The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Shave like a duck

I have accomplished nothing except recording and uploading this video. I need a nap. Ennnnnnjoy if that's your deal.
I made the first video public but I'm keeping this one unlisted because of the criticism of my department...and a picture of exactly which department I work for. Ooooops? Live and learn. Whatever.

I'll watch later. I always disable comments on mine 👍
I'm not worried about other people's criticism of me, I don't care. It's that the bosses might take offense to my harsh criticism on how they're mismanaging my education.

I kinda just started talking and forgot that I represent something in real life too for a second. Something I'll keep in mind in future videos.
I'm not worried about other people's criticism of me, I don't care. It's that the bosses might take offense to my harsh criticism on how they're mismanaging my education.

I kinda just started talking and forgot that I represent something in real life too for a second. Something I'll keep in mind in future videos.
Oh, absolutely a concern 👍
I remember our haz-mat training. The rule of thumb. If it looks bigger than your outstretched thumb, you’re too close.
Nice shave Ben sans the roughness but you got this. Hard to tell but that guard sure looks like the hair shaper guard with the teeth. The shaving guards I believe have a bar all the way across the blade verses the teeth. That could be causing you to push harder to cut hair. I'm no expert on the Weck but maybe a couple close up pics of the guard and where the blade is on it (y)
I don't know how I didn't notice that! It definitely has teeth. That being said, my hand was still a little heavy because I wasn't super familiar with the change in weight. The scales on John's Weck are super light, and obviously steel is heavier. I'm giving it another go in a few minutes, maybe with half a pass without the guard.
That's a shame. It's the correct Med Weck but someone put the hair shaper guard on it. I'm surprise it shaves. They must have bent the teeth back t use it perhaps, again, I'm no expert with these.
I don't know how I didn't get these notifications.

Dave, it is a shame, but I'm good at improvising. You enabled me to get my first Weck which had the correct guard. Simple switch. Steel sharpens steel...errrr...we enabled each other. Lol
Nice chat and lathering so far at 10:37 I'm looking forward to the shave and how you are getting the time down. @GearNoir you have serious competition here 😂 😂 All just good natured ribbing @bentheduck , back to the chat..................I mean shave
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LOL. I wasn't calling you out, I'm on your side even though it's not a citrus scent, Dave.