The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

I've tried Nutella a few times.... yuck!

I love peanut butter, but have to reduce my intake due to the fats (cholesterol)
Maybe you need to tell the ones trying to lose weight what you are might work for them....

I think the biggest factor is prioritizing getting fit over weight loss (or gain in my case). 45 mins of solid cardio seems to be melting away what little body fat I have and toning me up.

My workout is simple: 45 mins on an elliptical, starting to sweat before the end of minute-2 right through to the end. My pace averages 133 steps per minute and that sees me hit 6,000 steps, which is 3km (~1.86 miles).

As my cardio and stamina have improved, once I start passing my step count goal on a regular basis. I increase the resistance to get a tougher workout over the same time and distance.

I've been at it since Dec.07th and used to struggle to maintain 120 steps/min with resistance at about 1/3 max; now I blow through 150+ steps/min at the same setting and can maintain 128-135 steps/min at 1/2-max resistance as my new "natural" workout speed. i.e. I am not make a conscious effort to go fast.
In my pursuit of weight gain, I might have to switch over from a nearly pure protein shake to a weight gain shake because I'm almost always hungry and staying +- 1lb since mid-December. The protein shake I am using (Mutant Pro) has only 120 calories with 2g carbs (1g sucralose), and 24g of whey protein. Because I'm the skinny guy with a fast metabolism (ectomorph), it could simply be that I am not taking in enough calories per day.

Looking at Mutant Mass as a weight gainer, which has 1,100 calories, 192g carbs (18g sucralose), and 56g of whey protein per shake. I could split the serving size in half to take two shakes per day rather than chugging a litre (32oz) at once.

I think I'm simply burning more calories than I consume. Changing my "food diet" isn't really viable as my wife has the opposite body type and metabolism and I want us to have the same meals together, even though we have opposite goals. BTW our meals are almost all fresh veggie with some fish/chicken thrown in.
Carbs, carbs, carbs bro. When I worked in a burn unit, where people need a gajillion calories to fuel all the healing they’re doing, we made milk shakes with Boost and ice cream.
I figured so and my current protein shake is minimal carbs. I have to work hard on lowering my bad cholesterol (LDL) at the same time as I am trying to gain weight, so animal fats have to be severely limited (use whiskey as a carbon animal-fat-offset? 😜) and I have to drop from 2% milk down to skim or 1%. :cautious:
157.8 before going to bed; 157.0 waking up. Almost a full lb difference! :eek:

Ergo, if people want to lost weight, sleep more! 🤪
Down a couple more pounds this morning, I think that's about 12 total for the month and really in just about a week since I got a slow start. Pretty happy about it. Might implement a fasting day this week. We will see how it goes.
This would be what would be birthed I am sure and it would have some evil Bingo item attached to it

