The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Steve's Journal: The Saga Continues....

Shave Time!

Cowboy Dubl Duck/RR GC .84
Blade: Feather
Brush: Tech Hive Synthetic
Soap: Stirling Hipster
AS: Stirling Hipster

Straight Shave #5 in the books and it was another good one. I skipped the initial DE WTG pass as I was still pretty smooth from the previous day’s shave, and it didn’t seem to cause any problems. So 2 WTG passes with the Cowboy Dubl Duck (it has a nickname now!) and then XTG and ATG passes with the GC. BBS* for the win! One small nick under the nose on the initial pass but it sealed up on its own before the second pass, so relatively drama free!

Willie World:
It seems that all the excitement of Christmas was a bit much for Willie’s back and he’ll need to take it easy for a few days. He’s walking fine but we can tell he’s sore. Oh well, just means more couch time for everyone!

In Other News...
I just started season 3 of Black Sails and I’m hooked! Pirates are my new obsession currently...I think I need to find a pirate themed razor somewhere.
Shave Time!

Cowboy Dubl Duck/RR GC .84
Blade: Feather
Brush: TSC 1st Anniversary Sorrentino Cashmere
Soap: AOS Sandalwood Shaving Cream
AS: Skin Bracer

SR Shave #6

3rd shave following the TSC SR Shave Tutorial. 2 WTG passes using the Cowboy Dubl Duck and then XTG and ATG passes using the Game Changer. Things are still going well with the straight, no drama again today! I've even noticed that my DE technique has benefited from using the straight. I guess since I'm really paying attention and locked in when using the straight razor, it's carrying over into the DE portion of the shave. All good stuff though right?

I broke out the AOS Sandalwood Cream today. I've had this for about 2 years now I think...I dunno, a long time lol. I went through the den last night and realized I have a few creams that haven't really been touched, so I'll probably use those the next few days. I also saw that I have a crap ton of samples that have been sitting. So I'll probably start working through those as well.

Willie World:
Willie was not amused this morning when my work phone rang before 8:00AM...Another employee isn't feeling well and was going to get a COVID test. I hope she's ok. HR pretty much takes over the second I report it, so I'll have to wait until they hear back from her.

In Other News...
Today was the last day of a 4 day weekend! Back to the grind tomorrow...
Shave Time!

Cowboy Dubl Duck
Blade: None
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
Soap: AOS Sandalwood Cream
AS: Nivea Sensitive Balm

SR Shave #6
Just a quick 2 pass shave to get some practice in. I didn’t shave this morning since I was still pretty smooth from a late day shave yesterday. So 2 WTG passes with the Cowboy to get some practice strokes in and scratch that shave itch. Not a very close shave, probably CCSish, but no issues to report. So that’s a win! Plus, I’ll have something to shave tomorrow morning! 😆

Willie World:
All is well in the life of Willie. He’s currently snuggled under about 3 blankets while momma starts yet another TV show dad has no interest in. 🤦🏻‍♂️

In Other News...
Back to work today after a 4 day weekend. Pretty uneventful day today which was nice. Tomorrow will likely bring me to our overflow lot in Philly to clean up a little bit.
Shave Time!

RR GC .84
Blade: Feather
Brush: Stirling Synthetic
Soap: AOS Sandalwood Cream
AS: LNHC Barbershop Elixer

Totally forgot to post my shave from this morning. No SR shave today because...I overslept! I also did a 2 pass last night and wasn’t planning on it anyway, so it’s ok.

I think this Feather blade has seen it’s last shave. It was a bit rough today, and I have no idea how many shaves are on it. Usually I don’t have an issue pushing a blade for long periods, but I have enough so I’ll pitch it. Otherwise a decent shave today. The usual 3 Names BBS* 😎.

Willie World:
It’s still cold. He still doesn’t like it.

In Other News...
My 4 day weekend may have been cut to a 2 day off/1 day on/1 day off weekend. We’ll see...