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Sumo March 2023 Tourney and Contest

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Today looked like it was going to be a good day for me. I went 3/3 with my Juryo picks.... Then 0/5 in Makuuchi.

Great stuff today!

  • Ochiai out worked the 28 year old Tomokaze for another really solid and convincing win!
  • Akua had a SHAMEFUL WIN against Atamifuji after a terrible false start...
  • Gonoyama had some great movement and power against Shimazuumi!
  • Enho V Chiyomaru ENHO with the back side bear hug! WOW Little guys rule!
  • Chiyonokuni really worked HARD for his fast paced win over Oshoma, one of my favorite matches of the day!
  • Shonannoumi V Tohakuryu, Tohakuryu displayed some strong ozumo thrusting, excellent!
  • Asenoyama took down the old man Tochinoshin with sheer power and drive, ensuring Tochi drops further. Retirement must be here any day.

A TON of 0-3 vs 3-0 matches today, kinda weird start to this Basho!
  • Ichinojo 4-0 vs Hokuseiho 4-0, battle of the GIANTS! A battle of who could lean on the other harder where the Mongolian came out on top with a solid yorikiri after 3 min of slow fat battle.
  • Kinbozan and Tsurugisho both 3-1 and Kinbozan came away with the "Hinka" style for a 4-1
  • Chiyoshoma and Kotoeko also both 3-1, and Kotoeko has a fire that cannot be quenched! He came out with a solid Sukuinage throw!
  • Daishoho v Oho, nice movement from both but OHO for the win!
  • Strategic victory by Takanosho over Takarafuji, I fear for Takarafuji's rank if he doesn't start swinging for the fences.
  • UWATENAGE!!!!! By Our man Nishikifuji to remain 5-0 over Hiradoumi, man I'm liking his chances!
  • Big Boobalage McGee took care of busininess at the bails when Myogiryu's knee buckled under the power and weight of the big man. No gross slow motion today! AWESOME!
  • Ura V Takayasu, man Papayasu manhandled and rubbernecked URA's world until finally slapping him down after an ill-fated leg take down attempt by the pink wonder. Great match and wonderful audiance participation.
  • Abi Light was solidly crushed out by MR. Bubble head! How that man can headbutt like he does, I'll never know!
  • The littly guy, Midorifuji, to @BarberDave the big guy, expertly crushed out the much bigger Sadanoumi to remain 5-0!!! He's really on his game, keep it up and he may be Sanyaku before we know it!
  • Kotoshoho is really struggling, I hope this 0-5 Start doesn't keep him from getting his Kachi Koshi, more wins than losses. Endo Relly pulled a move to stay in and let Koto fly out!
  • ABI or Honda jr(Street Fighter refrence) throat choked his way to another victory to make it 4-1 over Mesie, hope he develops more.
  • Shodai is apparently fighting like himself again after his crush out loss to our 5-0 Daieisho!
  • Battle of the small faced men! Glad to see Tobizaru bouncing around like the Easter bunny and recovering time and time again, but he was no match for kotonowaka! Great smile at the end!
  • Tamawashi solidly slapped down by Wakamotoharu! Hope that he builds on this win on his way to at least an 8-7 tournament.
  • Little brother Waka 0-4, got his first win taken away from him after his knee buckled and touch the ground v Mitakeumi... I've not seen him go 0-5 in the last several years, he has to turn it around NOW.
  • Awesome match between the 3-1 Onosho and Kiribayoma, with Kiribayoma's slip going to Onosho's advantage.
  • Hoshoryu v the 0-4 Nishikigi... Must have gotten a bit overconfident and fell to Kishikigi's underarm throw.
  • Takakeisho's bumb knee didn't slow him down in the least in his cannon ball blast out of Ryuden, I was definitely expecting a different outcome. Maybe he's found some relief?

12 Men still in it to win it, this is exciting! Hakkeyo!
Ochiai is a beast. So excited to see him fight Ichinojo and Asenoyama, this will be a real test for him!
What happens now with no Ozeki??

They just rotate the Sekiwake?
Apparently according to Chris it’s the first time since WWII! I think that’s what they must do. What a free for all it’s gonna be!
I'm in disbelief... KJ is the only one who didn't pick the hamster so we all getting Ls now
Nothing official but it looked to me like a hyper-extened elbow.

Yusho is wide open. Curious to see what happens.
My picks have not done well. But the Basho has been one of the most exciting I've watched. For the first time I feel the future feels bright. For next Basho what happens to Terunofuji? Is Takakeisho able to fight? Have we have had a tournament start without a Yokozuna or an Ozeki?
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