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Sumo March 2023 Tourney and Contest

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The roar of the crowd for Ura is awesome! I don't think many wrestlers have such popular support from the crowd. Awesome!

Papayasu taking care of business HARD!
Speaking of Enho can someone find a picture of of Hokuseiho standing next to Enho please?
I have really been enjoying my daily read through of Tachiai (立合い) if you have some time to read his blog, there is some extra info that can get lost in the short matches.

Have a great day guys!
Great matches today!

  • Ochiai defeating Tokushoryu, a former top division champion was really Crazy!
  • Awesome fight from Kotokuzan and Churanoumi
  • Gonoyama showing some power against Daiamami
  • Enho V Akua and the ensuing crowd cheer Awesome!
  • Asenoyama really tested by Ichinojo, what an upset! Ichinojo is so big, I mean dang!
  • Tochi makes it another day and he wins, still surprised he has not announced his retirement.

A TON of 0-3 vs 3-0 matches today, kinda weird start to this Basho!
  • Kotoeko is really fighting hard this Basho, beating Tsurugisho who was undefeated. He seems to have the fire to keep himself out of Juryo
  • Kagayaki and Bushozan fought really well! Loved hearing the crowd screaming for them, well deserved win for Kagayaki!
  • Kinbozan v Takarafuji, seperated by more than a decade, weak tachiai, but still a win for my boy Kinbozan.
  • Aioyama and his signature pulling technique, the slow motion shot was gross lol. Monoi corrected the Gyogi
  • HECK of a fight from both Ichiyamamoto and Nishikifuji, WOW! Well deserved win for Nishikifuji!
  • The Ura dive failed him today...
  • Papayasu taking care of business, like he wants to win the basho. Definitely lost the tachiai, but pulled it out. Poor Kotoshoho is struggling this tournament 0-4...
  • Midorifuji and a solid win over ol' bubble head, he really had some moves!
  • Loving the power from Onosho and his face thrusts! I'd have a neck issue after that!
  • Diasho kept up the assault on the former Ozeki and it was just too much! Great match from him today.
  • My boy Ryuden is struggling, glad to see him get a win, but wanted to see Tobizaru keep his streak going.
  • Kiribyama is looking good, but concerned about Wakamotoharu, feels like hes off this tournament, lower energy
  • Hoshoryu v Tamawashi was a fantastic clash, hate to see Tama give up at the hay. The foot kick attempt by Hoshoryu was a great to see.
  • Wakatakakage loosing to a reinvigorated Shodai! Terrible start for him... BUT SHODAI, who is this guy? Has he been wrestling long, feels like this is my first time seeing him.
  • Uh oh, Takakeisho has a knee wrap, what's up with that??? Love all the kids screaming before the match! Abi took full advantage of Taka's limp and you could hear the crowd give and audible groan and a depth of silence after the match. That knee just couldn't hold him and you could tell on the Tachiai there was little power to resist Abi's pull attack. I fear, there will be no new Yokozuna next tournament, but I think it is as it should be.

Great matches today!

  • Ochiai defeating Tokushoryu, a former top division champion was really Crazy!
  • Awesome fight from Kotokuzan and Churanoumi
  • Gonoyama showing some power against Daiamami
  • Enho V Akua and the ensuing crowd cheer Awesome!
  • Asenoyama really tested by Ichinojo, what an upset! Ichinojo is so big, I mean dang!
  • Tochi makes it another day and he wins, still surprised he has not announced his retirement.

A TON of 0-3 vs 3-0 matches today, kinda weird start to this Basho!
  • Kotoeko is really fighting hard this Basho, beating Tsurugisho who was undefeated. He seems to have the fire to keep himself out of Juryo
  • Kagayaki and Bushozan fought really well! Loved hearing the crowd screaming for them, well deserved win for Kagayaki!
  • Kinbozan v Takarafuji, seperated by more than a decade, weak tachiai, but still a win for my boy Kinbozan.
  • Aioyama and his signature pulling technique, the slow motion shot was gross lol. Monoi corrected the Gyogi
  • HECK of a fight from both Ichiyamamoto and Nishikifuji, WOW! Well deserved win for Nishikifuji!
  • The Ura dive failed him today...
  • Papayasu taking care of business, like he wants to win the basho. Definitely lost the tachiai, but pulled it out. Poor Kotoshoho is struggling this tournament 0-4...
  • Midorifuji and a solid win over ol' bubble head, he really had some moves!
  • Loving the power from Onosho and his face thrusts! I'd have a neck issue after that!
  • Diasho kept up the assault on the former Ozeki and it was just too much! Great match from him today.
  • My boy Ryuden is struggling, glad to see him get a win, but wanted to see Tobizaru keep his streak going.
  • Kiribyama is looking good, but concerned about Wakamotoharu, feels like hes off this tournament, lower energy
  • Hoshoryu v Tamawashi was a fantastic clash, hate to see Tama give up at the hay. The foot kick attempt by Hoshoryu was a great to see.
  • Wakatakakage loosing to a reinvigorated Shodai! Terrible start for him... BUT SHODAI, who is this guy? Has he been wrestling long, feels like this is my first time seeing him.
  • Uh oh, Takakeisho has a knee wrap, what's up with that??? Love all the kids screaming before the match! Abi took full advantage of Taka's limp and you could hear the crowd give and audible groan and a depth of silence after the match. That knee just couldn't hold him and you could tell on the Tachiai there was little power to resist Abi's pull attack. I fear, there will be no new Yokozuna next tournament, but I think it is as it should be.

Great summary Matt!

And as big a Takakeisho fan as I am, I really can't argue with you, though I'll still give a cheer if it ever happens.
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