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The Reading Lounge

I finished the Inheritance Cycle all 4 books on audible. It turned out to be a really good story.
I finished the Inheritance Cycle all 4 books on audible. It turned out to be a really good story.
I read them as they came out. They had a very good story, especially since they are intended for a somewhat younger audience, and you could really see the author grow as a writer as you move through the series.
After reading Margaret Atwood’s ‘Hag-seed’, her re-telling of Shakespeare’s The Tempest for Hogarth Press, I’m reading the original. Hag-seed was excellent, but there is nothing like the Bard.
After reading Margaret Atwood’s ‘Hag-seed’, her re-telling of Shakespeare’s The Tempest for Hogarth Press, I’m reading the original. Hag-seed was excellent, but there is nothing like the Bard.
The Tempest is one of my favorite Shakespeare plays!
I tore through Carlos Ruiz Zafon’s ‘The Prisoner of Heaven’ (book 3 of his Cemetery of Forgotten Books series). Book 1 was a bit of a slog, book 2 moved along nicely, and I simply devoured this one. It’s a great noirish series set in Barcelona in and around the Spanish Civil War. I have the last book in the series on hold at the library.

In the meantime, I’m now doing a re-read of The Return of the King.
Currently reading 3 books at the same time. Still trying to get through Fire & Blood. I’m a little more than halfway through and can’t bring myself to give it up because I’ve already gotten this far. It’s not the best, but it has its occasional really good sections that make me want to keep going. I also charged my Nook and saw that at some point I downloaded Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, so I decided to start that. I’m about halfway through that as well. Today I started David Mcullough’s John Adams biography. So far I’m really enjoying this one.
Currently reading 3 books at the same time. Still trying to get through Fire & Blood. I’m a little more than halfway through and can’t bring myself to give it up because I’ve already gotten this far. It’s not the best, but it has its occasional really good sections that make me want to keep going. I also charged my Nook and saw that at some point I downloaded Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, so I decided to start that. I’m about halfway through that as well. Today I started David Mcullough’s John Adams biography. So far I’m really enjoying this one.
3 names reading 3 books................makes sense
That is a great biography. Vanity was probably Adams's biggest "fault," but this book made him my favorite early president.
I'm only about 75 pages in but his vanity has already been mentioned multiple times. I like that the author also made it clear that he wasn't vain in the way that most people today use the word for. He didn't think he was Fabio lol, he just wanted to be thought of as an important man.
Alright well I will update as well. Still reading Clash of Kings about half way through but it is slow going for me. Listening to an audible original which isn't half bad called Sovereign. And reading Death Cure (Book 3 of Maze Runner) on my new Kindle.

The Kindle Paperwhite was awesome for camping. Loved not worrying about the battery and was able to read when people went to sleep in the trailer. I only wish I didn't need to test the waterproofing so early. But all is good.
Finished The Return of the King...far superior to the movie. I also finished The Professor and the Madman by Simon Winchester on audio, about the creation of the Oxford English Dictionary. Good listen.

I’m now reading Raymond Chandler’s Farewell My Lovely.
Finally finished Alexander Hamilton by Chernow. It was one of those that I picked up and put down over several months while reading other things. That said, I thoroughly enjoyed it and will be reading other biographies by Chernow.
Finally finished Alexander Hamilton by Chernow. It was one of those that I picked up and put down over several months while reading other things. That said, I thoroughly enjoyed it and will be reading other biographies by Chernow.

I highly recommend his biography of John D. Rockefeller, “Titan”.
MAn everyone is finishing books and I haven't progressed all that much in mine. In fact...I forgot which book it was that I was reading!