The Shaving Cadre

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Stirred UP


I understand those programs are there for a reason and some people really need that extra help. But the people who abuse the system really gets me stirred up! I wish they had better control over those programs.

That's all I'll say to avoid sounding like jerk.

I understand that these programs are there to help folks and I’m all for helping folks. But the products they got were all optional things or what could be called luxury items. Not healthy or really human food at all
We see that a ton here in CA. There is just a general lack of common sense and education when it comes to making healthy choices when the option is available.

These folks have the opportunity to eat pretty healthy, but the old mindset and past experience keeps folks cornered in the realm of making the same comfortable choices of what’s cheap and tastes good instead of how can I use this to truly help myself. That’s not all cases of course, but they do em up being the most visible cases.
Imagine how helpful it would be and lower cost to the taxpayer if only those that needed the help used it. Again, not to sound like a jerk either, as I'm sure it is needed and appreciated by some as it was intended, but I'd say I see more then the usual abuse of it here in Kentucky and I'll leave it at that.
Aaaaand that segues us to the jackalopes that use grandma’s disabled parking placard to park in the closest spot to the store and jog right in. (Yes, I understand there are also disabilities that aren’t visible)
I can't even comment on people abusing help while people who need it can't even get it and have my comment be fit for this forum, but yeah...
While standing in line at the DMV which the thought of is enough to stir up anyone, I thought of another.

Checking into hotels. Yes, now some hotels have figured it out and you can pre check-in and even just go to your room and open the door with your phone. BUT, what I'm used to is something like this:

Make your reservation, inputting in all your information.
Arrive at hotel and hand them your ID and credit card because you know they'll ask for it so you're saving everyone time.
<<swiping of CC>>
<<looking around on the screen>>
WHAT THE HECK??? What is going on that they don't just verify who you are, do you want to use the card on file and click on a clean room to assign it to you? What in the world are they typing back there??
While standing in line at the DMV which the thought of is enough to stir up anyone, I thought of another.

Checking into hotels. Yes, now some hotels have figured it out and you can pre check-in and even just go to your room and open the door with your phone. BUT, what I'm used to is something like this:

Make your reservation, inputting in all your information.
Arrive at hotel and hand them your ID and credit card because you know they'll ask for it so you're saving everyone time.
<<swiping of CC>>
<<looking around on the screen>>
WHAT THE HECK??? What is going on that they don't just verify who you are, do you want to use the card on file and click on a clean room to assign it to you? What in the world are they typing back there??

Ever since Hilton introduced their use the app on your phone as the key to your room it is awesome! Walk in and go straight to your room!
Oh man am I steamed....
So in late July I decided to get a Chevron Texaco card and start buying my gas regularly from the Chevron station on my way to the office. The card was offering 5 cents per gallon rebate and always gets about 10 cents off the posted price, this made Chevron gas as cheap or cheaper than most other stations and its really a decent gas. I make my application on line and followup with the required phone call to verify my identity and all that jazz. The lady on the phone congratulates me for being approved for a new card with $300 limit. Since I planned to use this card for both my cars the $300 limit was a bit tight but since I was planning on paying online pretty much the same day it didn't bother me much.

I used the card once and made a payment to see how it all worked, everything was as smooth as could be so I went about my business. My wife pays the bills so she took over the watching of the account. Rather than make multiple payments during the rest of the billing cycle she decided to make one payment near the end. She schedule the payment for $273 (the amount we had racked up since my last payment) and we went about our business. I filled up again a week or two ago and all was good. I go to fill up a couple days ago and the card had been closed. I called to get things straightened out, it seems the account was overdrawn as a result of my last purchase because the $273 payment was on hold but that wasn't a problem because the overdrawn amount wasn't due for another month...? Uh, ok why is it on hold if it has been out of my bank for many days and why am i overdrawn if i made the payment that you now have on hold? No answer. I requested (for the second time i think) an increase to the credit line since $300 was clearly not servicing our needs and was denied. At this point I was part angry, part amused and thoroughly insulted. I have a very high credit score, make good money and carry less than 10% debt to credit ratio and I can't get a $200 increase to my credit line? SO, I instructed the lady to simply CLOSE my useless account. Ahh, but I couldn't because I still needed to pay my outstanding balance THEN and only then can I close the account, I would have to call again to ask for the closure.

