The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun


John you are immortalized on a t-shirt and got to keep your other thumb
I don’t think you get royalties for being a royal pain in Bingo...that’s not the way it works!

J/k, j/k!
Wow, I step away for awhile and you guys are blowing things up, in a good way!

I am happy to see that my "Ghost Town Barber Posse" from the OTHER PLACE is still a popular idea over here. Dibs on that if we can get the ok from CFG (at the appropriate time, of course). I might even have some decent fonts or artwork vectors I could contribute to such a design.
Wow, I step away for awhile and you guys are blowing things up, in a good way!

I am happy to see that my "Ghost Town Barber Posse" from the OTHER PLACE is still a popular idea over here. Dibs on that if we can get the ok from CFG (at the appropriate time, of course). I might even have some decent fonts or artwork vectors I could contribute to such a design.

Brother anything you want to design please send my way!
Really that should be an open invitation. I know we have some very talented people on this forum. If anyone wants to create a design and donate it to the TSC to be placed on a swag item.

Please send the artwork to
Doesn't Badger Babe do some pretty awesome artwork? I'm thinking a commission is in the future!
Dang it! Zazzle is blocked at work! I should have figured it would be.
Someone changed the interior color of the coffee mug to green. Whoever you are it looks freakin sweet!
Someone changed the interior color of the coffee mug to green. Whoever you are it looks freakin sweet!
Oh Snap! I didn’t know you could change the color!
Thanks Guys!! Hehe, it's only a $1 upcharge. What are you doing Chad, previewing our orders ??
I dunno how this got past anyone, there are no socks for Don.
I'll put socks up next week but I will just add the disclaimer I am not sure on the style. There are color options. So I guess we can see how they turn out, i'll also be honest the price is set a tad high on the socks.
Is there an option for a larger (taller, slightly wider) coffee cup? Enjoying mine, but wish it was bigger.