The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Oh...don't get me wrong...I'm grumpy too! I just like seeing kids and people in general happy! I am not a big fan of people in general, so this is an interesting dynamic. It's kind of like me and parties. I love gatherings, but I hate people...Ironic?
People generally suck, but genuinely happy people are contagious.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (6th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Ariana & Evans - The Club - A Cold Day in Hell 2
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Generic Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Ariana & Evans - The Club - A Cold Day in Hell 2

Same shave as yesterday except I switched the brush to a synthetic. Only did a two passer today (North to South and South to North). Yesterday during mid day I felt that my face was a bit raw. Not sure how that happened. Put some moisturizer on it last night and this morning after the shave. I will apply the stated aftershave in a bit when this stuff soaks in. Pretty good shave this morning despite only two passes. Maybe just a slight notch below DFS. But it is definitely serviceable. Especially since I will have make-up on all day on account of Halloween. I'll post more about that later. At any rate...I got a ton of compliment on how I smelled yesterday. So this must be some good stuff.

The Danger Zone:

I'm not going to spoil the I will post a pic of what I am dressing up as for today. The wife did a trial run last night on the face pain and I think this is going to look great! I'll post more in a bit. Have a great day today Cadre! And I hope you make some kids heart happy today!
Razor: Schick Injector (Type E)
Blade: Schick Injector Blade (8th Shave)
Razor: Gillette Psycho Tech
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Barrister & Mann Terror
Brush: Omega Pro 49
The Penultimate Aftershave: Generic Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine American Blend


I have no idea why it has taken me so long to get around to it, but now that I have...I kind of wish I had more. @bentheduck sent me a sample of Barrister & Mann - Terror Shave Soap more then a couple months ago and I am embarrassed to say that I am finally shaving with it. The Free Week in the Soap and Cream Themes of the Month allows me this opportunity.

So I am going to preface this journal post that I am not an overly huge fan of B&M. I don't dislike the soap or the soap makers. In Fact I think the Artisan/Soap maker as a whole is a very good representative for the Wet Shaving Community. But my experiences with the sop have been pretty average at best. But let me say that I haven't even touched a B&M soap in a couple of I guess my judgement isn't fair.

The name of the soap is awesome! An homage to the the HMS Terror that searched for the Arctic Northwest Passage in 1845. It didn't end well with them. Recently (2007) Dan Simmons wrote a book about the expedition (a fictional account). My wife read the book and told me that it is one of the few books she has read that just instills utter dread in you as you read. A couple of years ago, A&E (the TV Channel not the Soap Maker) released a TV show about it. It was very well done and may be one of the best I have ever seen. I think you can get it on Netflix and Hulu if anyone is interested in it. I HIGHLY recommend it. But Back to the shave.

The scent of the soap is very pleasant. It is supposed to be Frankincense, but to be honest...I couldn't tell you exactly what it was. I could make out that it is a light spice scent...but that was it. Unfortunately, the menthol overtakes what little scent there is. But it is all good. I don't mind the way it smells anyway.

It took a little water to get the lather the way I like it...but in the end the lather was perfect.

I will say that even though the menthol smell kind of overpowers the frankincense...I love the way the soap feels. I cold sensation that builds the entire shave. It really feels nice even in the colder months.

The shave itself was mostly perfect (got a slight nick on the neck). I pulled out the Injector to knock down the weekend growth and then went another three passes with the Psyco Tech and new Feather blade. I am unsure if the quality of shave came from the soap, or if it came from the razors an blades. But man did I get a nice shave. No cleanup and one of the smoothest shaves on record. It's close I am calling it BBS-.

A healthy splash of Fine American Blend and I am feeling super smooth and super awesome! With the combination of Terror, Fine American Blend, and the Psycho Tech...I am calling this shave my American Psycho Shave!

Now I wish the soap was available...well at least Ben gave me enough for several shaves!

The Danger Zone:

Put Halloween up yesterday and left out just enough fall decorations to make the house cozy. Glad the home is back in order, even if it is just for a little while before Christmas decorations go up.

I hope the Cadre starts their week off with a bang! It's LSU-Bama Week so I will be VERY LSU all apologies! Have a great one Cadre!

Beat Bama 2.jpg
Hope you're wife is doing better. And look at you. So much manly manliness on your face it takes two razors!
Razor: Gillette Psycho Tech
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Barrister & Mann Terror
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Ante-Penultimate Aftershave: Generic Witch Hazel
The Penultimate Aftershave: A&E Shave Serum No. 3
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine American Blend


Another shave with the "Terror" that @bentheduck so graciously gave me a sample. Really digging how this soap lathers, performs, and feels. Just a really nice shave! The Psycho with the Feather blade is a winner too. I have used this setup before and not sure why I haven't used more than I have. The combination of the Ultra-Mild razor and a Super sharp blade make for a very satisfying shave. Almost perfect how the react to each other.

