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The 2022 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!!

I don’t want to be that guy, at the end of the day, whatever keeps you going is going to be the best thing, but most of the carbs vs fats, cardio vs weights talk is what we used to call majoring in minors.
Eating less, especially high density foods, that are generally chock full of both fats and carbs, is the most important thing by far, all the other stuff is obviously good for health, but it’s effect on dieting is RELATIVELY insignificant, when you start getting lean enough to know you have abs, then maybe it’s worth worrying about. Before that it’s just an intellectual exercise at best.

You really can’t make up for a bad diet with exercise. More than likely if you found one exercise modality really helped you loose weight, it’s because it also reduced your appetite. God knows when I was at my professional peak, my training sessions totally destroyed my appetite. At that time I was training hard 2-4 hours 6 days a week.

Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a huge advocate of exercise, or any activity that gets you moving, it’s good in so many ways. But it’s not going to make up for the extra cookies you eat to reward yourself etc. Seriously an hours run will maybe burn off 2,5 twinkies, at best it’s a very inefficient proposition.

Of course if talking about these things keeps yo from eating those cookies, then KEEP IT UP!
I couldn't agree more...... years ago, I was riding my mountain bike on the road (street tires) about 200 miles a week. I didn't lose any weight. in fact, I gained weight because I was eating the wrong things, often right after a ride.

I had to change my diet and I did... lost 60 pounds over a 1.5 year period.... unfortunately, I've done this several times because while I told myself this wasn't a diet but a life change... I ended up returning to eating poorly.

Now I'm back on track again since the middle of January. I really have to make sure this is it... that the life change is permanent. I don't think I have another large weight loss in me.
We are all good. My was was work-from-office last week (and this week), so she gets home much later than just walking out of her home office and is more tired to boot.
An hour IS a long time to run!
I agree, it is. It is something people would have to build up to. If you are wanting to go a distance or time that you don't think that you can do, them do intervals. I started of with running for 30 second, then walking for a minute. Repeating this until you reach your goal. I slowly started extending the run time and shortening the walk.
Don't get me wrong...I'm not advocating that you don't run or do cardio. It definitely is a useful tool during weight loss. BUT...the primary mechanism for weight loss in general is going to through diet...especially as you get older. You might be able to use cardio as a primary way to lose weight prime ages ( in your 20s and 30s up to 35 or so), but the closer you get to 40 and beyond...the diet will play a larger roll. If you like running by all means do it. Especially if it is working for you. For the vast majority of's not the best way to lose weight.

I don’t want to be that guy, at the end of the day, whatever keeps you going is going to be the best thing, but most of the carbs vs fats, cardio vs weights talk is what we used to call majoring in minors.
Eating less, especially high density foods, that are generally chock full of both fats and carbs, is the most important thing by far, all the other stuff is obviously good for health, but it’s effect on dieting is RELATIVELY insignificant, when you start getting lean enough to know you have abs, then maybe it’s worth worrying about. Before that it’s just an intellectual exercise at best.

You really can’t make up for a bad diet with exercise. More than likely if you found one exercise modality really helped you loose weight, it’s because it also reduced your appetite. God knows when I was at my professional peak, my training sessions totally destroyed my appetite. At that time I was training hard 2-4 hours 6 days a week.

Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a huge advocate of exercise, or any activity that gets you moving, it’s good in so many ways. But it’s not going to make up for the extra cookies you eat to reward yourself etc. Seriously an hours run will maybe burn off 2,5 twinkies, at best it’s a very inefficient proposition.

Of course if talking about these things keeps yo from eating those cookies, then KEEP IT UP!
I agree about the diet 100%. If you put junk in, you get junk out. And someone over 40 myself, I cannot just go out and run and lose weight. I had to think about what I was eating. I think you may have misconstrued what I was trying to say. I was advocating eating less carbs in order to train your body to burn fat as fuel instead of carbs. The only time I mention eating a lot is directly before a race.
I agree about the diet 100%. If you put junk in, you get junk out. And someone over 40 myself, I cannot just go out and run and lose weight. I had to think about what I was eating. I think you may have misconstrued what I was trying to say. I was advocating eating less carbs in order to train your body to burn fat as fuel instead of carbs. The only time I mention eating a lot is directly before a race.
Yeah, sorry if I came across as...well I don't know. I probably did read your comment a little off. Either allowed for me to formulate a thought that I otherwise would have believed difficult to explain. So thanks! 🤪
Hey everyone, how are you? We are halfway through MAY! How's your health??

