The Shaving Cadre

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The 2021 TSC Weight Loss Challenge!

I stand and move around 13 hours a day with out sitting and want to lose 25 before I hit the bike hard again, and since i just got back into Keto, and heavy exercise is not recommended until the body is running on full Fat stores for energy rather than carbs. I made the mistake of not doing that last time, and literally passed out and crashed my bike 25 miles from home on a bike path when I bonked out, so being a bit more careful. I guess I should count steps as I probably put a couple of miles a day around the chair, and finger aerobic with the sheers and razor and towels, LOL
I’m in the, winded just bending down to tie my shoes camp right now, which really feels awful. Working up to “working out” is going to take some effort! Feels disgusting. I hate you 2020!
You'll get there though, I'm confident of that. Just keep it up and like I always say... I'm ROOTING FOR ALL OF YOU !!
So...why is it that we...or actually me, because this is an issue specific to me...have to wait until something is terribly wrong to take action? Yeah...well its that time again folks to play America's Most Popular Television Game Show...Force...Don...To...Do...Something! Hosted by your very own...dangerousdon!

Okay...yeah...this week I was trying to ease into things, kind of get ready to really bite down on this challenge and go for the gusto next week. Well, this week came with a lot of distractions and a lot of complacency. I too often get off the rails of my tasks and just say...oh well...I'll start again on Monday. Yup that was this week.

So I have had some lower back issues that I thought were confined to my lower back. I have had these for a couple of years now (okay it only manifested itself a couple of years ago), and for the most part I have worked on the lower back issues with strength training. And it has worked wonderfully. I have not been doing what I have been supposed to be doing probably the last four months or so...and I starting to feel it again.

I had some x-rays done yesterday of my back. Turns out...the whole spine is really messed up. Bone spurs in the neck, arthritis, bone on bone, compressed cartilage, and some other stuff I am probably forgetting at the moment. Years of humping 100 pounds on the back across whatever landscape I was at the time really took a toll on my back. Plus all the years that I didn't do anything to care of it probably didn't help anyway.

So...seeing the x-rays with literally vertebrae on top of vertebrae with nothing or little in between them...really hit me hard. This is not the way I wanted to start father-hood.

But these are the cards I have ben dealt right? I can either fold and lose the pot, or push every thing in and go all in.

I know this challenge is a weight loss challenge...But I would like to make it (at least for me) a get healthy thread. Losing weight will be a big part of it...but I need to do some other things. Evidently, stretching is just as important as strength training...yeah...I don't do enough of that. I need to do a better job at staying hydrated. I think the protein approach to my diet is spot on for this issue. But I will likely need to up my collagen intake. So, collagen powder and a lot of bone broth...her I come.

Anyway...I think I wrote all of this to matter your situation...stop being complacent and take action now. It not only is my goal to live long. But I also wanted to feel young while growing old.

Push on brothers and sisters...push on hard!
It is all about getting healthy, Don; we just need to take different paths to get there sometimes. My mom is 83 and we work out together every morning via Facetime. I sweat oodles for 45 mins on an elliptical, while she walks 25-30 mins on a treadmill at a leisurely pace. It's not much exercise for her, but as we say, "20 mins on the treadmill is better for you than another 20 mins on the couch." When we started a month ago, she could only do 10 mins.

Non-Medical advice: if your spine/vertebrae is out of whack, ditch the weights and work on low/no-impact cardio exercises.
BTW Check with your doctor first.
Non-Medical advice: if your spine/vertebrae is out of whack, ditch the weights and work on low/no-impact cardio exercises.
BTW Check with your doctor first.
Thanks Sam. Cardio is always part of the plan. Got to keep the ticker healthy. I see an orthopedic doctor and now a chiropractor (I found one that I don't feel like is a hack) and both agree I need to build up core muscles. That way the muscles support the spine.

It's all good though. I just thought I would share.
...and now a chiropractor (I found one that I don't feel like is a hack)

It's all good though. I just thought I would share.
Just be careful with the chiropractor, ask them to explain before hand what they are going to do and make sure you are comfortable with it. I have had lower back issues for over 20 years and have gone to 5 or 6 different chiropractors and 4 or 5 different doctors in that time. Most of them helped very little and a couple made things worse. It wasn't until I went to a physical therapist that I really got some help and relief. I know everybody is different and this is just my experience, just be careful.
Well Don,
Your post and timing are amazing. A little bit of a spoiler there is something coming very soon to the TSC that will address the whole health and wellness and fitness all in one place can’t say more now but stay tuned
I’m in the, winded just bending down to tie my shoes camp right now, which really feels awful. Working up to “working out” is going to take some effort! Feels disgusting. I hate you 2020!
I’m with you, you’re not alone, but it’s getting better!