The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Ultimate Minimalist Competition I'm on schedule to complete day #100 on saturday. Sorry to be bringing up the rear on this challenge. It's been educational and kinda cool. I'll post a picture of what's left of my puck on that morning. Go Team Minimalist!!
I'm on schedule to complete day #100 on saturday. Sorry to be bringing up the rear on this challenge.
I don't think @dkeester is quite done yet either. If you both finish this weekend, I'll do the prize drawing on the Zoom call.
I'll do the prize drawing on the Zoom call.

....of course you do realize that everyone else on the zoom call thinks we're nuts for even thinking of this challenge...let alone completing it.
And, everyone from the contest that attends the zoom will have a hand in determining the winner.
Unfortunately May has been a hectic month at work, so I have had several skip days. Right now I am at 92 shaves on my puck.

I am totally going to keep going until 100, but if you want to do the drawing without me please go ahead.
I am totally going to keep going until 100, but if you want to do the drawing without me please go ahead.
No we'll wait. I'll do it at the next zoom call either way. This close I'm sure you'll make it.
Today I am now on shave 131. Since I killed another die I figured it was time for an update. 30 more shaves on this puck of Williams and I really can't tell much difference from the last update. Guess 150 and beyond is on the horizon.

I'm up to 115. The puck seems to have reached the bowl of pasta phase (that's where you eat the bowl of pasta and you can't find the bottom of the's like it multiplies as you eat it).