The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Wizamet Super Iridium Extra Stainless (7th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Stirling - Triumph
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Stirling - Triumph


I apologize for not shaving sooner. 🤪 Just been on the go with work these last few days. But I wanted to make sure that Stirling Triumph made it into Top Shelf week! This scent is knocking on the door of my favorite scent (at least in my den)...Vide Poche. I have gushed about Triumph before...and I will do it again. The citrus, earth, water, floral components work incredibly well together! It is just an incredible scent to me.

I am continually impressed with this Wizamet blade that @bentheduck gave me. The proclaimers are right, (and not the I would walk 500 miles proclaimers), this blade is every bit as smooth...if not smoother...than the Polsilver...and it might have better longevity. Typically by my fourth shave, I realize that a blade is done. Today I just shaved off two days' worth of growth like it was nothing. I am interested to see how long this guy lasts.

Four passes this morning gents (I snuck...yeah I know it's not a real word... in an additional WtG pass an account of the thick beard), and my face is as smooth as an autumn decorative squash...wait...that's not right. No, My face is about as smooth as they get! A few splashes of the good stuff...and I am feeling great (despite my lack of sleep...I'll get to that in a second). A DFS++ and I am feeling very Invictus this morning!

The Danger Zone:

I was so happy that College Football was on last night. Stayed up even for the Utah game... Chad @Cvargo would be proud. Well I stayed up until the game was in hand (fourth quarter I think). Seriously though...why did they have to start that game well after 9 PM? Yeah, I was about 7 PM in Utah...but seriously...start that thing at like 5 PM Utah time...I don't care if people are getting off of work then. 🤪

The father-in-law asked me if I can help him change his breaks tomorrow morning. What can I say...well I can't tell him no. I don't have an issue helping him...but it's going to be a several hour affair. Yeah I know...break pads shouldn't take that long on four wheels. First of don't know my father-in-law. Secondly, he asked ME to help him out! I am very capable of changing out break pads...but I am notoriously slow at doing any kind of mechanical labor. Even when I am trying to be fast! I informed him that I would be happy...but we need to start the task by 7 AM so that we can be done by 11. ;)

It's a great day Cadre! Let's represent wet shavers all around and give this world a "what to!"
Great shave Don and yeah the Wizamet's are Stellar blades and are getting popular again reflecting a big jump i price (DOUBLED) since I bought my 125 blades. Have good day Don !
You ain't kidding! I just checked the Bay of E and man...they want a fortune for those things! Thanks @bentheduck for introducing a blade that I love now and will never get... :) .
The game kicked off at 8:25PM our time! Then with the lightning delay. I got to bed at 12:45. Had to be to work at 6AM. ROUGH Day ahead. Going to try and leave early and get a nap in before my game tonight.

BUT GO UTES!!!! 9 in a row!
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Wizamet Super Iridium Extra Stainless (7th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Stirling - Triumph
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Stirling - Triumph

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I apologize for not shaving sooner. 🤪 Just been on the go with work these last few days. But I wanted to make sure that Stirling Triumph made it into Top Shelf week! This scent is knocking on the door of my favorite scent (at least in my den)...Vide Poche. I have gushed about Triumph before...and I will do it again. The citrus, earth, water, floral components work incredibly well together! It is just an incredible scent to me.

I am continually impressed with this Wizamet blade that @bentheduck gave me. The proclaimers are right, (and not the I would walk 500 miles proclaimers), this blade is every bit as smooth...if not smoother...than the Polsilver...and it might have better longevity. Typically by my fourth shave, I realize that a blade is done. Today I just shaved off two days' worth of growth like it was nothing. I am interested to see how long this guy lasts.

Four passes this morning gents (I snuck...yeah I know it's not a real word... in an additional WtG pass an account of the thick beard), and my face is as smooth as an autumn decorative squash...wait...that's not right. No, My face is about as smooth as they get! A few splashes of the good stuff...and I am feeling great (despite my lack of sleep...I'll get to that in a second). A DFS++ and I am feeling very Invictus this morning!

The Danger Zone:

I was so happy that College Football was on last night. Stayed up even for the Utah game... Chad @Cvargo would be proud. Well I stayed up until the game was in hand (fourth quarter I think). Seriously though...why did they have to start that game well after 9 PM? Yeah, I was about 7 PM in Utah...but seriously...start that thing at like 5 PM Utah time...I don't care if people are getting off of work then. 🤪

The father-in-law asked me if I can help him change his breaks tomorrow morning. What can I say...well I can't tell him no. I don't have an issue helping him...but it's going to be a several hour affair. Yeah I know...break pads shouldn't take that long on four wheels. First of don't know my father-in-law. Secondly, he asked ME to help him out! I am very capable of changing out break pads...but I am notoriously slow at doing any kind of mechanical labor. Even when I am trying to be fast! I informed him that I would be happy...but we need to start the task by 7 AM so that we can be done by 11. ;)

It's a great day Cadre! Let's represent wet shavers all around and give this world a "what to!"
Ya made it Don, it’s Friday! Hope you were able to wrap everything up nice and purdy at work!

