Wow! The past few days have been a bit crazy. I really don't want to go into extreme detail, but here is what happened.
A little back story for those who don't know. In 2016 in the area I live in just outside Baton Rouge, we experienced an unprecedented event. We had a storm that covered most of the state of Louisiana and just kind of stalled over us. We had about 30 inches of rain in about 36 hours. To give you an idea...this no named storm dumped about three times the rain as Hurricane Katrina did in 2005. Needless to say...almost 150,000 homes in southern Louisiana flooded. Mine was one of them. We had between five and four feet of water in our house. If want to read more about the nuts an bolts of is a link:
2016 Louisiana floods - Wikipedia
Fast forward to Thursday. I got in my Truck and drove to work like any other Thursday. I work in the Downtown Baton Rouge area which sits right on the Mississippi River. It also has the best drainage system in the area. When I got downtown...there was a bout two feet of water in the roads and some of the buildings had water in them. The roads were all blocked with cars that couldn't move or were flooded out. I called my boss and he said to go home. Don't have to tell me twice.
When I got home everything was good for a while. Another thing to note is that in my subdivision (and believe me...I didn't plan it this way), my mother and my in-laws live here also. Went to check on my in-laws and quickly realized that something was wrong. They have a pretty large back yard for a subdivision and there back yard does have a pretty steep grade for a yard. My mother's house is the same way. But yeah, what I saw gave me immediate flash backs to 2016. The water was rising and was up to the patio of my in-laws house. I ran over to my mother's house (she wasn't home) and the situation was much the same except that her water was half way up her patio. I watched the water for a few moments and realized that while it was moving was still moving. I began to move important things to her attic, and try to find high places for other things. When I was done with that...the water had approached the foundation of the house. I was in complete freak out mode.
I went to my house and we were dry and had no indication of flooding. But that was what happened last time to. All the water we received from the storm couldn't drain out into the rivers and streams and so it washed back. I was very concerned that this was going to happen again. The was packing clothes in backpacks and getting the dogs ready while I was tending to her parents and my home. the problem is our subdivision only has one way in and one way out...and it had about three feet of water on it. So we had to wait.
In the end all was well. Everything drained and the sun came out and today I have to mow my yard like nothing ever happened. But I tell you what. My wife and I are now having serious conversations if we want to live here anymore or not. I understand, no matter where you go, there is always going to be an issue. Weather patterns are it El Nino, call it climate change, call it global warming, or just believe it is cyclical weather patterns. The weather is changing. There are places that have seen weather patterns that they haven't seen historically. Plus the build up of residential and commercial construction contributes to incredible run-off. Either wife and I are talking about where we should move or not. It will really depend on her ability to find a job or not. Since she is the one that has to be licensed in a state. And taking the Bar Exam is no easy task.
Anyway...all is well. We took Friday and Yesterday to kind of regroup and relax. Finally got to see Avengers: End Game yesterday and that was a good three hours thinking on nothing.
Anyway...I missed a few shaves in the soap themes. I will try to make those up in the Free Week. Posting a couple pics of the back yards...and just to give you a reference...on both of those yards...those are eight foot pickets on the back fence. Oh...and according to the weather dud on TV...on Thursday, we received about 10 inches of rain that day...Eight of the inches was received in about the span of an hour and a half. Now that is just crazy!