The Shaving Cadre

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I had the Calle Ocho soap ans AS and really dug the scent. I hastily PIDed it due to lather issues. Then regrettably discovered the issue was my brush. I am going to have to buy it again.
I had the Calle Ocho soap ans AS and really dug the scent. I hastily PIDed it due to lather issues. Then regrettably discovered the issue was my brush. I am going to have to buy it again.

Dang that sucks that you figured that out after you got rid of it. Different brushes do seem to make a difference, not only the btand but the fiber as well. Am still leery of badger brushes since every one i have tried had lathered strangely.

This WK soap has a scent that is very similar to Brut which is considered a classic Fougere scent. Did not get the best lather this shave. Even though this soap is capable of so much more i just wasnt feeling it so the lather suffered as a result. Shave still went well but nothing special.


Perfectly Nautral Citrus Mint is a somewhat unknown artisan that performs great for a affordable price.

Scent is like a mentholated citrus that smells Natural. Packs a nice cooling effect without being too much.

Lathers great and likes a lot of water to start out with when loading. Managed a super refreshing BBS shave and was suppost to finish off with Russian Leather but the last time i used this stuff it gave me a headache and was was too cloying.

Hope everyone had a great shave!

Recieved GD Mallard Rose Chai yesterday and had to give it a try. Am a big fan of Grooming Dept and find them to be among the best in the business IMO.

Scent to my nose is a Chai Tea- spicy cinnamon cardamon with a hint of Rose. Wished the Rose was more predominant but have had other GD soaps change scent a bit over time so perhaps this will be the case. Anyways, have to say this is by far the best Chai Tea scent i have come across and i am a Avid tea connoisseur that loves a nice cup of tea. Was expecting this to smell a bit like Indian Rose Milk which is a awesome Rose flavored milk that looks like Strawberry Nesquick. Very well made scent but would have liked a bit heavier Rose presence but some guys get weird when it comes to Rose scents so completely understandable.

the shave went great and lather was typical GD goodness. Cant go wrong with any soap formula from this artisan. Finiajed off with Rose Water. Hope everyone had a great shave!


Prep: pre shave soap mix
Razor: Wilkinson Sword Classic
Blade: Rapira SS (1st shave)
Soap: Soap Commander Resolution
Post: SC Resolution Balm

Haven't used a SC soap in a while but the balm is down to about 50% so its had its fair share of usage. The tubs they use are huge and take up quite a bit of space in the den, but they are sturdy and of excellent quality same for the labels.

Scent of Resolution is described as Cranberry, Fir, and Mistletoe. I have no idea what Mistletoe is suppost to smell like, but this reminds me of Cherry Limeade or red Koolaid and really is a nice scent that works best in the colder months but the Cranberry makes it a scent that could be enjoyed year round.

Performance is decent and much better than i remembered. Had no trouble whipping up a lather and noticed it is not as thirsty as many of the newer soaps, making it a great choice for beginners or anyone learning about water tolerance. This is not to say it cant handle water just that the lather does not require flooding for adequite slickness.

This shave went remarkably well and am quite happy with the results alrhough did notice a tad bit of stinging on left cheek from the balm where i went with the wrong angle against the grain, so 100% my fault. Finished off with matching balm, Soap Commander makes a excellent balm IMO


Hope y'all had a wonderful shave and a safe weekend!
Caught up ! Nice shaves. Shame about the Russian Leather. Same happened to me with my Vintage Old Spice- Headaches

Thats a bummer Dave since Vintage OS is awesome juice. Sometimes even though you may like a scent doesnt mean the scent likes you back hahaha. Same goes for some of the Vintage Avon scents- Thai Winds in particular that cause a massive headache but smells decent. Good thing there is a rediculous amount of varitey out there to choose from.

Prep: Musgo Real Oakmoss
Razor: Wilkinson Sticky
Blade: Rapira SS
Brush: Maggard 24mm Synthetic
Soap: Razor Master- Toivo
Post: English Leather A/S

Here is another artisan you may not have heard of before called Razormaster. They are from Finland i believe and their logo has a Dragon that looks similar to the Welsh Flag. Soap comes in puck form wrapped in paper so this one is pressed into a container.

The scent of Tovio is a strong Pine Tar and smells like a campfire, not really my cup of tea (so to speak) and so far the only Pine Tar soap i can stomache has been Ballenclaugh Woodsmen.

Performance is nothing spectacular but still a completely servicable soap. Lather starts out a bit bubbly but gets stable once enough water has been added. The shave went well but did get a slight burning sensation and was glad to rinse this stuff off hahaha. Finished off with English Leather A/S which surprisingly did not sting for being a alcohol splash.


Prep: pre shave soap mix
Razor: Wilkinson Sticky
Blade: Rapira SS
Brush: Maggard 24mm Synthetic
Soap: Mike's Natural- Pine & Cedarwood
Post: B&M Taigia A/S

Had a awesome shave this evening that was about as perfect as could be IMO.

Mike's Natural is a soap that is about as local as could be, being made in Ann Arbor and i am from the Detroit area as well. Mike's has been around for years with a soao base that can compete with many of the newer artisans.

Scent of Pine & Cedarwood is mostly Pine to my nose and smells nice. Not too strong and is a Natural type Pine scent.

Performance is very good and have noticed it likes a wetter brush when loading. Lather can hold a whole lot of water which can push the slickness into overdrive. Flooded out the lather during the 2nd pass without consequence. This was a amazing shave and the Taiga aftershave was icing on the cake and a teriffic A/S formula IMO loaded with skin food and way more ingredients than most aftershaves especially for the price, making this stuff a true bargin IMO.

Hope everyone had a swell shave!