Good luck with the mechanical stuffs. :eek:
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Razor: Schick Injector (Type E)
Blade: Schick Injector Blade (5th Shave)

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Wizamet Super Iridium Extra Stainless (8th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Stirling - Weekend in Malibu
Brush: TSC 1st Anniversary Brush in Timber Wolf Synthetic by Eric Sorrentino by @Smattayu
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Stirling - Week end in Malibu


Well I goofed. I thought this was the week for Scents of Summer instead of Mortal Kombat week. OOPS! Well I will just extend the Mortal Kombat week for myself since I did a scents of summer shave today. Anyway...had an absolute fantastic shave this morning with Weekend in Malibu by Stirling. It amazes me how good this soap performs and smells. This is definitely a winner for me. I know it was a limited release soap and aftershave. But I am hoping that Stirling will have it again by the time I run out. Whenever that will be... :sneaky: . Since my Lazy Day Shave yesterday consisted of no shave at all...I had substantial growth to clear. Pulled out the Injector for the brush cutting (first pass) and used the Progress for the final three. Results? Super Smooth BBS on everything except the little pits on either side of my Adam's Apple. Super splashes of the aftershave of the same name (forgot to mention there may have been some Mammoth Painting as well as an homage to @Bill in Oneida ) and man I am smelling like a fresh bloomed water lily!

The Danger Zone:

How did it go? Does the car still stop?

You mean after he ran into the tree? 😜 Yeah..his breaks work fine.

The weekend wasn't as restful as I wanted, but can't do nothing about that now. But it was glorious as there were college football games all weekend! But now I am ready for more substantial games to watch. Next weekend should prove to be a better day for competitiveness! The wife had her aunt and uncle come in from out of town. I am sure she told me this weeks ago...but honestly I don't remember. So a lot of what "I" wanted to do...turned in to what "THEY" wanted to do. No biggie...I just need another weekend to relax. Good thing it is a short week this week. We cooled off here for a couple of weeks (lower 90s), but we are back up to near 100 all this week. WILL FALL EVER GET HERE!!!! This is why I scoff and mock those who don't like winter!

My heart goes out to those affected by Hurricane Dorian. That this was a beast of a storm and still is. I know I am...but I hope you all say a prayer or send supportive vibes to those already and those who will be involved.

I hope the Cadre has an absolute wonderful Tuesday!
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Wizamet Super Iridium Extra Stainless (9th Shave)
Soap/Cream: Mystic Water - Coconut Sandalwood
Brush: Stirling 24 mm Fan Finest Badger
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine Accouterments - Platinum


I am finally in accord with the directives that I assigned to myself. What? Only one cup of coffee down the hatch so the riboflavin, pantothenic acid, manganese, potassium, magnesium, niacin, and...oh yeah...the CAFFEINE hasn't started working yet! 🤪 Anyway, yesterday I did a "Best Scents of Summer" shave and realized I was supposed to be playing Mortal Kombat with my soap. So I am back on track this morning...and with a good one too! I definitely have the ring of death on my Mystic Water Coconut Sandalwood tub going here. I mean it only took three years to get to this point. This tub actually came from @ShawnF when the first edition of Coconut Sandalwood was released. I was going through a rough patch and Shawn...being the amazing person he is (pst...don't tell anyone else...I hear he is trying to portray some tough guy image) sent me this tub along with some other much needed items. I have got to know Shawn a little bit over the past few years. Wish I was in a position to know him even better. But knowing Shawn a little makes me appreciate what he did for me all the more. Not sure if I ever told him that. Guess cat is out of the bag now...right? Sorry guys. Didn't intend to get all gushy like that. I just started typing it all came out.

Back to the shave! The soap works how I like it...AWESOME! I think the blade is finally petering out on me. But I think I am going to give it the rest of the week to see how much sharpness is going on this blade. Nine shaves with a blade for me is really something...I normally pitch a blade by the fourth or fifth shave. Three passes, a glug or two of aftershave...and I have a DFS!

The Danger Zone:

Not really a lot going on here. It's hot outside...I mean really hot! We are having some of our hottest temps all summer. The wife has started pulling down the fall and Halloween decorations and staging them in areas for quick and easy retrieval. I think she is hoping that cosmos will understand her intentions and desires and that cooler weather and fall will be ushered in by the presence of pumpkins, decorative squashes, and Spooky Town! I hope she is right...because this heat...I am just over it. Still want to find a mountain in GA, TN, or KY and live on top of it.

Don't let my concern for the heat bring you down! Have a fantastic day Cadre!
I think you just need to get rid of your grass, and any flowers or anything else you have in your yard. Then you can just live in your A/C house, drive your A/C car to your A/C job and stop at the A/C store on your way home. Problem solved. Unless you enjoy fresh air or anything.