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The TSC Hot Pepper Challenge

I’m actually quite sad that I’m not well enough to do the Carolina Reaper right now. I really want to finish my challenge. When I opened up the package of them, they smelled so amazing! Hopefully next weekend.
My stomach says otherwise. Seriously...I must not tolerate heat as much as I thought. That pepper is wrecking havoc on my gut right now!

Give me a day to let my gut adjust...but since I have the habanero I might give it a try.

If it makes you feel any better I had heart burn all day. I think this was the first time ever that I had my stomach burn. I even had to get up in the night and take a tums.
You went farther than I ever would have Don, it’d have never made it past my lips. Good try man!

I think you could have taken it if you hadn’t psyched yourself out at the start. You weren’t hiccuping, no visible signs, etc.

A+ for effort though!
Well, you gave it the old college try........Quote,"Please STOP" Kudos to you Don for not only trying but being good sport and posting the attempt. You crack me up man.
If it makes you feel any better I had heart burn all day. I think this was the first time ever that I had my stomach burn. I even had to get up in the night and take a tums.

Thanks John! I was drinking Pepto straight from the bottle last night. And while this morning I am feeling much better...there is still some lingering heartburn!

Thanks guys! I know the visible signs weren't there like the Thai Chili...but this was much hotter. It's funny though...the burns are much different. The Scorpion Pepper was hotter by a lot...but I think the Thai Chili was much more intense!

We will see how I feel tonight...but I think I have to try the Habanero now just to get some respect back!
but I think I have to try the Habanero now just to get some respect back!

No respect lost. But I think the video would be more entertaining if you ate that other scorpion pepper. I mean you don't want it to go to waste.
No respect lost. But I think the video would be more entertaining if you ate that other scorpion pepper. I mean you don't want it to go to waste.

NOPE...NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!! From what just came out of me....ABSOLUTELY NOT! I'm gents have fun!
Well, at least you get a t-shirt fo..... oh nevermind?

That was a rough go. The Taco Bell experience without even enjoying a taco.
Well, at least you get a t-shirt fo..... oh nevermind

That was a rough go. The Taco Bell experience without even enjoying a taco.

Literally laughed out loud!
Well since I haven't even attempted a Thia Chili yet, all I can say it you get an A for Effort!
Well thanks guys! Right now my gut (and below) are telling me what I did was stupid. I am suffering some very unusual consequences. I don't know what the deal is...but it's not going away. In fact some of these issues seem actually worse than last night!
Well thanks guys! Right now my gut (and below) are telling me what I did was stupid. I am suffering some very unusual consequences. I don't know what the deal is...but it's not going away. In fact some of these issues seem actually worse than last night!

That, my friend, is the unsettling feeling of defeat. It only gets worse unfortunately.
Wow! John and Don! You are both hero’s in my book. I was -><- this close to trying the next pepper, and now glad I stopped before I injured myself. Much respect my brothers.
I’m wondering how much of this would be the equivalent to one pepper. I tested a small snuffle and it is like liquified white phosphorus, with just a touch of hellfire.
