The Shaving Cadre

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Shawn's forging shed

Great looking stuff Shawn! I love the redneck ball hitch over in your hardy tools :p I've got a similar thing I forged from an huge bolt I found at the scrap yard.
Very cool!! I'd love to see some of the stuff you've made.
Did a bunch of fun titanium anodizing, heat treating, grinding, etching and fitting for Sniper Bladeworks

Did a bunch of fun titanium anodizing, heat treating, grinding, etching and fitting for Sniper Bladeworks

WOW! Very nice!!
Definitely appreciate the compliment from someone with your skills, thank you!

Funny thing, I have the same Gerber axe and Cold Steel shovel from the second photo. :LOL:
I see what you did there!

so is it still salvageable or will normalizing it cause issues
Yep, I did it. :ROFLMAO:

Can't normalize them at this point because I am trying to finish grind them after the quench/temper. I usually would leave them a little thicker when rough grinding to allow myself a little wiggle room if they warped or twisted on me. I've gotten in the habit of clamping them between two pieces of angle in my vise after the quench to finish cooling and that has for the most part eliminated any warping or twisting. Now I just need to get in the habit of grinding them closer to finish size when rough grinding.
Yep, I did it. :ROFLMAO:

Can't normalize them at this point because I am trying to finish grind them after the quench/temper. I usually would leave them a little thicker when rough grinding to allow myself a little wiggle room if they warped or twisted on me. I've gotten in the habit of clamping them between two pieces of angle in my vise after the quench to finish cooling and that has for the most part eliminated any warping or twisting. Now I just need to get in the habit of grinding them closer to finish size when rough grinding.
well i guess put on some good tunes really loud and grind away.
Another update for @ShaveMD
Finish grinding is done, handles are on and shaped and they are almost ready. I still need to do some final hand sanding on the handles and sharpen them, but I slapped one coat of finish on to show the color.
Mark has been an absolute saint and beyond patient with my inability to get his blade done in a reasonable amount of time, so the kitchen knife was added as a thank you to him for being so understanding and patient.

Another update for @ShaveMD
Finish grinding is done, handles are on and shaped and they are almost ready. I still need to do some final hand sanding on the handles and sharpen them, but I slapped one coat of finish on to show the color.
Mark has been an absolute saint and beyond patient with my inability to get his blade done in a reasonable amount of time, so the kitchen knife was added as a thank you to him for being so understanding and patient.

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Having been a receiver, they’re well worth the wait!
Very nice Shawn! Now we gotta get you making Bowie knives (coming from the blacksmith who's only made one small knife in his career). They will be worth the wait!