The Shaving Cadre

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Shawn's forging shed

My wife likes it. She used it to cut onions and cooked chicken last night for a Japanese dish she loves from her two trips there to visit a good friend. Last trip she spent a month, totally immersing herself in the culture. When I told her the knife is a hybrid of two Japanese knife designs, her eyes lit up. She's looking forward to using it on raw meat. Great knife.
Been trying to play catch-up. I am really behind with a few projects due to work, life, and the brutal weather we've had. I did make it out to the wind tunnel today for a while though. Got some finish grinding done on two tobacco cutter blades. I'm also working on a chef's knife for a friend of mine to use in a cooking competition next month. I finished the rough grinding on that and got it heat treated today.

At quick glance, I thought it was a shadow..... made it look like the knife was floating!
Got some grinding time in after work tonight. No sharpening yet and the edge is down to 20 thousandths of an inch thickness. I think I'm going to do some more work on it and try to get it thinner. Down to about 8 thousandths or so. Makes a smaller secondary bevel so it slices smoother that way.
The piece of walnut that it is on will become the handle scales and the saya. (blade cover)

Great work Shawn. The blade is really getting down there. I can appreciate the work you've done to get it where it is.
Finally got some good time spent on some projects. I got the two cutters that I am waaaayyyyyyy behind on almost ready to go. Waiting on finishes to dry mostly now.
Also got the handle on and first 2 coats of finish on the kitchen knife I am working on.