The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Trials of a woodpusher: Adventures in chess, backyard gardening, and maybe whisker chopping

My friend's wife (and mine) were trailing us and she snapped this pic. I'm not quite sure if these trees would fit in our living room or not. :unsure:

My friend of 25+ years and I were discussing the wonderful, exciting topic of estate probate (he is currently running through the joy of being his uncle's executor), as well as how to settle into a "retirement investor" mindset vs an "I'm working and accumulating" investor one. Things like draining down your RRSP in a tax efficient manner instead of waiting to convert it to a RIF at 71 and its associated mandatory withdrawals, TFSAs (designating spouse as successor rather than beneficiary) , having a joint non-registered trading account vs an individual one (income splitting and probate avoidance), and what kinds of investments go in each of the investment buckets/rooms to help best manage taxes. All the fun stuff to really help you enjoy walking in fresh snow through nature's wonderland.

Nov.29: Injector I2 w/Personna(1) ..... Paladin Sumo ....... Mama Bears Bay Rhum............. Nivea Protect & Care balm

As is my custom, a new injector blade after 14 days with a Personna. Shave was good, but the neck is not yet back to 100%.

'Tis a little chilly out this morning, with a wind chill of -12C (~10F).

Today's workout was:
- 30 mins elliptical
Nov.29: Injector I2 w/Personna(1) ..... Paladin Sumo ....... Mama Bears Bay Rhum............. Nivea Protect & Care balm

As is my custom, a new injector blade after 14 days with a Personna. Shave was good, but the neck is not yet back to 100%.

'Tis a little chilly out this morning, with a wind chill of -12C (~10F).

Today's workout was:
- 30 mins elliptical
Better tell your neck to shape up!
Nov.30: Injector I2 w/Personna(2) ..... Semogue 1460 .... Mama Bears Bay Rhum............. Nivea Protect & Care balm

Bowl lathered with the boar this morning and it did make a difference. I think that I was simply adding too much water through my tip-dipping when face lathering for pass-1 in the past. More experimentation is needed. Weather-wise, just below freezing, so that is a nice improvement over yesterday.

Today's workout was:
- 30 mins elliptical
BTW that "freezing" comment was full-on imperial this morning; I left the metric version out on purpose to see if anyone would pick up on it. ;)
Is that like it's freezing in Canada but not in Texas?