Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Voskhod (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: CBL Premium Shave Soap - Ghost Lime
Brush: TSC First Anniversary Brush in Timber Wolf Synthetic by Eric Sorrentino @Smattayu
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Avon - Island Lime
I saw
@Dave in KY shave with the
@CBLSoap.com Ghost Lime yesterday and thought to myself, "Self, I need to shave with that tomorrow!" So, Here I am...shaving with Ghost Lime today! Ghost lime is more of a summertime scent that maybe some of you will say good-bye to, keeping with this week's shave theme. But in this household...NEVER. Ghost lime will stick through the cooler season (if it ever gets here...so far, this September has been a record September for us with temps above 90 everyday so far...most closer to 100). Anyway...we all know how Ghost Lime performs...excellent if I may add...so I won't go into incredible detail here. Just know that I performed three passes with ease and no thought...and ended up with a DFS+. Avon Island Lime is my faves in the Lime After Shave department. This one has the best longevity of any lime aftershave I have tried and smells great too! While there is substantial longevity to the scent, it doesn't over project, which is fantastic for me since I will be sitting in close proximity to several people all day to day. So more about this below.
The Danger Zone:
Yup...Jury Duty again today. What's different from today than yesterday? Well today I am an actual Juror. Being in the deep south, I am currently conjuring images of Atticus Finch standing in front of a jury in To Kill a Mockingbird...
But it's probably going to more like My Cousin Vinny...

At any rate...yesterday's selection process was incredibly long and incredibly boring! And at about 5:15 PM...I was selected as Juror Number 12. Hey...I told them everything! Where I work at...that I used to work for State Police...that I know a lot of law enforcement...that my wife is an attorney...all the stupid stuff my brother used to do...I told them of the twisted relationship that
@NurseDave and
@GearNoir have...wait...what was that last part?

All this and they still wanted me. Oh well...no issue here...I still get paid from my work...so the only I am missing today is a little time to get some reports in. At least I didn't get selected to be one of the Alternates...poor saps have to sit through everything that I do and don't have a say...

. All this being said...despite it being a long day and most of it boring. It is interesting to see the judicial process at work. Hey, I know a lot of attorneys that have never seen the inside of the courtroom. Won't be online today folks...no phones in the courtroom.
It's Hump Day! Kick some serious Ass Cadre!