The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Shave like a duck

I need a judgement after you watch 😂
While it would be more fun to take the side of whoever is arguing against Dave, I would have to say if you personally smell a citrus note, then that soap to you is a citrus. Though, you gotta have a ton of straight forward citrus soaps. So stop causing problems. ;)
It's nice that Ben likes to make his video intimate and is so open with us. I don't know that I'll necessarily remember how many times he gets up to pee at night. But I'm comforted that he feels our space is safe enough to share that.
It's nice that Ben likes to make his video intimate and is so open with us. I don't know that I'll necessarily remember how many times he gets up to pee at night. But I'm comforted that he feels our space is safe enough to share that.
I must have missed that in the echoes in the sound
It's nice that Ben likes to make his video intimate and is so open with us. I don't know that I'll necessarily remember how many times he gets up to pee at night. But I'm comforted that he feels our space is safe enough to share that.
Meh. If people take issue with my workplace anxiety that's their problem. Haha

Alright, @Dave in KY HERE IT IS! I had uploaded it and started working on hazmat stuff and forgot it. I clearly need to work on my blade angle with the Karve, but other than that I'm in love with it.

My attempt to cut down on time failed miserably, but at least I tried?
I was looking at the OC plates a couple of days ago and I'm intrigued. I might pull the trigger on the B plate in the next couple of months.
Nice video and glad you like the Karve. It's a solid shaver. You may need the OC or c plate to get the ATG smoothness you want. BEDTIME now
Thanks, Dave. I'm going to use the C plate tomorrow. Goodnight!
Have you shaved without showering before. My first thought is ouch! Without the hydration from a shower I won’t shave. Always hydrate Ben!
Once or twice. It's definitely not something I make a habit of doing.
Glad you're liking the Karve so far!
It might be on the way out if I can't get it to perform like Tim's Gillette Senator. I might need an OC C plate before I make that decision. That Senator has put everything else to shame so far.