The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

I won't give up the home phone because of the better sound quality. If I'm calling out, I always use it over the cell. My parents only have cell phones now and it's a bit annoying.
Well, ours isn't like plug the phone into the wall. It's plug your phone into the router. I keep thinking an actual land line would be good for when the big one hits, but there's no one else with one to call anyway.
Excellent lime shave today, Don! I'm a little jealous. I called for jury duty Monday evening and yesterday. The first night I was told not to come in, and then my term of service was over on the second night.
DANG Don! the famous Ring Of Death so few people speak of.. congradulations Sir that is a great accomplishment and something to be proud of!

Not to worry about the heat brother Fall is almost far the best time of the year IMO.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Voskhod (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Declaration Grooming with Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche
Brush: TSC First Anniversary Brush in Timber Wolf Synthetic by Eric Sorrentino @Smattayu
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche


Another soap I would say good-bye to at the end of summer beginning of fall is Vide Poche. But I love the soap and scent too much do be rash like that. But it is more of a spring/summer scent...and lets my mind wander to the times when jasmines and gardenias are blooming. Just an amazing scent. The soap is with the very best of them. Again, right there with CBL and LNHC. I think I would put them above A&E though. The shave wasn't as good as I would like it though. But I fault the blade. I have this bowl of loose blades that is full. And Some of them might have been blades for a really long time. I normally like Voskhod for a no thought shave. But today I decided that this will be my last shave with it. To be honest...I don't know what is just below a DFS. But whatever it is...that's what I had. No worries...there is always tomorrow. Plus there were the glugs of Vide Poche aftershave afterwards! Several healthy glugs (and maybe a freshen up later) and I smell wonderful. Am I THAT guy today? We will let the folks on the elevator determine that! 🤪

The Danger Zone:

So...jury duty was interesting. The whole thing lasted just one full day. While I can honestly say that I am happy that I was able to perform my civic duty and to understand the criminal judicial process better than I did...I really don't want to experience that again. Or at least that particular or type of case. I won't get into all of it now, but I might talk about it in pieces as the days go by. In a nut shell:

  • The defendant was charged with two counts of Sexual Battery (for any of you attorneys out there interested...this is what the Louisiana statute says about Sexual Battery LA RS 14:43.1 )
  • The defendant had a history of sexual aggressiveness
  • The defendant had previously plead "No Contest" to two counts of Misdemeanor Carnal Knowledge of a Juvenile
  • The only evidence of the crime he was in court for was the victim's testimony
  • The victim testified in court...she will turn 12 next month...she was 10 at the time of the incident
  • There was a forensic interview recorded with the victim about a week after the crime was reported
  • The defendant was the victim's step-father, whom she saw every other week based on the victims mother's custody.
  • It was the victim's step-mother (married to her father) who discovered and reported the acts.
  • The defendant did not testify...which he has the right to under the 5th Amendment.

So...I know it's a lot to take in...and I purposely left out some details because it would just be too much to list here. If you have questions I am happy to answer. In the end, the jury voted 11-1 that he was guilty of both counts. We deliberated for about an hour before we all decided. The one dissenting juror actually believed the guy was guilty, but had an issue with the power that she had over a man's life. That is a question we are all asked in Voir Dire...but the magnitude hits you when you are actually in that position.

I don't know how he will be sentenced...but the minimum sentence for Sexual Battery on a person under the age of 13 is 25 years (25 -99 years) of which 25 years must be served without parole. He was convicted of two counts of Sexual Battery. The defendant was in his mid 30s and in all likelihood will die in Angola Prison..

After that somber day...yesterday...I went home and hugged and kissed my wife. I don't have kids let alone girls...but I promise you if I ever do...we will have the talk about strangers and people...even people she knows...touching in an inappropriate manner.

Please hug and love your kids today Cadre!
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That's a rough case whether you have kids or not. I've had quite a few sexually assaulted (battery isn't a thing in Texas) children as patients and it doesn't get less aggravating. I wouldn't say his punishment is complete justice, but it's as much as the law will allow. I hate people.

Edit: I really need to proofread my posts for typos
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Sorry for the rough day Don but at least it was all done in one day. A friend of mine got selected for a murder trial that lasted a full week and to make it worse the victim had a strong resemblance to his wife. He didn't sleep well for months after.

You seem pretty good about it but just be sure you talk to someone if you need it.
That's a rough case whether you have kids or not. I've had quite a few sexually assaulted (battery isn't a thing in Texas) children as patients and it doesn't get less aggravating. I wouldn't say his punishment is complete justice, but it's as much as the law will allow. I hate people.

Edit: I really need a hug
sorrier for the difficult day. I would have great trouble listening to all that no doubt came out without severe anger issues and elevated blood pressure........
Yeah...I think a lot of people would. If it's even possible to say this...but the case wasn't too messy or anymore difficult of a situation than it had to be. So it was easier (not easy by any means) to keep a level head in the situation.

Hey, Don, how's jury duty going? Are you in criminal or civil court?
It was criminal...turned out to be an Sexual Battery trial. See above for details...but thanks for asking.

That's a rough case whether you have kids or not. I've had quite a few sexually assaulted (battery isn't a thing in Texas) children as patients and it doesn't get less aggravating. I wouldn't say his punishment is complete justice, but it's as much as the law will allow. I hate people.

Edit: I really need to proofread my posts for typos
Taking a look at your backward laws... 🤪 It appears that Texas doesn't have Sexual battery laws. They are all grouped in a sexual assaultive category. It's all just differences in terminology really though. Louisiana differs from the other states in that it does not have a "Common Law" system but is considered "Civil Law." Some say that we have a system based on Napoleonic Law. That's not entirely accurate. The basis of Louisiana Law derives from French, Spanish, and even Roman law.

And you are right...his punishment isn't complete justice...but I can live with him dying in prison. Stay dry over there...I hear you are getting some nasty weather.

That would be a tough one Don. A chronic offender. As a parent would be hard to hear a case like that and would probably need a little therapy afterward. (Or a trip to the range)
I'll take the trip to the range. I have no interest in talking with someone about how I think all sexual predators need to get theirs.

Sorry for the rough day Don but at least it was all done in one day. A friend of mine got selected for a murder trial that lasted a full week and to make it worse the victim had a strong resemblance to his wife. He didn't sleep well for months after.

You seem pretty good about it but just be sure you talk to someone if you need it.
I appreciate the thought. I spent about six or seven years working on investigations involving human trafficking of juveniles and other crimes against children, including child pornography. I'm not going to say that it is ever easy. But I think I have been a little desensitized to certain circumstances, so I was able to keep a level head of the situation. That doesn't mean I am indifferent to theses situations...just the opposite. I feel very passionate about victims seeing some type of justice.

Thank you for sharing Don. Not that there is extra money floating around, but I think they really could use some kind of debrief for the jury after cases. If for nothing else than a 10 min, here's how you might feel and some things to think about.
I think that would be a great idea for most people. This case wasn't overly messy...if that is really a it didn't get too graphic. But still, there were people on the jury that were fathers or mothers. I think we all can relate in some way.

Thank you all for reading and commenting!
That's some intense stuff @dangerousdon. Sounds like the right thing happened, hard as it is to have to hear about it and be the one to make the decision. Without getting graphic, I'm sure a more personal form of justice will be served when he's in Angola.
I think you and I are on the same wavelength! Thanks for the comment!
Nice shave.

Glad that case was quickly over. Talk about unpleasant! Having worked with some individuals who were on terms similar to the offender’s side of things, I think the right choice was made.