Personally, my weight is yoyoing between 178-184lbs, but I'm also not eating OMAD any more, so... Still eating pretty closely to clean keto, but NOT WORKING OUT.... I need to put the squat rack together and order a free standing bench. Our new place is much bigger than the old house, but we don't need a redundant item like a bench only for bench press. So, out with the old and in with the new. We set up a workout area in the finished part of the basement and Iryna and I are planning on trying out some low impact Beach Body programs 3 days a week, but we just gotta start!

Hope everyone is doing well!
I had to go home to visit fam for a few days. In 4 days of eating unhealthy and carby I gained 10 lbs. I can't seem to get back on track.
Those family gatherings are the tough ones for me. I've been taking my own food lately, but we're driving. Flying would make that impossible. We have another one scheduled on the 29th. I'm going to take food with me again... it's the only way I survive. They all understand so it isn't offensive to anyone.

Just two weekends ago, we had one. They always have salmon or some other nice protein so I didn't take any of my own food.... sure enough..... just sandwich and cheese trays... I ate way too much cheese and that set me back 3 or 4 days. I'm back on track now.... but only down around 3 pounds for the month. I'm going to hit it hard these last two weeks and see if I can get to 6 or so... at least 5.
I’ve been doing a pretty good job sticking to my general diet plan this month. Had another phone meeting with my nutritionist where we talked about some areas to focus on over the next several months (increasing healthy fats, reducing oxalates, finding better snack foods …).
Weight loss has not been as fast as I would like but the changes in body fat and size are beginning to show.
Down to 154.2 lbs this morning after having 6 crackers with peanut butter for supper at 10pm last night.
I’ve been doing a pretty good job sticking to my general diet plan this month. Had another phone meeting with my nutritionist where we talked about some areas to focus on over the next several months (increasing healthy fats, reducing oxalates, finding better snack foods …).
Weight loss has not been as fast as I would like but the changes in body fat and size are beginning to show.
Sounds like you have a good one their Chris. I usually loathe nutritionists and especially Dieticians. Nutritionists almost always have an agenda and Dieticians are so hamstrung by standard of care and their guidelines are so outdated and NOT backed by current science that I believe they do more harm than good.
Nope, Don. Lots of sweaty garden work yesterday and then simply missed supper last night and had 6 crackers late. Thursday, I was around 158.
Sounds like you have a good one their Chris. I usually loathe nutritionists and especially Dieticians. Nutritionists almost always have an agenda and Dieticians are so hamstrung by standard of care and their guidelines are so outdated and NOT backed by current science that I believe they do more harm than good.
In talking with my nutritionist it is clear SHE has her own personal preferences if not an outright agenda but she has repeatedly said she tailors her advise to the person, advising some to eat as she has advised me to do and others to eat very differently. Her guide seems to be how the individual's body responds to different foods. She has also made clear that "the program" I am enrolled in through the insurance plan has a definite one size fits all agenda (in this case its the US Government supported "my-plate" diet) and a pretty much cookie cutter exercise/activity plan. Her strength is nutrition, not Phys-ed, so she has not deviated from the prescribed phys-ed program but has suggested other instructors are professionals in physical therapy or nursing and have been able to help participants develop physical fitness programs in ways she has not been able to do. We both agree I was lucky to get her as my coach since my weakness was in developing a longer term diet plan.

I had a conversation with someone who is very knowledgeable about both diet AND exercise as they pertain to attaining and maintaining a healthy body weight. This person was adamant that one should not plan to use exercise as their primary means of weight loss, he said weight loss is primarily achieved through diet modification (H had his own opinion on what kind of diet people should eat, but that's not the point). He said exercise is about improving QUALITY and LENGTH of life, making your body healthy and capable. This person (and several others) said exercise will inevitably make you more hungry, making it harder to eat fewer calories (maintain a calorie deficit), so the key to losing weight is to strike a balance between increased activity and diet modification. This person AND my nutritionist both suggested that consuming healthy fats will help to control hunger more than consuming starches, particularly when it comes to the addition of moderate amounts of activity.

I heard about the "low carb" diet in the early/mid '90's when it was becoming a big deal among some of the ladies in the hospital I worked at. ...Only, when I overheard them talking I heard "carb diet". Eager to join in on the fad and loose some weight I figured I would jump on board. I went to the Wonder Bread outlet and grabbed a loaf of bread for each day of the week and that's all I ate...a loaf of Wonder Bread a day. Week after week, for about 7 weeks, coffee break, lunch and dinner. It wasn't hard to do because I had also picked up a side job delivering the Los Angeles Times (a HUGE news paper) so between working 10 hour shifts and spending almost 6 hours packing and delivering papers I had little time to worry about food. Over the course of 7-8 weeks I lost 40 pounds, far more than all the ladies who were eating low carb. Of course, I quit the side job and I stopped loosing weight. Seems, the best diet is the one that makes you choose between eating and sleeping.