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Shawn's forging shed

I think you'll like the pattern a whole lot more on the flat side vs. the edge. As you draw that billet out I think you'll see a better pattern with the layers being manipulated more. You could always do a rain drop effect by drilling the surface with some holes and then forge it out. For your first billet, I think you did great. No delams or cracks.

NurseDave forges??:oops:
You could always do a rain drop effect by drilling the surface with some holes and then forge it out.

I was just thinking that before i saw you posted it. It say cut it in 2 clean it up and reweld it for a few more layers and then try the raindrops. I don't think i have ever seen one of those that didn't look pretty darn cool.

and i'm sure you could make some kind of small knife from that. at least a friction folder.
I was just thinking that before i saw you posted it. It say cut it in 2 clean it up and reweld it for a few more layers and then try the raindrops. I don't think i have ever seen one of those that didn't look pretty darn cool.

and i'm sure you could make some kind of small knife from that. at least a friction folder.
I don't now about all that.....................better check with @NurseDave 1st
I've already conferred with @NurseDave and he agrees that by the time I'd get it forged flat, cleaned for another weld, and forge welded again, I'd lose too much material in scale and grinding to be useable. Same with drilling to make a birdseye pattern. The material loss from drilling would make it too small by the time I got it hammered out again.

I think the best bet at this point to try and make something from it, I'm just going to try and squeeze out a razor blade from it. When I get some time to play that is....
I've got some serious catch-up to from being behind while trying to get this new forge up and running. Plus I'm on my way out the door to the hospital. Should have a grand baby by tomorrow morning.
Ya, come on guys! You think Shawn and I don't talk about this stuff? 😎

He also gave me some feedback in how to present complication data to senior leadership.
Early Congrats and wishes all goes well @ShawnF
Congratulations, Shawn! Hope everything turns out as it should!
Congrats Shawn! hope all goes well!
Way to go Grandpa Shawn!
Thanks Guys!! They've induced her, but will most likely be a C section about 5am(ish).
Here's to hoping for triplets!!!!
No, no, and no... I'm having trouble picking a fork up off the floor because someone moved the floor further away, there's no way I can chase 3 kids around. :LOL:
Ya, come on guys! You think Shawn and I don't talk about this stuff? 😎

He also gave me some feedback in how to present complication data to senior leadership.
That's right! Gotta make sure I'm on the same page as the boss!

I still say keep the presentation light and to the point, it's good practice to think through opportunities to break down the scope into smaller chunks to help you identify opportunities to realize value more quickly, a brief outline of what you need from them, and reasons as to why you need to act and the consequences of not doing so.
But I know you got this!!!
Dude, I could totally say that in a meeting and nobody would look at me oddly.
Congrats on the grand baby Shawn. I actually used the knife you made to make the bonfire j had with my family tonight. Thanks my friend for making it