The Shaving Cadre

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Stirred UP

Personally, I like the self check outs at Walmart and the grocery stores. I'm much more efficient at bagging my stuff than they are and I walk out with fewer bags. Plus I know I can get through the line faster, doing it myself.

Yeah, I get that it's killing jobs for cashiers, but being a cashier is a pretty brainless occupation to begin with. They don't even know how to count change back. And if there ever is any issue, they need to get a manager over there anyway.

I've heard of, but never seen a kiosk at Mickey Ds. I always special order my food from there because of my diet, so if I knew how to do that myself it might be easier as well.
What about the Ahole who drives through a campground at 11pm with the brights on
And stops while his lights arr shining in your tent or camper while he surveys with a flashlight which site he wants to use.
I had this happen earlier this month. Some (......) drives in with a SUV that is barely working si he has to keep reving the engine to keep it from dying altogether. Makes a tight U-turn and stops 4 feet from the tent lights squarely focused onto the tent. He then proceeded to rev repeatedly. I was up (fending off the skunk army) so i went over and stood in front of the guy and said "REALLY?". without a word he finished his u-turn and parked several spaces down the road. He stayed the night in the truck and pulled out in the morning.

As for the golden Arches kiosks I am with you. I don't relish the idea of TOUCHING them after everyone and their kid has touched it ...and they are a serious PITA to use. They are designed to upsell for sure but also so that the "specials" or buy 2 for... etc are hidden. If you select the items individually they are more than happy to charge you full amount. My solution is to NEVER step foot into a MsD's, I will drive through as needed but won't walk in. This usually means I don't go because the drive though is pretty busy. McD's is the king of process and automation, this makes them a fantastic entry level job where workers can focus on learning to show up on time and interact with people. These kiosks could result in job loss but they may also be addressing another issue. these days don't interact face to face, they are most comfortable putting an electronic device between them and you.

BTW, I had a similar fight with the morning crew. I wanted to buy a coffee and sausage biscuit with cash. While i was being "tutored" on how to use the kiosk the worker pointed to where i needed to touch but let me do the touching. When i came time to pay and place the order I looked for a place to insert the cash and was told I needed to take my order ticket to the counter and pay THEN my order will be placed...they won't even pour my coffee while I wait in line with the old geezers from old people ville who are also paying cash. I asked them what the purpose of the kiosk is if not to reduce the need for cashiers and/or speed things up. I didn't get cheers but their was clear agreement from the room full of old folk. To top it all off I had to wait at my table with a number card until the delivery staff searched for me. I waited more than 10 minutes for my coffee and biscuit thing.
Sticking with the kiosk thing I actually have a good example of how to use them. Our county is geographically larger than Rhode Island (largest in nation) and has a very disbursed population. Many of the counties most elderly and/ or needy live in the most remote of places you can imagine. To address this issue they have placed teleconferencing devices in some of the remote court houses so the residence can travel shorter distances to attend court hearings and such. The county it self has begun placing service kiosks in out lying areas for the same reason. The kiosks are equipped with scanners and printers and are attended to in person via remote. There is a minimal phone tree style menu but everything else is done verbally. This is really cool but the REAL reason they are doing this (what they told the government to get some funding) is to reduce the number of cars on the road. They plan to place these kiosks in areas that are quite close to the county offices so people don't need to drive as far or park in the areas that are typically very congested. I am a curmudgeon but I kind of like this idea, it provides a solution to traffic and congestion that is out of the box.
Finding a stinking job!!!!! It's miserable.
I got an interview a week and a half ago. They wanted more info filled out. Did that. Drug test. Done. Waiting............... I am supposed to go for orientation, but have no clue when, and it is 5 hours away (one way) and I'm supposed to go for 2 days! I've been out of work for almost 4 months now so how in the heck am I supposed to do that?!?!

