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TSC Family Pets Thread

Ok gents.... this has been a long time coming. I’ve downsized a bit, and moved my snakes upstairs where it’s warmer. I have 5 now. Today was cage cleaning day, so the camera came out.

Pics on the rug include a water bottle for scale.

First up is Artemis, my common Columbian Boa. She’s about 6.5 ft long and could get 8-10 ft.

Next is Orion, my hypo Columbian Boa. He’s a year or two younger than Artemis. The pics never do him justice, but he’s got a cool salmon pink color on his sides.

Next up are my two Corn Snakes. They are nearly full grown. May get a little longer. Ares is my Red Albino (Amelanistic, lacking black pigment). And Casper is my Blizzard (Amelanistic + Charcoal, lacking both Red and black pigment), a double albino so to speak.

And last is one of my favorites! A bull snake named Morticia. She will get 8-9 ft long and almost as girthy as the boas. They are native to Missouri, but she was not collected from the wild.

Here you can sort of see her “scowl” which in part led to her name.

And here are their homes:
I know I kid alot...but those are some beautiful creatures. Personally, I wouldn't have one as a pet...but I have a lot of appreciation for the various snakes you have. Again...beautiful creatures!

I'm guessing you feed them mice?
Very nice KJ! Beautiful babies.

I used to order frozen guinea pigs for mine. Medium size for the two "little" ones, but 3x or 4x for the big one.
Not sure why, but Monkey loves watching the big snakes eat. I keep telling him, one day those snakes will eat him!

Just cleaned out my big fish tank. We’ve had a few losses. Down to 1 bluegill and 2 Large mouth bass.

I wanted to choke my dog last night.......
She does this stupid dance around the yard for 5 minutes just to pee. Normally not a big deal, I just let her out and she does her thing.
Last night, it was 18 degrees, and I'm standing out there watching her because she weighs a whopping 10 pounds and the coyotes were out across the road again. (they come in the yard on occasion also, so if I hear them I always go out with her)
She starts her dance, stops to growl at them, then has to start all over again.... 3 times!!! It was getting freaking cold out there since I didn't dress to be out there for 15 minutes.
I wanted to choke my dog last night.......
She does this stupid dance around the yard for 5 minutes just to pee. Normally not a big deal, I just let her out and she does her thing.
Last night, it was 18 degrees, and I'm standing out there watching her because she weighs a whopping 10 pounds and the coyotes were out across the road again. (they come in the yard on occasion also, so if I hear them I always go out with her)
She starts her dance, stops to growl at them, then has to start all over again.... 3 times!!! It was getting freaking cold out there since I didn't dress to be out there for 15 minutes.
Shy bladder syndrome ???
Shy bladder syndrome
I get the same thing when my pants are down and coyotes are staring at me.
I don't think it's shy bladder, she's just obsessed with getting the right blade of grass to pee on or something. She circles around sniffing, starts to squat then has to check again. And again... Then move a little... then circle a few more times.... Then check again...

And that's just "normal" for her. When she would hear a yip or something out of them last night she'd stop and look or growl, then have to start aaaallllll over again...

Overall she's really a good dog. Actually doesn't bark at every shadow like most little dogs, and she's extremely intelligent. Won't listen to the wife because she knows the wife will cave, but all I have to do is make a hand gesture and she is doing what she is supposed to because she knows I won't cave. But I just don't get the pee dance. I've had male dogs that weren't that particular on where they marked, much less just where they went.
Willie does the same thing Shawn. We go out for 20-30 minutes sometimes just for him to pee. We don’t have a fenced in yard so we walk him up and down a trail through the park across the street. It isn’t fun this time of year!
Ok, I just know you guys have been waiting for this update. I have 60 tarantulas. Yup, you heard that right. I’ve downsized a bit, used to have over 100.

Here is where i keep them.

And here’s a few pics of some of the individual spiders. After seeing the variety, you’ll understand why I have so many.

Many of mine are tiny babies:

Unlike dogs, which are all the same species, just different breeds..... all of these spiders are completely different species. I just find them fascinating.
Very nice KJ. I've always liked Gooty's and Cobalt's looks the best myself. Never owned one though. You have a very impressive selection there with may gorgeous critters.
Very nice KJ. I've always liked Gooty's and Cobalt's looks the best myself. Never owned one though. You have a very impressive selection there with may gorgeous critters.
Thanks. I have one Gooty. Never owned a cobalt.