The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Ultimate Minimalist Competition

I get lulled into thinking he's an adult and then BOOM....he hits me with the same dumb humor I dish out. Yeah, I know he's a 10 year old boy......I just forget sometimes. I guess you could say "My memory is optional".
Nice try I’m not changing your CT back
End of Feb, others shall put away their blades and Williams, but no, not us, not this merry band!

Nearly a third of the way through the challenge, I can easily say I have not used 1/3 of my soap. I'd say 1/5 at absolute best, which is a good sign considering my use of brush and actual lather.

The blade also still feels like it is in the magic sweet spot you want after about 3-5 shaves. Just smooth and gliding along. 100 will happen.
Somewhere @BarberDave is hurling the remnants of his puck into the Arizona desert and vowing, "Never again!!!"
Actually no. I will see this through….. however I WILL TAKE a spare puck of Williams and probably do what you mentioned. Rest assured that there will be firearms involved and possible automatic weapons and or explosives, maybe even the manufacture of a “@&$& you Williams NEVER AGAIN” flag which I may fly over the house. At current usage it may last well into March, sadly
Although since the initial requirement has or will be completed I may, at least take a day off on Thursday for my Birthday, to actually shave with proper luxurious shave products and not this heathen, corner drug store crapola. 👍🏻😂😂
Babbadabbid, according to the TOU, you have to use the puck every shave until it's gone. But did you know that there's nothing stated that you have to use the puck ONLY for shaving? You could use it in the shower, laundry, dishes, even washing the car and bike. :geek:
Is everyone still in? How many shaves did you get in this month?

1. Spider - 27
2. Heysi
3. OpusX
4. dkeester
5. BarberDave
Very much still in!

1. Spider - 27
2. Heysi
3. OpusX - 28
4. dkeester
5. BarberDave
Still in for 100.

1. Spider - 27
2. Heysi -27 (I missed a day when I was at Disneyland)
3. OpusX - 28
4. dkeester
5. BarberDave
1. Spider - 27
2. Heysi -27 (I missed a day when I was at Disneyland)
3. OpusX - 28
4. dkeester
5. BarberDave -28
Sweet! Great job everyone!

1. Spider - 27
2. Heysi -27
3. OpusX - 28
4. dkeester - 28
5. BarberDave -28