Filled out another application through the job center. It said to follow up by going to the address and emailing my resume. I drove 20 some miles to the address........ It was somebody's house. There is a place just down the road that looks like the right place, but the employer was "undisclosed" so I had no idea if it was right or not. Even stopped, but they said I'd have to look online to see if they were hiring.
Drove back home and emailed the link. Got returned as not able to deliver..... Called the job center. That person doesn't work at the company any longer so the email is wrong..... Also, I didn't need to drive to the company, that part on the JC's site is wrong...... And I was actually in the right place when I did go!

I'm not trying for a national security level position, it's for a welder/welders helper. Why does it have to be so da## difficult???
There's an app for that

edit: sorry to be clear, this was typed in response to the McDonald’s thing. Not the job thing.
Finding a stinking job!!!!! It's miserable.
I got an interview a week and a half ago. They wanted more info filled out. Did that. Drug test. Done. Waiting............... I am supposed to go for orientation, but have no clue when, and it is 5 hours away (one way) and I'm supposed to go for 2 days! I've been out of work for almost 4 months now so how in the heck am I supposed to do that?!?!

Filled out another application through the job center. It said to follow up by going to the address and emailing my resume. I drove 20 some miles to the address........ It was somebody's house. There is a place just down the road that looks like the right place, but the employer was "undisclosed" so I had no idea if it was right or not. Even stopped, but they said I'd have to look online to see if they were hiring.
Drove back home and emailed the link. Got returned as not able to deliver..... Called the job center. That person doesn't work at the company any longer so the email is wrong..... Also, I didn't need to drive to the company, that part on the JC's site is wrong...... And I was actually in the right place when I did go!

I'm not trying for a national security level position, it's for a welder/welders helper. Why does it have to be so da## difficult???
For the past 10 years I have been part of what is called a "rapid response team". The team is made up of a representative from every State, Federal and County agency that exists to help dislocated workers, my roll is to provide financial and retirement plan advice...i am the only non-government person on the team so I can tell 'em like it is without worry of being fired for not toeing the official line. I don't charge a fee (everyone else gets paid to be there) and I offer everyone of those who attend or are referred by someone who attended free services. ...I have had exactly 3 people take me up on my offer. Over the years I have been part of more than 50 layoff events affecting more than 1000 workers. As a group, welders made up the largest number of people being laid off. This wasn't because welders aren't important, only that our area has a lot of those type of businesses. Most of them had been employed with the same company 20-25 years and they were some of the nicest, hardest working people I have met. Sadly, they have had the hardest time locating work. Despite having an incredible amount of experience potential employers require certain certification or only accept one type of cert. Many of those guys left the area for work.

I feel for you, I imagine you face the same frustrations those guys do/did. My only advice is to take advantage of the resources being offered and go with the flow. the mean time go make some more of those awesome knives (and maybe a razor or two)
Well, we just hit those McDonald’s machines for the first time. What a pain in the keester! I agree with all you guys.
Waiting in line at the DMV or any government entity is horrific and such a waste of time. Maybe the DMV could use a kiosk to help things speed along
Semis passing another semi going 1/2 mph faster on a two lane highway
People who have $500 worth of groceries or more than a buggy full who insist on using the self checkout that only has the little tiny shelf!
In response to nurse Dave lol.

When towing up a 6% grade and the jerk decides to cut you off and slow down so you lose all your momentum!
When all the pumps are taken at the gas station and the guy in front finished pumping gas decides to stay at the pump and go inside for smokes, beer, and slim Jim's. He could have pulled forward and parked in front!
In response to nurse Dave lol.

When towing up a 6% grade and the jerk decides to cut you off and slow down so you lose all your momentum!
When all the pumps are taken at the gas station and the guy in front finished pumping gas decides to stay at the pump and go inside for smokes, beer, and slim Jim's. He could have pulled forward and parked in front!
Welcome back from you nice relaxing camping "civilization"
Both those things get me torqued

Squeeze the darn tube from the BOTTOM!!!!!

Squeeze the darn tube from the BOTTOM!!!!!

Even this photo makes my blood boil! 8.5 years after marriage I am still training my wife on this! LOL