The Shaving Cadre

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Great shave and reviews of the Noble Otter.

The probiotic thing can take a couple of weeks before you will start to notice a difference. The main thing that I have noticed so far is that I have much less gas after eating.
Great shave and reviews of the Noble Otter.

The probiotic thing can take a couple of weeks before you will start to notice a difference. The main thing that I have noticed so far is that I have much less gas after eating.

Thanks for the info..I think? ? Really though, I know a lot of people say the same thing. But to be honest, since I've been eating a Ketogenic way of life, I don't have much bloating or gas. It's only when I have a few more carbs than I should I get a little gassy...which is very rare.

I figure it will be a couple of weeks at least before I see any kind of results. Thanks!
Great observations on the soap, and great shave Don. Yogurt is very simple to make as long as your culture is alive. Better living through microbiology!

Yeah, making the yogurt wasn't hard at all really. I think where I went wrong with the first batch was that when I brought my milk/cream up to 180 degrees, I brought it back down to 110. Or so I thought it was 110. In all likelihood it was probably hotter and I killed the bacteria. This time around I let it cool to about 90 degrees and then added my slurry. Much better results. Next batch I'm going to try using a half gallon of half and half instead of whole milk.
Interesting stuff about the yogurt. Fascinating the things we get into. The other day I meant a guy who made their own kombucha.
Interesting stuff about the yogurt. Fascinating the things we get into. The other day I meant a guy who made their own kombucha.

I've been interested in many of the health benefits with fermented foods. Kombucha though...that seems very interesting.
There was a time in the late 90s that we made Kumbucha. Kept it going for well over a year. Finally tired of it and let the culture die.
Great shave and read Don. I'm looking forward to your final thoughts on that soap.

Interesting stuff about the yogurt. Fascinating the things we get into. The other day I meant a guy who made their own kombucha.

A friend of mine has been making his own kombucha for a while, and has been selling cultures for a while. I've considered it, since it costs very little to do it yourself as opposed to the ridiculous prices it goes for by the bottle, but could never bring myself to take the plunge on that one lol.
All caught up, Don. Interesting sounding soap, the Noble Otter; great reviews thus far. But I had to look up what Tucuma Seed was - had never heard of it. And kombucha? Had not heard of that either.
Good Stuff Don, and YES!! another Spooner Head, fantastic, did you get the Spooner Cloth? it is the best Aloha Shirt made, glad you got some!!!, Spooners are like straights for me, I have to tread lightly, LOL

I'm pretty proud of myself - I only ordered one. Truth be told, SWMBO would kill me if I bought more. ?
No shave today and I finished up my shaves for my Noble Otter reviews. I am however having video editing issues. I used to be pretty efficient with things. But some of the programs I was trying out did not want to cooperate. Usually what happens with me is I spend all day tinkering with something and by the end of the day I have mastered it and am fairly efficient. This was not the case. Anyway...I hope to resolve my issues and have something up in a day or two.

I have a lot going on this week at work...well...this month really. Plus got some potentially bad news for work. Our legislature is doing what legislatures often do...and that is nothing. This will be the third special session this year that they are going into and while they have passed a budget, they haven't decided on certain revenue expenditures and forms of new revenue. While this doesn't seem to be that big of a deal, if the "lawmakers" don't agree on something in the next couple of weeks, then it is quite possible that the state will start rolling out furloughs for many of the state workers...yup...that would include me. That would also mean no vacation time taken, no promotions, no pay increases and a host of other things. It's the furloughs that I am more concerned many and for how long. It's just not a good thing. I like my job a lot, but it might be time to casually see what else is out there. If I can find something that suites my needs better, it might be worth looking into.

But then there is shaving...and you guys. It's a good thing one can come here and just enjoy the company of men and women who have a common purpose. Sorry to be downer today guys...I'll get back to my coffee and read some great things in your journals!
Don't feel bad about voicing concerns about the job here, Don! Glad we can be an additional sense of stability for you!
Hey Don I'm about as dumb as they come to computers. I am using an app called FilmoraGo, it works alright. Is more powerful than I probably realize too.

As to the work stuff I hope it all works out for the best!
I'm looking forward to the Nobel Otter reviews. While I curse how many soaps I already want to buy, I'm a glutton for finding even more for the list.
Just the word, "furlough", makes me shutter, having experienced one that lasted too long.
Sorry about the work troubles. I hope it blows over quickly. It’s nkt fun to have your livelihood messed with on someone else’s whim.

Don't stress over the video. Just try to have fun with it, like shaving. My bachelors was in computer graphics, there can be a lot of frustrations with software sometimes. If it’s not fun, do something simpler.
Thanks for sharing. Furloughs suck hugely. Keep us in the loop. Here's hoping that your legislature gets off its ass.
Hope things work out for you at work Don. Even if that means finding something else. I have an initial Zoom (like Skype) interview next Monday, and honestly, it has been over two decades since I interviewed for a job. Knowing that I am quite rusty, I'm not feeling uber confident.