the issues this Danger Hound has caused and how we bought a $1,600.00 avocado.

But that is a story for another day!

Have a great one Cadre!