The Shaving Cadre

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Welcome to the Danger Zone!

It’s a good thing they don’t serve jury duty notices in person by deputy ‘round these parts cuz when I opened the door and saw good old Barney Fife standing there I’d ...well i’d quickly turn and face the door with my hands up and yell out, “caught me copper, tell ‘em down at the jail I fought hard, I don’t wanna look like a sissy”. I’ve been called a number of times but am usually dismissed the night before, i’ve Only had to show up to court once and didn’t get picked then. I’ve provided professional testimony ore than I’ve been called for service.

I would like to have seen a deputy do the YMCA dance before handing you the jury duty summons though...
Some great shaves, Don. The personal touch to the jury duty summons is pretty wild. I got my first jury duty summons a few weeks ago, and am scheduled to be there next Monday.
I have had jury duty summons 4 times. 3 time i had to actually go in. of those i was cut in the first group. the last one i was in the final group before the official jury was selected and the guy ended up making a plea deal and we were sent home.
I served on a jury this past spring. Civil court. We all took the responsibility very seriously, I think because we all imagined what it would be like to be a defendant or plaintiff. Truthfully, in reality it felt like a privilege to serve, and we all left confident we had delivered a just verdict.
Thanks guys for all the comments! I have to call in the day before. But I totally expect to have to go in. I also totally expect to be let go on the first day also.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Wizamet Super Iridium Extra Stainless (4th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Mystic Water - Coconut Sandalwood
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments -Platinum

Back to Coconut Sandalwood again. Partly because I love this soap, but mostly because I am really trying to use it up. Not sure why I feel the need suddenly to use up some soaps...but I do. This one is nearing the end. There is a substantial size "ring of death" at the bottom and if I had to guess I probably have between 10 and 15 shaves with it left. Which means that it might last for another year as my rotation is sporadic. But I think I am going to make an effort at using up some of my soap...maybe not a lot of them. I have some Sudsy Soapery stuff that I really want to finish off. Not that I don't like the product...because I certainly do! I am just not as high on it as I used to be (with the exception of a couple of there soaps I have). There are some others in there also. Not sure...but I think I am going to dedicate four shaves a week to using up a soap I have and then mix the other days up with something different.

Three passes today guys like the other days. DFS today and some healthy splashes of Fine Platinum and I am good to go for the day!

The Danger Zone:

The prison interview went on without a hitch. The witness was a Spanish speaker and we had to use an interpreter. The ride to the interview was refreshing as I got to hear the life story of my interpreter. In a nut shell, she lived a very privileged life in Cuba, but when the Communist Revolution happened she fled and came to the US. in the early 60s. She lost all of her families wealth when she came here and ended up working jobs that paid very little. She went to LSU at night and paid her way through college and received a Masters Degree in International Languages. Met her husband (who is not Cuban or Hispanic) and she said that he came from very meager means. They both put in hard work and he has a business now and she is a consultant and contractor for the state, a few of the judicial districts, and some other entities. From our conversation I gathered that she is extremely proud to be an American and loves this country of ours despite all the issues or perceived issues we have. I just thought her story was VERY inspiring. Wish I could share all the details. But what I found the most interesting is that she lived the American Dream! It's just a nice reminder that the philosophy and the concept of the American Dream is still alive in some!

I's Hump Day Cadre! Let's make today a special one!
It is a good story. Thank you for sharing Don. But what I think is getting lost here is that she went to LSU and you let her talk about something other than college football. :unsure:
Sorry...sometimes I actually want to talk about something else...I know...the horror!
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Wizamet Super Iridium Extra Stainless (5th Shave)
Soap/Cream: The Sudsy Soapery in collaboration with Chatillon Lux - Lemon Rose Chypre
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: The Sudsy Soapery in collaboration with Chatillon Lux - Lemon Rose Chypre


John @JWS VII inspired me to use this soap today. So here it is! I was given this set in the Christmas Gift Exchange last year by another Don @Quijote. Haven't seen him on here lately and I always wonder what the Cadre is doing...even those we haven't seen in a while. At any rate...I wasn't sure about this scent at first but after my first use I fell in love with it. It's a citrus (lemon forward), woody, and light floral scent. It's a subdued way...if that makes any sense. At any's a nice sophisticated scent. Which is interesting, because Sudsy Soapery is known more fore their simplicity than sophistication. My guess it's the Chatillon Lux influence. But this scent is simple and sophisticated. It's just nice in my book. The performance on this soap is extraordinary! Once Sudsy Soapery went to tallow based soap...their stuff went from really good to super good! It just produces a very rich luxurious lather that you can make super thick if you like...or super slick. Either's way up there with how it makes my face feel after the shave. The splash of the same name is pretty good too, but holy cow...there is A LOT of menthol in it. Which I was surprised to see, because that wasn't something I was expecting from Sudsy Soapery. If I had a complaint about this would be the aftershave. It has a lot of good stuff in it for your skin. But as is pretty oil heavy. I am blessed with pretty neutral skin...not really oily and rarely dry. But if you a guy with some oily skin...this aftershave might not be for you.

