Nice shave today Don!! That's a pretty pup you have there! We get all of our animals as rescues as well...there are too many good animals in the pounds/animal control cages to bother going to a breeder, and they tend to be much more thankful for the rescue!
I have had a couple of dogs from a breeder, Chauncey...who is above...included, but currently I am under the belief that there are a lot of animals out there that need love and good home to ever go back to a breeder. Unfortunately, it will be awhile before we decided on another dog. Allie likes her pack, but she is not a fan of other dogs. No big deal for me...Allie and Chauncey have larger than life personalities!
Don, in my immediate family we have 3 rescue dogs. But in our case, I have to ask the question, who rescued whom? Don't get me wrong, we are still a pretty screwed up family. I just know we would be worse without them.
I'm so glad that the treatments are helping her.
Thanks Walt! You are absolutely correct. Our dogs have gotten us through some pretty rough times. They don't change...they roll with the punches. And the love you in the end. I am thoroughly convinced that Fido is smarter than we are!
On a side note that most people don't really think about. Not so much anymore but a common name for a dog used to be Fido. We have come to know that dogs are "man's best friend." The Fido stems from the Latin word fidelis...and any US Marine knows that fidelis means faithful (Marine Corps Motto is Semper Fidelis...Always Faithful). In turn, when we call a dog Fido, what we are really saying as that he is faithful and trustworthy. I took five semesters of Latin in college and it took my wife explaining that to me to realize why we call dogs Fido.