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Shawn's forging shed

Fixed blade.......hand forged.....awesome looking...........inside the waistband kydex sheath, what more could a guy want cozied up to his IWB kydex sheathed handgun?
I can see me wanting to fool around with kydex. I've always wanted a fixed blade IWB with a clip. Of course now that I'm not doing a particular job it would be overkill
Awesome job Shawn!
Fixed blade.......hand forged.....awesome looking...........inside the waistband kydex sheath, what more could a guy want cozied up to his IWB kydex sheathed handgun?
I can see me wanting to fool around with kydex. I've always wanted a fixed blade IWB with a clip. Of course now that I'm not doing a particular job it would be overkill
Awesome job Shawn!
. Some guys still like their handguns housed in cowhide.???
. Some guys still like their handguns housed in cowhide.

I do absolutely love the look of a nice slab of well sculpted cowhide, but I also prefer the high speed low drag of the kydex. I know I'm not active or LEO, but I have trained with a Green Beret, a SEAL, and a former active turned contractor that trained allies, and have also trained civilians and some LEOs that weren't too arrogant to be offended by a long haired tattoo'd punk knowing more than them.
So while it's not my "day to day", it's still what I do.
Nice rig TJ! Dang that does look comfortable. My Kydex is connected to a nice leather piece that touches my skin so it doesn't sweat and feels great.

Man, you guys must live in a much more dangerous area than I do to be worried about stuff like that.

Some of us are born sheepdogs, it's in our nature to protect. Not everyone feels that way and it's ok.
TJ, that is an absolute beauty!

Man, you guys must live in a much more dangerous area than I do to be worried about stuff like that.

Dave, I'm sure you've heard the whole "it's like insurance" thing. Better to have it and not need it etc...
As to a dangerous place? I guess it really depends on what you consider dangerous. I don't have a lot of gang wars or too many violent crimes around my house. Plus being a small town everybody knows that I'm the "pistol guy" and that my daughter is dating the town cop. So I don't really worry about people being a problem.
There is the bear that likes to get in my garbage, or the coyote pack on the hill across the road and like to come down into the yards looking for the small dogs or whatever else they can find. Wouldn't be out of the question to see either of those greeting me one morning or evening, so I suppose you could consider that a danger. They don't seem to care what people call you or who's dating who.
I love the Kydex. Funny you made it for tucking in the waistband, I’ve been looking for a new boot knife. I had the knife you gave me out trying it for fit. I’m not built for inside the waistband and a knife hanging from my belt doesn’t work with my shirt and tie. The way you made that sheath is quite clever.
TJ, that is an absolute beauty!
Dave, I'm sure you've heard the whole "it's like insurance" thing. Better to have it and not need it etc...
As to a dangerous place? I guess it really depends on what you consider dangerous. I don't have a lot of gang wars or too many violent crimes around my house. Plus being a small town everybody knows that I'm the "pistol guy" and that my daughter is dating the town cop. So I don't really worry about people being a problem.
There is the bear that likes to get in my garbage, or the coyote pack on the hill across the road and like to come down into the yards looking for the small dogs or whatever else they can find. Wouldn't be out of the question to see either of those greeting me one morning or evening, so I suppose you could consider that a danger. They don't seem to care what people call you or who's dating who.
It's dangerous here too Shawn. i never know what I'll run into when taking the trash to the dump ???
It's dangerous here too Shawn. i never know what I'll run into when taking the trash to the dump

He is a pretty good sized one.
I had to get rid of my bee hive in the backyard because a bear kept knocking it over to eat the honey.
Wife wasn't happy with having bears within 30 yards of the house.
One night when I had my tipi I was up there at night straightening arrow shafts and the pack of coyotes that was running the area around my house was attracted to the light. Tipis light up like a Chinese lantern when you have a camp fire in them and they just came right on up. I had my handgun, tomahawk and a flashlight so I wasn't too worried. They were going around my tipi sniffing and whining and I figured the first mangy head that poked in was going to get a surprise. They stayed around my tipi and when I was finished straightening my arrow shafts I figured it was time to get rowdy. Tomahawk in one hand and handgun in the other I came out. They took off without incident and I hustled back down the hill to home where I found my dog hiding around the back of the house behind a big bush. That's my coyote story, and like Shawn, I carry for protection sometimes from things like that.
So I learned a valuable lesson when working with this new steel.
Don't leave it too thick when heat treating.....

When you intentionally buy a steel noted for hardness and wear resistance, then harden it close to it's maximum potential, it is very.... wear resistant.....
I started to do my finish grind on one I am working on. I left the profile a little too heavy before heat treat, which normally isn't a huge deal. Well this stuff just kind of looks at the ceramic belts and says "whatchu got bro!?" It took a lot of extra grinding to get to finish profile. It's there finally though. Got caught up doing stuff for the new job today, but should have some pictures of it tomorrow to post.