Anyway...three passes and I am feeling good and smelling good!

The Danger Zone:

The wife and I met up for coffee at lunch yesterday and we both started chatting about our work. She was able to provide some legal insight about some stuff that is going on at my work. I am around and work with attorneys all day. A lot of our friends are attorneys. Now...I know I am a bit biased...but man, my wife is just wicked smart. Not only does she know her stuff (and my stuff too, evidently), but she is able to break things down to core elements and explain them to either professionals that know everything about it...or to lay people that know nothing about it. Like I said...she's my wife and I am a bit biased...but I have mad respect for my wife.

Thursday is upon us Cadre...put forth your best foot and the other one will follow!

I's Hump Day Cadre! Let's make today a special one!
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Awesome shave Don! LRC is some good stuff--your praise of it is what inspired me to give it a try! I do agree with your thoughts on the AS being on the oily side. Definitely one that requires a good hand wipe/wash after use. It also needs a really good shake before use. However, my skin just loves it for some reason. I think it will be really nice this winter when things get really dry and cold. I also love the menthol blast, surprising and refreshing.

Mad respect to your wife! Lawyers are great, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I'm not biased either... 🤪
Lawyers are great, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
The funny thing is...a lot of attorneys I deal with in the adversarial portion of my job are not always great or even good attorneys. Some of them I just down right loath. It's funny how much borderline unethical stuff they can get away with. Like I said...I am not an attorney myself. But being around good ones and bad's easy to figure out which are the bad ones!
Wives are literally the other half of a successful marriage and household. I hang out with attorneys all day long too so I completely understand.
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue(New Blade)
Soap/Cream: The Sudsy Soapery in collaboration with Chatillon Lux - Lemon Rose Chypre
Brush: Stirling 24mm Fan in Best Badger
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: The Sudsy Soapery in collaboration with Chatillon Lux - Lemon Rose Chypre

Liked yesterday's shave so much that I decided to do it again! Despite what is actually in the pic from yesterday...I did shave with a synthetic. I got out of the shower and forgot to soak the I opted for the synthetic. I actually used the badger. Man is that brush a lather hog. I also changed up the blade. I was feeling like letting a good thing go and pitched the Wizamet and grabbed the first thing I touched out of my bowl of assorted blades! Gillette Silver Blue it was. The shave was good...great lather and scent as I described yesterday. DFS for the win today gents. Damn Fine Shave!

The Danger Zone:

We had an emergency yesterday at work. One of the girls on my side of the office was having a breathing issue and then started to grasp for air. She was taken to the hospital and all is well. Turns out she had an allergic reaction to something. We are not sure what exactly. But this morning's commentary is not necessarily about her...but the reaction of my co-workers. First of all...there were some people who immediately knew that they were supposed to do something. Then there were others that just stood around and got in the way. Then there were others who made it well known that they had no idea what to do and oh my god the world was going to end. This is inexcusable in my opinion. About four of us tended to the girl who was in distressed. One person stayed with the girl and reassured her...held her hand...what have you. Another person was looking for the girls medications, observing environmental factors, checking times, observing the person in distress for useful information. All while this was going on, someone was calling emergency services (911). Then I went downstairs (we are on the 10th floor) and waited for the Fire Department/EMS to get there so I could show them where exactly they needed to go. I ended up having to do this for the Fire...Police...and EMS. All that being said. There were people huddling around, getting in the way, and crowding. Like I said...all turned out well...but I absolutely hate these reactions. If you don't know what to do...or if you can't keep a level head. Then get the hell out of the way. We are all interested in what is going on...but come on people, this is an actual person who is in need of life saving treatment!

One more rant...when the fire department arrived (four of them) all got in the elevator. Then the elevator stopped on the second floor. The doors open and this person stepped in with some plate lunches in her hands. She turns to me and asks if I can hit the 7th floor button for her. I looked at her and told her that these gentlemen where on their way up for a medical emergency. She said, "oh." We proceed to the 10th floor and then I hut the button for her. COME ON!!! If I saw a group of firemen on an elevator with all their bags and other equipment...there is no way in hell I am getting on. I would think that those guys are trying to get somewhere to help someone out! Are you kidding me! What is wrong with people today!

Sorry for the rant today gents. It is just ridiculous in my opinion how people react. If you don't have the skills or confidence to take action in a situation...I get it. But stay the hell out of the way and don't make it harder for those who are doing something!

It's Friday YO! And I am ready for the Weekend! Some good football games on this weekend...not from my Tigers though...unfortunately we have a rent-a-win. But there are other games on! Get this day done in typical Cadre fashion. Looking good, smelling good, and feeling good!