I Immediately scheduled a payment which was posted to the account on the 12th, I got the "alert" today telling me a payment had been posted so I looked on line to see what was what. Balance due $0 Available to spend $27 account closed. The $27 threw me and the account being closed without a phone call was odd so I called. The gentleman informed me that it was my gas card that was closed the VISA was still active and had $27 avilable credit. I had been demoted, no longer did I have a $300 limit I had a $27 limit? So, after spending 10 minutes trying to figure out how I could have a gas card that was closed and a visa that was open when I had only applied for a visa. Turned out they had tied to my account a reference to a closed gas card i had more than 20 years ago. But i digress ...About this $27 limit, what gives? "Oh sir, your payment of $273 is on hold, the $27 is the remaining portion of your infinitesimally small and useless credit limit". Confused I asked for clarification...the payment i made weeks ago has been posted, the payment I made monday has posted but the one in the middle has not? "Yes sir, we are trying to establish a payment pattern. Until we establish a payment pattern the payment will be on hold" he said as if it made sense. I expressed my inability to understand what he just explained so he elaborated... "you see, you made two payments in one month so we are trying to establish a payment pattern". Yup! a whole lot clearer. Again, i asked for clarification, this time introducing a NEW variable ...I had actually made THREE payments. I explained that One is a surprise, two is a coincidence but I am sure three is a pattern... He repeated the same explanation leaving me no choice but to offend his mothers honor before asking him to can the script he was reading and level with me. "it's because you don't like me isn't it? You don't TRUST me?" I could hear him break"....yes sir, that's pretty much it...UNTIL we establish a payment pattern"

Astonished, I decided to start all over with him. I took him back to the day I made the stupid decision to get a chevron card ...he was with me while I explained how i was both amused and offended by the $300 limit ...he was by my side when I explained my plan to make multiple payments so the otherwise useless card would be of value to me ...and soon we were at the foot of "I made a payment but you won't post it until you find the pattern" mountain. I strapped the harness on both of us and again began to climb this intrepid mountain. He lost his balance when I asked him again why making two (or 3) payments in one month was SO hard to handle. He fell to his bloody death when I asked him how I am supposed to fill up my tank when They have my money but wont extend the credit they promised me. HE really had no answer for me and was utterly powerless but I think I made him understand how frustratingly stupid things has become.

Needless to say the account is closed now, who knows when they will consider the payment posted but it doesn't matter to me now.
Having worked in the banking industry for 11 years and 4 of that in building customer strategy for our credit card line of business I am beyond baffled!
I'm just glad you've established a posting pattern here....
I honestly think the whole low limit and holding thing is purposeful in order to limit the rebates etc you get. The special conditions exist for activity occurring over the few months, if they can keep you from being able to use the card until the promotion is done then they end up with a double account and no cost.

This one really chaps my hide...
I honestly think the whole low limit and holding thing is purposeful in order to limit the rebates etc you get. The special conditions exist for activity occurring over the few months, if they can keep you from being able to use the card until the promotion is done then they end up with a double account and no cost.

This one really chaps my hide...

Or they don't have enough capital on the back-end to take on more risk. But a $300 credit limit is crazy low. The lowest we offered when I worked in the credit card portfolio was $1000, and $500 for students.
Or they don't have enough capital on the back-end to take on more risk. But a $300 credit limit is crazy low. The lowest we offered when I worked in the credit card portfolio was $1000, and $500 for students.

But Chevron not have enough backend funds? Do they farm these card duties out to more local banks or something?
But Chevron not have enough backend funds? Do they farm these card duties out to more local banks or something?

Guarantee Chevron is NOT doing the banking. They are probably a small portfolio of a larger bank like Bank of America for example. If Chris looks on the back of the card it will list a bank like HSBC. My company out of that business because it was high risk and low reward. But no need to bore everyone with the details. But basically what happens is on MOST gas cards or department store cards there are 3 entities in play. The network (Visa, Master, Discover, AMEX), the bank (provider of funds), and the issuer (the customer service). My theory was that a better experience is provided to the customer when ALL 3 is handled by the same company. Been doing it that way now for 9 years.
Guarantee Chevron is NOT doing the banking. They are probably a small portfolio of a larger bank like Bank of America for example. If Chris looks on the back of the card it will list a bank like HSBC. My company out of that business because it was high risk and low reward. But no need to bore everyone with the details. But basically what happens is on MOST gas cards or department store cards there are 3 entities in play. The network (Visa, Master, Discover, AMEX), the bank (provider of funds), and the issuer (the customer service). My theory was that a better experience is provided to the customer when ALL 3 is handled by the same company. Been doing it that way now for 9 years.

Its funny, the "who" on the back of the card changes over time. I remember when everything was capital-one, now, all instant credit is provided by Synchrony. Synchrony does the care credit and store credit too. Interesting how my request for no interest financing of furniture or braces comes with thousands of dollars more than I ask for but a gas card is issued with a pathetic limit. In California gas costs between $3.50 and $4.00 ALWAYS so a middle class commuter will easily hit that limit before the month is over.
That's interesting. Your theory that the limit is there to prevent more bonus makes sense.