You want excitement? Here's the REAL fun stuff going on ....exciting start to the weekend!
Happy belated Birthday, Sam!Nov.23: Injector I2 w/Personna(9) ... Paladin Sumo ......... Mama Bears Bay Rhum............. Captain's Choice Lime balm
This morning's nice shave was much appreciated as it was a restless sleep with lots of tossing and turning from around 2am by someone who shall go unnamed. I'll probably have to take a nap later on. But that will need to wait until after lunch when we devour an extra large pizza for my birthday, followed by a chocolate truffle cheesecake.
Today's workout was:
- eating
Hopefully that wasn't my unexpected $2,000+ deposit was Interac eTransferred into my bank account from somone I do not know, followed by a few emails from a lady in BC
Well, now that you mention it .... she said I could keep it if I sent her a bunch of Tabac for "hubby's Christmas gift. Boy, will he be surprised!"Hopefully that wasn't my wife...![]()
I have tried to push DE blades beyond my usual 5 shaves. I calculated how many blades I'd save per year and set out on my journey for that elusive "money saving" factor of wet shaving. In many cases (though not all), the sixth shave had an appreciable drop off in quality. I can't abide that!The blade is pretty much at its EOL, but I'm not @Graybeard57 and will therefore continue to use it through to Sunday.![]()
I can't imagine being outdoors in your temps. When it gets below freezing, I begin hibernation.Today's workout was:
- shivering when outside, putting up Christmas decorations inside
You’re a good man Charlie Brown!as well as our 83 year old neighbour's across the street.
I’m ready for the cold weather - keep it between 35-45 and I’m in my heaven!First snowfall of the season that required me to go outside and clear it
But think of the money you saved!I should have listened and swapped my blade out as my neck is a little irritated after shaving this morning.
A friend in Burlington, Vermont posted photos of their first snowfall. I imagine he's x-country skiing about now.First snowfall of the season that required me to go outside and clear it.