The Shaving Cadre

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Welcome to the Danger Zone!

Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Ladas (2nd Shave)
Soap/Cream: Declaration Grooming (with Icarus base) in collaboration with Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche
Brush: Stirling Synthetic with Pro Handle
Penultimate Aftershave: Thayers Coconut Witch Hazel
The Ultimate Aftershave: Chatillon Lux - Vide Poche

Sorry I have been absent for the past couple of days. Work hit me upside my head like a bag of nickles. I'll talk more about that later I guess. Keeping with this week's Theme of "Stop and Smell the Flowers," I can't think of a better soap to use than Vide Poche! With Geranium, Lavender, Honeysuckle, and Freesia...this soap is packed full of flowers. It's no wonder that that this is my favorite soap ad aftershave combination. It's just a great scent. The performance of the soap is no slouch either. That Icarus base that DG uses is no joke. Other than CBL Premium Soap or Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations newest version...this soap base is heads and shoulders above the rest. I used to think that the Ladas blades were a really sharp blade. But only my second shave in...I felt some tugging and pulling already. I could have dulled it that much after my first shave...after all I had four days of growth. It's possible. But it is likely a blade that got through quality control. No biggie...I have hundreds or thousands of other blades to try. So in the bin it will go. Of course the follow up to a pretty decent shave was the celebratory glugs of Vide Poche aftershave. Actually I shouldn't say glugs at all with this stuff. If there is an aftershave that I take it easy's this one. Because I know...when it's's gone. Still, my splashes are probably more liberal than most others. mark me down for a DFS today!

The Danger Zone:

The wife is recovering from her cold which hit her harder than I have seen in just a common cold. She is still coughing but as with most sicknesses with chest congestion, the cough can linger for a while. But I am glad she is getting better because I hate to see her that bad off. If it wasn't for the fact that she wasn't running a fever...I would have thought that she had the flu. Still, glad she is getting better.

Work slammed me harder than it ever has before. It started last week and by Monday I was in total freak out mode. I would love to get in to the particular office dynamics that are making things increasingly difficult to be productive...but even though TSC is a small corner of the is still the internet where gossip is exchanged like gold. But needless to say...I was having a difficult time. I had three cases I had to finish up and while I worked hard and intensely, the first two reports were finished with ease. The last case...OMG! I woke up yesterday morning in a panic not knowing if I could actually complete the report. There was other information I needed. I got to work yesterday and put my head down and started the grind. A few phone calls, a couple recorded statements, some emails, and even a fax or two...and it's done. And with a couple hours to spare. Except the boss asks a couple of questions and I know there are a couple other things I need. Back to the computer. More emails, phone calls, and typing away...I got it done in just the nick of time.

Yesterday was exhausting, and to make matters worse I picked up a cough. I think I may have caught my wife's cold. No time to stop though. I have to go and interview someone today. Taking whatever I can to just get through the day. I am even taking Oregano Oil. I have no idea if it is going to work or not...but the sis-in-law swears by it. She is usually right about these things so I am sticking to it...along with my usual stuff. Just have to get through the day.

It is Wednesday and that traditionally means that it is Hump Day! I hope the Cadre has a wonderful day! We are almost there guys!
Sounds rough Don. I’ve always found it interesting that it sounds like you have tight deadlines when one would think something like an investigation sets it own timeline. Hope the viruses don’t keep you down. But at least maybe your burps will smell like pizza.
I’ve always found it interesting that it sounds like you have tight deadlines when one would think something like an investigation sets it own timeline.

So we have prescription periods that are hard deadlines. When my agency receives a complaint and they decide to send it to investigations, my agency has one year to either file charges of close the file. So if the attorneys sit on the complaint, or there are other complications, that cuts into the investigation time. Also, at any given time I have anywhere between nine and 12 cases. I have other usually also, but they are smaller ones that usually just require me to make a few phone calls. Anyway...if any of my cases take longer than normal, or I mis manage my time, or a litany of other decreases the amount of time I have to complete the investigations. In the case of this months work....there was a lot going on. The cases didn't get to me until late, and I thought I had more time to complete them than I did. Plus some other things I won't go into, just in case the big bosses are reading... 🤪. But there are a lot of reasons for me being up against the wall. Some are my fault...and others are not. I have a plan so that this shouldn't happen that often. But once I get to a point that I think I am good...something else happens.

But at least maybe your burps will smell like pizza.

Well not so much my burps...but my breath yes! It's like having spicy meatball breath!
Glad the missus is better; sorry you’ve picked it up! Half way through the week, hang in there!