Not too much going on as far as shaving is concerned. Still plodding away with the Pitralon soap 3107ing and still growing the old dutch whiskers.
Chesswise, I should have two new tournaments starting over in late June. The first is the First World Zone Team Tournament. The correspondence world is broken into three zones, comprised of team in the region: EUROPE (by far the largest and strongest), AFRICA/ASIA (the smallest), and WORLD (everyone not in the other two). There will be 13-17 teams, which will mean 12-16 games.
The second will be one of the strongest tnmts I have played in to date, the World Championship Semi-Finals, on par in strength with the Finals of the Olympiad. I should have my IM (International Master) title in a few months and am now in the hunt for the SIM (Senior IM) title, which is just below the GM (Grandmaster) designation. I'll get there someday .... I hope ... maybe.