The Shaving Cadre

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The 2022 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!!

Its been a good three weeks, but I'm stalled out at about 184, bouncing up to 187. I'm proud to say I've stuck to keto pretty tightly, but I'm not tracking calories nor have I been actively working out. SO, I'm not doing myself any favors... Wife thinks I'm getting small, so that's a plus!
Well, this has not been a good month. Was up a couple lbs, but managed to get back down to where I was at the beginning of the month. Been having trouble sticking to my diet plan. What makes it worse is that it seems like I'm at the weight I usually plateau at. :(
Started working out again so that is good.
That's how my March went.. very little weight loss. This month has been better.. I hope the rest of this month is better for you... and that May is fantastic.
Well, this has not been a good month. Was up a couple lbs, but managed to get back down to where I was at the beginning of the month. Been having trouble sticking to my diet plan. What makes it worse is that it seems like I'm at the weight I usually plateau at. :(
Started working out again so that is good.
Stick with it! Health isn't always about losing weight in the moment. I essentially haven't lost any weight this month. But my pants are getting looser and I did a measurement waist. For the first time in a very long hips and waist are the same size!
Stick with it! Health isn't always about losing weight in the moment. I essentially haven't lost any weight this month. But my pants are getting looser and I did a measurement waist. For the first time in a very long hips and waist are the same size!
Accept for upcoming birthday, I'm doing another zero sugar/junk/snacks/takeout period through May. Too much "I'll just have a ----" lately.
I just listened to a podcast about running and weight loss and moving away from homeostasis. It’s been interesting to run 30-40+ miles a week and not lose a pound, if anything the opposite.

While not the best podcast series i listen to, but interesting enough that i listen to it when a new epIsode pops up.

I just listened to a podcast about running and weight loss and moving away from homeostasis. It’s been interesting to run 30-40+ miles a week and not lose a pound, if anything the opposite.

While not the best podcast series i listen to, but interesting enough that i listen to it when a new epIsode pops up.

Haven't listened to this one yet. I might give it a go this week during a work out. But my understanding with cardio exercise (in a nutshell and not very scientific) is that the more cardio you do your body adjusts its metabolism to compensate. So if you are doing just cardio for weight loss, you are always having to up your cardio farther, run faster, increased incline, etc. At some point it just isn't feasible anymore. That's why weight loss is better addressed through diet and cardio is a tool to help weight loss.

It's a good point to bring up!
Haven't listened to this one yet. I might give it a go this week during a work out. But my understanding with cardio exercise (in a nutshell and not very scientific) is that the more cardio you do your body adjusts its metabolism to compensate. So if you are doing just cardio for weight loss, you are always having to up your cardio farther, run faster, increased incline, etc. At some point it just isn't feasible anymore. That's why weight loss is better addressed through diet and cardio is a tool to help weight loss.

It's a good point to bring up!
I couldn't agree more. The cardio is to get our hearts sound and get some muscle work as well. But I'm not trying to do a diet anyway. I know what I have to do and have been doing it since the middle of January: making a life change. I'll be 69 in May. I've had to do several large weight losses over my life... starting in my early 40's. I don't think I have another large weight loss in my system. It's annoying. I know many of us have made plans... got where we wanted and then relaxed and ended up in the same place a few years later.

I'm down around 26 pounds now and still have ~ 45 to 50 pounds to go. I'm not on a diet... we've changed how we eat and continually find new ways to make the food that allows us to lose weight. My wife is very close to her weight goal but is also committed to maintain a thinner figure., so that helps. When I get down to my correct weight, the plan is to institute Plan B.... maintaining that same weight over time... so we'll set a limit on any weight gains and stay on the same diet, allowing some deviation. If I can keep my target weight with a 3 pound limit for future weight gains, that should work. We'll see... any ideas? Some of you are already within a few pounds of your goal or at ideal weight. What do you do to maintain it?
Well post Vegas weigh in. I'm up 5 pounds. I have 5 days to hopefully somehow miraculously turn in a loss this month. I have a feeling that's not gonna happen.
We're leaving for PA tomorrow.. we'll get back Saturday or Sunday... so I'll weigh in then... I'm a bit worried about 4 days away from home... with two days on the road, driving... but we are taking food with us to save us from fast food temptations.

Hoping for the best.
We're leaving for PA tomorrow.. we'll get back Saturday or Sunday... so I'll weigh in then... I'm a bit worried about 4 days away from home... with two days on the road, driving... but we are taking food with us to save us from fast food temptations.

Hoping for the best.
Good luck! Have a nice trip.
We're leaving for PA tomorrow.. we'll get back Saturday or Sunday... so I'll weigh in then... I'm a bit worried about 4 days away from home... with two days on the road, driving... but we are taking food with us to save us from fast food temptations.

Hoping for the best.
What brings you to PA? What part are you going to?
Haven't listened to this one yet. I might give it a go this week during a work out. But my understanding with cardio exercise (in a nutshell and not very scientific) is that the more cardio you do your body adjusts its metabolism to compensate. So if you are doing just cardio for weight loss, you are always having to up your cardio farther, run faster, increased incline, etc. At some point it just isn't feasible anymore. That's why weight loss is better addressed through diet and cardio is a tool to help weight loss.

It's a good point to bring up!
From what I have heard on a couple different podcasts that I listen to, the key to cardio as a weight loss tool depends a lot on what you eat prior to the cardio. Your body wants to burn carbs first, so if you carb up before every cardio session, it will just burn those and be done. But if you limit them (not cut them out entirely) then your body will learn to burn fat as energy as well. This will make you what the researchers are calling metabolically flexible. This will help with both weight loss and cardio performance. There is a lot more energy in fat than carbs. When it comes to races, you can still carb up, but once you burn through those fast burning carbs, your body will switch over to the more slow burning fat so that you can keep going.
It was a bit of a tough month for some of us, but there are also a good contingent of us who still continued making losses 4 months in, even with some of us visiting Las Vegas before weigh-ins. Let refocus and hit it hard this month and keep that live healthy mindset too!

Looks like I took first place this month with 4.07% lost this month and @Phoenixkh came in second with a very respectable 3.51%. Great job guys!

Please remember to thank our sponsor Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations, she donated one of her wonderful shaving soaps and a post shave elixir!
Please take a moment to check out @LNHC 's website and view her selection of shaving items @ Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations
OK, so a change of plans? I was contacted by @Spider and notified that @Ambalance , who won the January portion of the challenge did no collect her prize and was donating it back to the challenge. Thanks Amber! That prize was a Shaving soap and aftershave from @Joe Hackett at Stirling Shaving soap.

A simple majority vote will suffice on where we will go from here.

Would you guys and gals like to:

A. Add a month to the challenge(making it a full 6 months)?
B. Add the prize to the grand prize?
C. Add the prize to the final monthly prize(05.01-05.31)?


1. @Luecke3262
2. @Spider
3. @dangerousdon
4. @woodpusher
5. @Scuttlesoap
6. @MilkCrate
7. @global_dev
8. @mvargo
9. @uacowboy
10. @DeepSea
11. @Fenster
12. @Shavin’ Yeti
13. @CBLindsay
14. @CVargo
15. @Ambalance
16. @sunnysanity
17. @NurseDave
18. @novicewetshaver
19. @Smattayu
20. @b1hart
21. @Quijote
22. @wristwatchb
23. @The Monkey
24. @PaulTU
25. @Joshua223
26. @Phoenixkh