The Shaving Cadre

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Sharp’s Tales: There Will Be Blood

Fell asleep before reporting?! Must have been a heck of a shave-off! Lol.

Glad you had safe travels! Happy Thanksgiving!
Shave #12
Recap of from the Sharp’s Face-Off Series


Razors: Blackbird OC Machined
Blackbird SB Black Oxide
Blade: Feather(1)
Brush: Simpson 58 Manchurian Badger
Cream: TOB Jermyn
AS: L'Occitan After Save Balm

Round One.
BB OC to shave: Right-Face/ Left-Neck
BB SB to shave: Left-Face/ Right-Neck

These BB's love a sharp razor.

Being on the Road rather than Home Turff, I do not like to take chances. And the safest bet I have as a sure-fire shave cream/soap is TOB Jermyn for Sensitive skin. I bowl lathered up a nice dense and cream base on the face. I will be shaving with cold water to keep irritation to a minimum.

I conducted a three pass shave: Pass one XTG 45 degree angle, Pass two XTG Face Ear-Nose and ATG on the neck. Pass three was XTG face nose-ear and XTG 45 degree angle, on the neck Don't ask me why I chose that. It was what my face was telling me. A little clean up on the neck, chin and jaw line to end it. Cold water splash and Sh!t! I forgot the alum.

A quick facetabation test and the winner was clear to feel.

The SB was mostly DFS all around, whereas the OC sides were clearly BBS all around. So much so, that I was still BBS upon waking the next morning.

Round one goes to the OC.

More Details can be read at Sharp’s Face Off Series.

Shave #13

recap of Sharp’s Face Off series.

Razors: Blackbird OC Machined
Blackbird SB Black Oxide
Blade: Feather(2)
Brush: Simpson 58 Manchurian Badger
Soap: Declaration Grooming Vide Poche
AS: L'Occitan After Save Balm

Shave was conducted on 11/23

Round Two:
BB SB to shave: Right-Face/Left-Neck
BB OC to shave: Left-Face/Right-Neck

Pass 1 WTG N-S
Pass 2 XTG face and ATG neck.

24 hours later it was still clear that OC side of my face received the better of the last day's shave. I switched sides tonight and decided to try a new soap sample that was sent to me from Chad, Declaration Grooming Vide Poche. There is not much to report on this shave unless you like bloody results. I have been meaning to try the Declaration line so thank you Chad. This is one thirsty soap and I did not dial it in right. It was a rather thin coat. Even when trying to pay close attention the SB razor gave large amounts of weepers. On the other hand the OC did not. I give credit to the right side of my face being the tougher challenge and the spotty job on soap lather.
I performed two passes and left it at that. Technically the SB gave the closer shave but it was not smother. The Feather on the OC held up much better than the one on the SB.
In the end both sides were DFS and either razor would work well as a daily driver as long as care and blade choice were watched.

So between the two I would reach for the OC day over the SB for me.
Shave #14
Razor: Blackbird SB
Blade Feather (3)
Brush Simpson 58
Soap: Declaration Grooming Vide Poche
AS: CVS Witch Hazel L’Occitan ASB

After yesterday’s disaster I took the time to work the Dec Grom well in the shave bowl. Took about two minutes plus and quite a bit of water to get this soap shave ready. I also switched the Feather blade out of my BBOC to put in this SB for the blades 3rd use.

What a differnece a day makes plus patience and good technique. This was one smooth shave all around. 3 passes plus some light touch ups that resulted in BBS light Shave. A very happy camper.

Home front. Great long weekend outside of NYC. We really need the time away from this place time to time.

Took my 7 year old to get her ears pierced. She was very excited
Shave #15

Razor: Blackbird OC
Razor: Gillette Nacet (1)
Brush: M&F Finest 2 Band
Soap: Strop Shoppe Black Tie
AS: L’Occitan ASB

After a weekend of bowl lathering and having two out of three fantastic results I thought I would give it a shot again. It does add more time to the shave and might be considered an unnecessary step. But I am getting great lathers.
I think I have to find something better as a shave bowl then my Yankees baseball helmet ice cream bowl. The grip was not great and I think I could get even more whip out of something else.

So this was my first time using the Gillette Nacet Blade. Thank you Chad for sending. I am mixed on this blade. It was very comfortable and smooth. Zero pulling or tugging. But on the first pass it did not reduce the wisker level as much as a sharper blade might. I did three passes and was left with DFS and absolutely zero irritation. Very presentable though loooked as if you could see the shadow. Just not feel it.
It wasn’t my best shave. I didn’t feel wowed, but very comfortable. Quick Alum just to see if there was any irritation and no none.

