Dave in KY
Shave Newbie
As a Top Nurse, you'd think he knows the difference of Poison and Venom...........Feel free to chastise himNo spiders are poisonous!

As a Top Nurse, you'd think he knows the difference of Poison and Venom...........Feel free to chastise himNo spiders are poisonous!
Meant to say this earlier. Tried taking a few pics...but the camera wouldn't pick them up. It kept blending into the background so the spider was always out of focus.What.. no pics?
The funny thing is...Golden Orb spiders tend to leave most things alone. Just don't walk right into one while not paying attention...they may not bite....but I would do some silly girlie dance!All I know is what word to use would be my last concern if my hand started swelling to the size of a basketball and turning black!
Donald? Who is this Donald that you speak of?Awesome shave and pic Donald
Donald...Donald JuanDonald? Who is this Donald that you speak of?
End of the month fuss again?! I feel like it was just end of the month a month ago! Days are flying by!Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Wizamet Super Iridium Extra Stainless (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Mystic Water - Windjammer (In a Stick)
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Shulton Old Spice
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Today's shave is brought to you by the phrase, "Easy Peasy." Because that is how I felt. Today's shave was a no nonsense, no hassle, no trouble, super easy, and super smooth shave. It was almost effortless. The @Mystic Water Windjammer in a stick made for one of my slickest shaves that I have ever had. And the Wizamet blade given by @bentheduck is quickly becoming my favorite blade! The super slick and incredible post shave feel in the Windjammer scent produced a three pass DFS++ or possibly BBS on 85% of my face.
Windjammer is an Old Spice type scent so what better way to finish off my shave with a couple splashes of Vintage Old Spice after shave! I am feeling frisky enough that I will likely apply some Vintage Old Spice cologne as well!
The Danger Zone:
Not much to report on the home front except it's the end of the month and work is a bear again. However, I am feeling less stressed and pressured than I generally am. I have one case that needs to get done by the end of the month (technically it can wait another month, but the boss wants it in by the end of next week anyway). After this case, I might actually be sitting pretty with my case load as I will only have one case left that prescribes this year.
It's Tuesday Cadre...so let's get after it!
Sounds like a pretty good go with the Feather, even with the blood loss! Send some of that storming this way man!Razor: Feather SS Clone
Blade: Feather Professional AC Proguard (New Blade)
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Wizamet Super Iridium Extra Stainless (3rd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Mystic Water - Coconut Sandalwood
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
The Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Peach Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Fine - Platinum
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Excited to use my @Mystic Water Coconut Sandalwood today! Yes...it is THAT Coconut Sandalwood! I have had this soap from the beginning and it will likely continue to stay in my den. This soap produces one of the slickest lathers of all my soaps and today was no exception. Stupid slick! The scent is one of my favorites also. The smell of beach without it being overwhelmingly sun tan oil. Just smells like tropical fun!
Today I also pulled out John's @The Monkey Feather SS Clone that he is graciously loaning the Cadre to test out! I have always wondered about a straight style AC type razor and today I got my shot. I decided to use a guarded blade as I am prone to going in hot with a straight! You today was no exception. I pretty much did a full WtG pass and a 2nd XtG pass with the SS Clone. All in all I think it went fairly well. I did say I have a propensity to come in hot with a straight. Yup...I proved that you can cut yourself with a guarded blade! Caught the right side of my chin as I was trying to shave my neck. I will say that there was very little blood...but it is sore as hell. I guess it is more of a blunt trauma wound than an acute laceration. Not sure...not a doctor...I just think I am. Mr. @bentheduck will have to do a street-side diagnosis and then rush me to the hospital in his Wee Woo Box (after charging me $3,000), and then @NurseDave can tell me to fill out a bunch of forms and wait three hours before the doc can see me.
I finished off the rest of the shave with a Merkur and the Wizamet and ended up with a super smooth shave! Splash of Peach witch hazel here...and a dash of Fine Platinum there...and I feel like today just might not be so bad!
The Danger Zone:
We have been getting rain pretty much everyday for the better part of a couple weeks now. Most days it's just the afternoon summer storm variety. But it has been enough to prohibit me from mowing the yard. The grass is getting so tall that my dogs don't want to get off the patio to do their...umm...dutydoodie...for fear of a bladae of grass tickling their hind side. I might just have to get out and actually push mow my yard instead of bringing out the Buba the Zero Turn.
I could do that Don. Or if you were part of our health plan, you could just take a pic of your wound and include it in an email to your doc that would get a same day response so you can relax at home. Or schedule a phone call visit so you could hear the empathy (or laughing) as you told your tale.![]()
Pretty much what I thought. To be clear, the video visits where not through my regular doctor but something done through my group benefits plan. I think it was a $45 copay as opposed to my $25 office visit. But honestly, I am really loyal to my Nurse Practitioner for stuff like that. I would rather go to her anyway.Hmm, well now I'm curious. I know we have no charge for emailing for advice, changes etc. And phone call appointments are free. I don't know about video visits. Seems odd for it to cost more since you're saving them the costs of registration and taking up a room.