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The TSC Movie Thread

Where do I start?

Since late July 2020, I have seen over 1000 movies, with number 1000 on Labor Day. It was something we saw in the theater , but the original release was in 1978. I don't recall seeing it in the theater when originally released. Grease with John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John. So much better on the big screen.

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Finished watching “I Am Not Your Negro”, great film if you are in to social/racial justice pieces. Thought provoking.
October Movies!

October 1,

Curse of the Demon

American professor John Holden arrives in London for a parapsychology conference, only to find himself investigating the mysterious actions of Devil-worshiper Julian Karswell.

Fr Stu

Great movie…totally not quite what I expected to come from Mark Wahlberg (considering I had just watched Me Time not too long ago, another fun movie). It’s on the religious side some but plenty of fun wisecracks!
October Movies!

October 1,

Curse of the Demon

American professor John Holden arrives in London for a parapsychology conference, only to find himself investigating the mysterious actions of Devil-worshiper Julian Karswell.

That was a great trailer.
What's the scariest movie you saw? Invasion of the Bodysnatchers with Leonard Nimoy and Donald Sutherland put the fear of God cross-ways in me!
That was a great trailer.
What's the scariest movie you saw? Invasion of the Bodysnatchers with Leonard Nimoy and Donald Sutherland put the fear of God cross-ways in me!
That was a great flick! I've always been partial to the 1956 original with Kevin McCarthy. That movie was so right for its time as a metaphor for the perceived threat posed by Communism. The remake really ramped up the paranoia and brought the "snatcher" concept (fear of conformation / loss of personal identity) into the Baby Boomer generation. Never saw the 1993 Abel Ferrara's "Body Snatchers" nor the 2007 Daniel Craig / Nicole Kidman remake, "The Invasion".

As far as the scariest movie? I don't think I could name just one.. Here are some of my top scariest movies in no particular order
  • The Exorcist
  • Salem's Lot - 1979 CBS miniseries. Hard to believe that one ever got the greenlight. Pretty extreme stuff for network television.
  • The Changeling - Mostly for it effective use of atmosphere and dread
  • Phantasm - Low budget horror is some of the greatest out there. It forces the makers to get creative (e.g. Romero's original "Night of the Living Dead)
Fr Stu

Great movie…totally not quite what I expected to come from Mark Wahlberg (considering I had just watched Me Time not too long ago, another fun movie). It’s on the religious side some but plenty of fun wisecracks!
It's on my radar to watch soon. So rare do we have movies or shows that have positive messages. My soul could use some positivity!