The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Sharp’s Tales: There Will Be Blood

When I was a kid I had Marry had a little lamb down good and made my way to Red River Valley but never stuck with it.........ADHD and all ya know. Wish I had stuck with it but it became like 3017ing soap (I was 9 or 10)

Never to late and a used guitar can be cheaper than shaving equipment.

2019 Shave #11 (24 hours)

Razor: Timeless .68 OC
Blade: PolSilver (1)
Brush: Paladin Lotus 28MM
Pre Shave: Kiehl’s Exfoliating Cleanser
Soap Ghost Town Barber (11) 3017
AS: Alum, L’Occitan ASB

The night started with a little mishap when my Captains Choice shave bowl fell and broke early. Only an hour later to be pleasantly surprised when I was presented with a package from my wife.

Dave in KY was kind enough to send me his Timeless .68. on loan to give it a test run.
Dave really gives his equipment the 5-star treatment. While I just stuff my gear in bubble wrap stick in a box and send it on its way. One of Dave's packages comes professionally foam wrapped, like a TV out of the factory. Then include 6 tucks of 3 blades I have never tried.

I have owned a Timeless .95 OC for about 9 hours. I purchased it back 2018 when I was having a DE rebirth. When it came in it was beautiful, flawless but huge. Huge head and handle lead me to believe I would not gain any better experience than what I was getting out of my Blackbird. Matt from Timeless said, "Please just give it a try, you have 30 days". I kindly refused and sen
t it back the same day. That might have been my mistake.

This morning I gave it a trial lap and things added up quickly to one of the best shaves of the year. I gave the Lotus back to back try to help break it in, and it was performing way above yesterday. The GTB even stepped up its game. I took about 2.5gs of soap to make mounds of lather in the backup bowl. I slipped in one of my favorite blades going with a PolSilver SI. It was a perfect match. Pass one & two were extremely smooth WTG and XTG efforts, offering a small amount of blade feel. I did need a third pass to bring this sucker home to get 95% BBS. This third effort is about the only time I had any blade feel.
Quick alum to get slight sting along jawline but such a nice close, smooth shave I did not need it. The L'occitane ASB is like a moisturizer which is perfect in the dry cold NY day.

Summary: It took less than one shave to feel as though I dialed in this razor in. Right blade, with the right angle of attack. I had the same experience with my Mergress as I did with this Timeless. I am still trying to dial in my Charcoal Goods. The feel of the Timeless .68 is very similar to the Mergress set at 3 or maybe 3.5. Perfect for a daily shaver with little hours worth of growth. I can not do that with my Blackbird. The overall experience with the BB is greater, and I can achieve closer results in two passes with a shave that will last longer. That is not always a plus. Sometimes I have to wait 36 hours to pick up the razor.
Another plus of the Timeless over the BB is it is easier to clear cream from the razor.
The Timeless rinsed out easily whereas sometimes the BB needs a few seconds if the lather is on the drier side.

I realize that as I age maybe my face does not need as aggressive of a razor as it once did. Has anyone used the .95? If so, please tell me the differences of it vs. the .68.

Metric Shave Score 8.3
A moment of silence for the fallen bowl.
Nice shave Jim. Glad it is going well. Take your time with it. I never used the .95 as I like the OC and felt the .68 would be the right fit for me given the extra efficiency of the OC. Shave on !
January 16, 2019

2019 Shave #12 (24 hours)

Razor: Timeless .68 OC
Blade: PolSilver (2)
Brush: Paladin Lotus 28MM
Pre Shave: Kiehl’s Exfoliating Cleanser
Soap Ghost Town Barber (12) 3017
AS: Alum, Thayers Medicated.

For some reason I had no peace in the bathroom this morning. Everyone decided to be in the bathroom while I was shaving for the day.
I decided not to fight and just go with a nice mindless shave effort.
Two passes with a mild razor and off with my day. The Timeless .68 is a perfect option for such a shave. I should consider getting one of these in the garage. Very comfortable irritation free. It is very close to what the Mergress offers if not even smoother. I just don't have the option of dialing it up like the Mergress.
So I wonder how this razor handles 2+ days growth.

Now I also have the Raw that I have not tired yet. So I should not jump the gun and get one.

I was told that is the smoothest razor out there. I will try it tomorrow to find out.

Shave Metrics Score: 7.9
2019 Shave#13 (24 hours)

Razor: Raw RS-10 Mild plate.
Blade: PolSilver (1)
Brush: Paladin Lotus 28MM
Pre Shave: Kiehl’s Exfoliating Cleanser
Soap Ghost Town Barber (13) 3017
AS: Alum, L'Occitane.

3 passes ATG, XTG, ATG

For the past two days, I have been using Mr. KY's Timeless .68 and been getting mindlessly smooth shaves. It is not the most efficient but I imagine that would mean just buying the .95 plate to go with it for the times. I would want something a little closer.

No, before I commit to finding myself a Timeless I had to try my newly acquired RAw RS-10. I have heard from others that it is the smoothest razor they have ever used. But I always have to remember YMMV when thinking of others opinion.

After today's shave, I can say though the RS-10 with the mild plate offers more blade feel then I was expecting. But for the level of efficiency, this razor offers I have never tried such a smooth razor. In two passes the RS10 delivered a much closer shave than the Timeless .68 after three passes while only offering fractionally more blade feel. There was room for one more pass. And it delivered.
The efficiency of my Blackbird OC while offering as close as mild a shave as my old Grand Shave King.

Shave Metric Score: 8.4

My thoughts on the lower metric score than one might be with the results I got were due to a lower than average performance out of my brush and soap. The CFS overloaded a bit and got on the brush handle making the handle slippery and a pain to deal with. Just took away from the experience.

Will I be able to shave within 24 hours? I am not sure.
And with this kind of result, I can only imagine how much more efficient the Aggressive plate will be.

Thanks for reading.
very nice read. and it must have been on of those days cause i overloaded the CFG as well and could barley hold the brush at times.
Hmm, trying to picture that razor. But I can't since YOU'VE ONLY POSTED ONE VIDEO!!!
Hmm, trying to picture that razor. But I can't since YOU'VE ONLY POSTED ONE VIDEO!!!

Can we get a Monitor in here? I am being brerated and exposed to Toxic Masculinity and don’t feel that I am in a safe space. Obviously these new Gillette campaigns are not working.
\n\nCan we get a Monitor in here? I am being brerated and exposed to Toxic Masculinity and don’t feel that I am in a safe space. Obviously these new Gillette campaigns are not working.
\nAll monitors are currently in a sensitivity training class ???
Have you tried a Game Changer yet? I hate to admit this but if I had a Game Changer before I probably wouldn't have bought the Timeless. Although I still love my Timeless!
Have you tried a Game Changer yet? I hate to admit this but if I had a Game Changer before I probably wouldn't have bought the Timeless. Although I still love my Timeless!

Wow! Really? That is quite the statement Chad. I have used the Timeless and really thought it was a very efficient razor. Then i tried the Rockwell 6S and thought that it was slightly better than the Timeless...and at half the price. Now you are saying that the Game Changer is just as good? At less than $60 (when they are in stock) That is a deal!