The Shaving Cadre

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Sharp’s Tales: There Will Be Blood

Jan 25
2019 Shave#18 (1 day)

Razor: $1 Assured Razor.
Blade: Assured Blade (1)
Brush: Paladin Cheif 28MM
Pre Shave: Nothing
Soap Chiseled Face, Ghost Town Barber (18) 3017
AS: Alum, Thayers Medicated

Had to get some work out of the way the last few days so it took me some time to edit the video and do a write up for the $1 Assured Razor Challenge.

I received the Blade from Dave a day earlier than expected so when I got out of work a little early on Friday and the sitter had the kids. What else do I have to do but get this thing out of the way?

Day two report to follow.

Jan 26
2019 Shave#19 (1 day)

Razor: $1 Assured Razor.
Blade: Assured Blade (2)
Brush: Paladin Cheif 28MM
Pre Shave: Nothing
Soap Chiseled Face, Ghost Town Barber (19) 3017
AS: Alum, Thayers Medicated

I got through one and a half passes before this blade went downhill on me. I had a party this night and I didn't want to take any chances so after the second pass I felt that it was good enough. Don't take any chances. Again, no blood, no irritation but there was a lot of tugging at the skin. Couldn't even risk an ATG pass. I am a little bit afraid of the next shave. I was nominated for a three soap, one bowl challenge thanks to Kyle. I think I will finish the 3rd attempt and get that out of the way tomorrow.

The biggest challenge with this was actually having to film this sucker which throws my game off. You experts understand. Which camera should I be looking in? Which is my good side? Who will I be in the green room with?

Originally set out to do two passes only, but quickly turned it into three passes when I realized it was not as bad a bad shave as I was expecting. Don't get me wrong there was no pleasurable, qualities about this shave. But the razor cut hair. Definitely gives audible feedback. In the end, I had a shave that would have gotten anyone through a day of work. No nicks, no real irritation to speak of. Very little alum sting.

If I was a person that really does not need to be spending money on an expensive razor vs putting food and clothes on their families back. I get this thing..... The can get the job done good enough with this thing. Granted they can also spend some money some better blades. I would be interested in how many shaves one could actually get out of this sucker before it breaks on them.
Nice write up Jim. For the record, when I did this challenge over at the other place my razor lasted 5 shaves. After the 5th shave on of the doors actually broke off the razor when I was tightening down a new blade.
Hopefully it doesn’t accidentally* break!

Nice write up Jim. And you're welcome
. The 3 soaps is actually a pretty cool experience and it's something a little different during the 3017.
\nThe biggest challenge with this was actually having to film this sucker which throws my game off. You experts understand. Which camera should I be looking in? Which is my good side? Who will I be in the green room with? \n
\nJoin the union and you get your own trailer
3 Soap 1 Bowl with Dollar Store Shave Challenge

2019 Shave #20 ( 2 day)

Razor: $1 Assured Razor.
Blade: Assured Blade (3)
Brush: Paladin Cheif 28MM
Pre Shave: Nothing
Soap Chiseled Face, Ghost Town Barber (20) 3017 plus Stop Shoppe Black Tie. CBL Cigar Store Indian.
AS: Alum, Thayers Medicated

Kyle nominated me to the 3 soap one bowl challenge. Was actually a blessing to make sure I had three quality soaps to get me through this final shave with this blade.
Combined these three soaps kept this warped blade in check. Plenty of conditioning, residual lather and post shave conditioning.

The Assureds performance really dropped off. Amazing audible feedback to let me know where there would still be hairs left on my face.

I should have the video up shortly.

In the end it was not as close as last shave but no nicks or cuts. SAS shave.

I call out The Monkey (John) , Smattayu (Eric) and DKeester (Doug) as the next three to take the 3 soap 1 Bowl Shave.
Glad the soaps made the shave passable. Probably going to start the $ shaves tomorrow. Should be interesting.
Good stuff Jim. I’ll be checking out the video later. Good thing you had a quality soap combo to ease the pain of the last shave. So far it seems like everyone has gotten worse shaves with the 2nd and 3rd.
Good stuff Jim. I’ll be checking out the video later. Good thing you had a quality soap combo to ease the pain of the last shave. So far it seems like everyone has gotten worse shaves with the 2nd and 3rd.

I am going to hold onto the razor. Try it with some other blades and work it into the rotation.
Nice stuff for sure. I see you have some videos made. I need to get caught up there.
\n\nI am going to hold onto the razor. Try it with some other blades and work it into the rotation.
\n\nI plan on doing the same. I’ll probably be taking it on my Spring Training trip in March as long as it holds together. The last one I had broke after 5 shaves lol.
I dosed mine with corrosion inhibitor, but why? It’s a dollar razor! These things have potential
I dosed mine with corrosion inhibitor, but why? It’s a dollar razor! These things have potential

exactly Rich. Put it this way as long as it lasts I will keep and use it. Who knows with the right blade it will make an good travel option. But when it breaks I don’t see myself taking the time to get another one. I’d spend more money getting to the store than the actual purchase
Jan 30
2019 Shave#21 (2 days)

Razor: Raw RS-10 aggressive plate.
Astra SP (1)
Brush: Paladin Fallstaff Kansas City 28MM
Pre Shave: Murdock Face Wash
Soap Ghost Town Barber (21) 3017
AS: Alum, Thayers Medicated WH

So my first time back to a normal Razor and Blade and the one thing I have to say. Change is good but also allows bad habits to follow. I had to use much more pressure when using the Assured Razor and Blade the last three shaves. I didn't take that into account when Switching back to a more aggresive razor and a quality sharp blade. I had three nicks of from two pimples as a result I am guessing from the incositance cutting of the Assured Blade. At least that is my explination.

Two Passes a small clean up and mostly BBS.