If you want to get into pc gaming and you have the money and the knowledge, ie what to look for as far as parts go, get the best you can at the time. building a pc with higher end parts that may cost more will have the pc last longer and you wont have to upgrade as often. it can get costly as well if you chase the latest and greatest. if you want to get into pc gamming. console gamming has gotten to the point tho that you arent going to see much of a difference in quality when compared to pc gamming unless your going for super high end graphics and better Fps. im not sure what the frame rates of games are these days on console havent really looked much into the current console hardware and what they can produce. the other caveat with pc gamming is that if you were going to build a high end system some parts are to get right know due to the pandemic, so if you wanted to build a pc maybe right know isnt the right time to do so.