This blade might be perfect for traveling, trying out a new razor for the first time and maybe in an aggressive razor with only one days growth.

We we shall see tomorrow.

On the home front. It is raining her in NYC and my roof is leaking on my bed. What pisses me off is this leak started about three months ago and when I told the building super he only covered it with a tarp. Well I reminded him a few weeks ago snow is coming and he should get roofers up there to really fix it. “Sure Sure” he tells me.

Pushed the bed to the side. Put pot on floor and am going to sleep.
Sorry about the roof, hopefully they get it fixed soon!

As to the Nacet blade, I do enjoy those blades, I think they really excel around shave 3-6. Keep at it.
Sorry about the roof, hopefully they get it fixed soon!

As to the Nacet blade, I do enjoy those blades, I think they really excel around shave 3-6. Keep at it.

Oh I will. I feel I can use it right now and it has only been about 16 hours since I shaved last night. I dont think I have found a smoother razor. I think these will go in the travel bag or in the short cycle growth razor. For back to back shaves. I see a purpose for these. And if they have up to a 6 shave life that would be above average for me.

Shave # 16

Razor: Blackbird OC
Blade: Gillette Nacet (2)
Brush: Paladin El Dorado Select Badger
Soap: Strop Shoppe Black Tie
AS: L’Occitan ASB

Yesterday’s Shave was such a comfortable experience, I wanted to push the envelope a little more with the Gillette Nacet. The shave was DFV with no irritation. 16 hours later I though there was a fair amount of growth So why not just shave again. I mean the Nacet is so smooth. I picked my Open CombBB to see if it would be tamed.
I used my Paladin brush and bowl lathered a perfect batch of Strop Shoppe that easily could have lasted 4 passes if needed.
My conducted 2 passes with some clean up.

Pass one was XTG at 45degrees N-S And WTG on my neck.
Pass two was XTG at 45 degrees S-N with ATG on the neck.
The Clean up was with growth buffing

Pass one felt marvelous though there was a fair amount of stubble. Pass two I did the wrong thing and applied more pressure trying to make up for lost ground. The blade feel was greater and it feels as if the shave from last night sharpened this sucker up.

There were some weepers but due to user error.
The Alum indicated a fare amount of irritation. And the L’Occitan provides plenty of healing power. But the face was left burning. In the end a very nice BBS on about 95% of my face. The stache area has been one of the toughest areas to smooth out for me.

End report. This blade can be used in sort order as daily shaver. But not gaurentted to be irritation free. I will put the blade back on the BB SB and see if tomorrow’s shave I can be smoother.

This is Sharp’s reporting.
Hope the roof gets repaired quickly!

Brush question for you: How do you like the Simpson Manchurian knot? What can you compare it to? Does it have soft tips, or is it scritchy? I've heard there's quite the variance in batches.
Shave # 17, (24+ hours growth)

Razor: Blackbird SB
Blade: Gillette Nacet (3)
Brush: Paladin El Dorado Select Badger
Soap: Strop Shoppe Black Tie
AS: Jack Black Post Shave Cold as Ice.

Ode to a shave.... or better My Shave-ku

Wife now working late;
kids fast asleep in bed.
Midnight shave, why not?

So as the poorly written haiku suggests I had some time to myself at midnight and thought, would be great to get a shave in now.

Round 3 on the Gillette Nacet. After having a 1&1 shave experience with the Nacet I moved to a third round of trying to prove my "This is a comfortable blade for the daily driver, or travel experience. When I won't be carring for the apsolute best shave but need a comfortible face that is free of toilet paper.

That is not the case for me. Though round 3 was very clean and blood free. My face was raw in many patches. I went for a 3 pass shave with a small amount of cleanup. I hope to be switching jobs soon enough and have to get the face ready for the 2-3 times a week shave to DFS every day. The difference was between Pass 2 and Pass 3. At pass 2 I was comfortable but not enough hair removed with the Nacet. After pass 3 I was raw..

The alum really stung in all the usual suspect parts of my face. I tried Jack Black Post Shave Ice for the first time. It finsished a bit tacky to the feel and not immediatley offering a sensations. My face quickly felt better withing 30 minutes so there must be something to it.

The Sputnik is up next. Should be
able to get at least one more shave in for the month. I will be trying the Nacet next on the newley aquired Mergress XL.
Ouch, bummer. I have never used a Nacet, but I'll take your word for it. Good luck with the Sputnik comrade.