The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Oh man, you went there and got all gushy. A range of emotions going on down there. If it’s like here, we get a week of fall and then winter for months ... and months.
This tub actually came from @ShawnF when the first edition of Coconut Sandalwood was released. I was going through a rough patch and Shawn...being the amazing person he is (pst...don't tell anyone else...I hear he is trying to portray some tough guy image) sent me this tub along with some other much needed items. I have got to know Shawn a little bit over the past few years. Wish I was in a position to know him even better. But knowing Shawn a little makes me appreciate what he did for me all the more. Not sure if I ever told him that. Guess cat is out of the bag now...right? Sorry guys. Didn't intend to get all gushy like that. I just started typing it all came out.
So "Dangerous" Don is gushing, see we all screw up occasionally. 😜

I know you appreciate it, so no worries brother. (y)
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Wizamet Super Iridium Extra Stainless (New Blade)
Soap/Cream: Mystic Water - Coconut Sandalwood
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - Platinum

Well it seems that I would need more than a week to kill off this soap. So instead of my best Mortal Kombat move...I am doing my best Mortal Kombat fail. But can I really fail when All I do is... now that's in my head! But judge me too harshly on the song. It's like super catchy! But that is how I feel when I use Mystic Water Soap! Especially Coconut Sandalwood! Slapped in my last new Wizamet blade that @bentheduck sent me...and it was smooth sailing from there on out! Three passes and the super slick super smooth combo is a finishing move unto itself! A splash of platinum and man...downtown Baton Rouge watch out! That's where I work. Nothing special really there. It's just a bunch of office buildings with normal people. It's not like party district or anything with scantily clad women. Besides wife would not be happy. And you wouldn't like her when she is unhappy. I don't like here when she is unhappy. And...well...I am kind of afraid of her... 🤪 . But I digest...mmm...digestion. A few healthy glugs of fine platinum and the universe is aligned!

The Danger Zone:

Big game this weekend for LSU who plays the Texas Longhorns in Austin. Both teams are top ten and LSU has a bit of a new offensive plan going. There is a lot of excitement and a lot of buzz going around Southern Louisiana. Everyone is expecting BIG improvements this year and so far everything is looking to be a great year!

It's Friday YO! Get what you gotta get done and enjoy the weekend!
