Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (4th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Oz Shaving Company - Foxville
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Generic Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Oz Shaving Company - Foxville
Yesterday was my hotel shave. The is no pic from yesterday (sorry guys...I KNOW you ALWAYS look forward to my pictures...

). The shave is exactly as the day before yesterday with the minor exception that I changed the brush from the Stirling 24mm fan finest badger to Stirling Synthetic. Otherwise...same shave! And A great one at that. Might be the best shave that I have ever had in a hotel. Anyway...results were pretty much the same too! Maybe not quite as good. But I would give it a DFS+.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Feather Hi-Stainless (5th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Ariana & Evans - The Club - A Cold Day in Hell 2
Brush: Stirling 24mm Fan in Finest Badger
The Penultimate Aftershave: Generic Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Ariana & Evans - The Club - A Cold Day in Hell 2
On to today's shave! I picked this soap up last year and just love it. Despite the name...there is no menthol or other cooling agents in this soap. But it is a VERY complex scent that in my mind is overall kind of warning in scent. Scent notes are:
Anise, Black Pepper, Lavender, Jasmine, Midnight Lotus, Coffee, Cannabis, Juniper, Vanilla, Oakmoss and Sandalwood.
Last Year I did a detail review on this soap (which by the way if you Google "A cold day in hell 2 ariana and evans...that review is the first link that shows up...and my video review is the first video. YAY ME!!!) and if you are so inclined to read it or watch the review...you can find it at this link:
Written & Video Review: The Club (Ariana & Evans) - A Cold Day in Hell 2 - Detailed Review
At any rate...The shave was awesome! DFS for the win and I will be using it again likely for tomorrow! Several "glugs" of the aftershave with the same name and I am ready to make the people in the elevator stay far away from me and run out the door when they get to their floor!
The Danger Zone:
Nothing overly exciting going on. The wife is getting better...albeit slower than she would like. Work is plugging along. The weather right now is crappy. It's was rainy yesterday and it will remain rainy until the afternoon of Halloween. But it should be dry for the trick or treaters.
That's good...the wife and I dress up each year and pass out candy. We get a decent amount of kids in our neighborhood. And we are happy to do so. I know a lot of people complain about kids from other neighborhoods going into theirs. But Honestly...I don't care who you are...if you show up to my door step and say trick or treat or indicate in some way that you want what ever it is I am offering...you will get some. Lest year I had an older lady in a wheel chair that I gave candy to. Kids that I didn't recognize from the neighborhood got candy. We even had a kid with Trisomy 21 show up dressed as Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. I call him kid...but he was in his 20s and had a full scruff of facial hair. He put a smile on my face because he was so damn happy! This year we are putting out our teal colored pumpkin with fun little toys in them for kids who are autistic or who have certain food allergies. Realized this was a thing last year and I am totally on board with it. Can't beileive it has take me so long to do this...but I am embracing it whole heatedly! Basically what I am saying, is if you come to my house...you are getting something!
It's Hump Day Cadre! And that means we are that much closer to the weekend! Have a great one and kick some ass!