Today's shave isn't as close as Monday's shave...but it is better than most. So I am calling this one a win! DFS+ it is!

The Danger Zone:

UGH!!! So the cold that has been going around in these parts finally made it to my father-in-law. He has some health issues already, but they are degenerative in nature and haven't progressed in a fashion that is debilitating. The man is super active and probably gets more exercise than I do. But other than that, he is a pretty healthy person. But this cold is an especially violent virus it seems. At any rate, Monday morning the FIL woke up with a little shortness in his breath. He scheduled an appointment for his doctor later that day. Made the visit to his doc and she saw something she didn't like and admitted him to the ER there in the same building. They took a blood test to measure the oxygen saturation. Now here is where I kind of lose my mind. His O2 levels were around 50%. Now I am not a doctor or a nurse and I took Biology 101 in college a few different times. But even I know that at those levels there is something really wrong...I mean like...I think they screwed up the test. Which can be easy to do if you are getting blood from arteries versus veins. But at any rate...there was something wrong obviously and the FIL needed medical assistance. shorten the story a bit...he was transported from one ER to another by ambulance (key in @bentheduck again), received numerous tests, given several breathing treatments, administered oxygen, x-rayed, and given an MRI (not necessarily all in that order). In the end they believe that the combination of a viral infection, inflammation, the very beginning of pneumonia , and the start of Emphysema are what is causing the issues. When he got to the second ER his O2 levels were around 92% with about while being administered oxygen. I know this is still hypoxic. Anyway, so I spent the entire Monday Night/Tuesday Morning in the ER. He was admitted to the hospital and are pretty confident that he will recover without him having to take oxygen home with him. The wife was certain that the docs would find something more but so far so good. What I think is that 40 years of smoking has finally caught up with him. I love my FIL probably more than my own dad, but he is one stubborn SOB. We have been trying to get him to quit smoking for a very long time now and he just won't. I am hoping that this might open his eyes a bit.

Sorry for the doom and gloom Cadre! But I think that his prospects are good. It's hump day so let's get through the week!

Glad to read your FIL is on the mend. Mysterious illnesses in family can really drive us nuts.
Good to hear FIL is on the mend. Emphysema is an insidious thing. I too hope this is the nudge you have been looking for. Your picture reminds me of that Rudyard Kipling story of how the Elephant got his trunk. Made me smile! Have a great day!
I'm glad the old, stubborn man is going to probably be okay. First reading, I was gonna jump right to pneumonia based on the time of year and your cold, then I saw the 50% (I'm assuming oxygen ABG). Smokers are particularly vulnerable to pneumonia and bronchitis. Quitting is easier said than done, but an already generally healthy body would appreciate healthier lungs.

By the way, the wink I posted was a hint that I'll be sending you the rest of my first Terror tub. After all the huge numbers of like 5 samples I sent it, it's about half full. I'll try to get it out either Friday or Tuesday.
Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement! I'll let the old fart AKA the FIL know you guys are thinking of him.

He seems to be progressing as of last night. Breathing treatments of albuterol have gone from every four hours to every eight hours. His need for oxygen to sustain around 95% has gone down. Lungs are clearing up and he isn't losing is breath as much when he does get up. The doctors are encouraged and he may have to spend only another day in the hospital.
Either way, I am hoping his regular doctor now sends him to a pulmonologist.

The wife is still quite concerned that there is something more going on and I can't really blame her. But overall, she is less anxious about the situation in general and that is a very good thing.

Reading up on a lot of this information and the latest treatments concerning a lot of things. Plus with my own health issues I have had in the past, I kind of wish I was more in tune with science at an earlier age and possibly gone into the nursing field. There is just so much you can do in that field with various branches of medicine and wellness. Yes I know it's still Possible that I could go into that field. But it just is't practical at this time in my life.

I'm glad the old, stubborn man is going to probably be okay. First reading, I was gonna jump right to pneumonia based on the time of year and your cold, then I saw the 50% (I'm assuming oxygen ABG). Smokers are particularly vulnerable to pneumonia and bronchitis. Quitting is easier said than done, but an already generally healthy body would appreciate healthier lungs.

By the way, the wink I posted was a hint that I'll be sending you the rest of my first Terror tub. After all the huge numbers of like 5 samples I sent it, it's about half full. I'll try to get it out either Friday or Tuesday.

That is mighty nice of you Mr. Duck. Please don't feel like you have to though. But I do appreciate your generosity and your "Cadre Spirit." Thanks brother!
Good to hear the progress Don. Most frustrating thing I deal with is always being out of breath. I've never been a smoker but Pulmonary doc thought I was a long term heavy smoker and keeps encouraging me to quit :rolleyes:. The things we take for granted.......