Shave Time!
Razors: Cowboy Dubl Duck/RR GC .84
Blade: Parker Platinum
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
Soap: LNHC Somali Rose (10)
AS: Aqua Velva Ice Blue
SR Shave #11
Another go at the ATG pass with the straight razor and it was much better than the last. Still awkward with the left hand, but a little better. There was blood, but believe it or not, it didn't show up until I broke out the Game Changer. Not quite sure what happened, but it wasn't life threatening haha!
The LNHC is beginning to show signs of dwindling. It's definitely going to last the month, but maybe I'll get lucky and finish it up in time for the Willy 3017 next month. I kind of feel like Willie would be let down if I don't get in on that 3017!
Willie World:
Speaking of Willie, he's been happy the last few days. He usually gets baby carrots for treats to help keep his weight where it should be, but we ran out Saturday night. Since we haven't had a chance to get to the store to buy more he's been getting good old fashioned Milk Bones! He's loving it! I'll have to stop on the way home from work tomorrow to get him more carrots though, Willie has watch that weight to protect his back.
In Other News...
Tomorrow will mark the first day at work being at full strength staff-wise. Well almost, we have a new hire starting next Monday, but we've been running with the current staff since October. Everyone will be a bit relieved to be back at our normal.