The Shaving Cadre

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Sharp’s Tales: There Will Be Blood

2019 Shave #8

Razor: Charcoal Goods SB Lvl 2
Blade: Sputnik (3)
Brush: Paladin Kansas City Fallstaff 28MM
Pre Shave: Keihl’s Exfoliating Cleanser
Soap Ghost Town Barber (8) 3017
AS:Thayer’s, Medicated, L’Occitan ASB

Will keep this quick.

Trying to get a quick shave in before getting the kid to school and heading to work.
First-time use of this brush. Bloomed the GTB and this Fallstaff loads an amazing amount of Soap then does a great job of displacing it to the face. Two quick passes and I was out of there. In doing so I realize that sometimes chasing those few whiskers swelled with water on pass three just aren't worth the risk of irritation when about an hour after the shave they will dry and retract back into your face revealing they baby softness my cheeks posses.

The Sputnik was once again proved smooth but I could tell this would be the last shave on this blade. Going for one more time and I run the risk of unnecessary discomfort.

So tried some new software that tracks a shave log and you can add inventory. Thank god I got into DE shaving to save on the cheap blades.

With the investment, I have made compounded over the 12 +/- years worth of blades I have I will have only spent 100% more than I would have if I had stuck Fusi
on blades. That is if I do not spend any more money over that period. Highly unlikely.

Shave Metrics Score: 8.0
Ghost Town Barber you say? I might just have to give that a try.
January 11, 2019

2019 Shave #9

Razor: Blackbird OC
Blade: Parker Premium Platinum (1)
Brush: Paladin Kansas City Fallstaff 28MM
Pre Shave: Kiehl’s Exfoliating Cleanser
Soap Ghost Town Barber (9) 3017
AS: Alum, L’Occitan ASB

All I have to say is wow. Two Pass BBS shave. No nicks or weepers

Well, there is a little more.
This Blackbird has to be the overall best performing razor I have ever used. It isn't a daily driver but when you need hairs to be mowed this is the go to. I still have to try my Raw RS-10
The Parker Blade is an amazing performer. Thank you Doug (@Dkeester). It didn't feel the smoothest or sharpest but it sure knocked down those hairs from my face. I don't know if it was the blade or the fact that my lather was a bit dry. More testing needed. I walked away with minimul irritation with the Parker blade. That does not happen often with the Blackbird.

Oh and for the recored CFS GTB is still Tier 2. I am not bothered by the scent anymore. I have been able to load it better so performance has improved. But still lacks residual slickness and lacks post conditioning to the face.

Shave Metrics Score: 8.7

Think I will go to bed and touch myself..
My face.... Come on. Get your mind out of the gutter.

Good night cadre.
Just here to say I agree with you on the CFG. I have noticed if I add a bit more water than I am used to then I get better residual slickness. But still probably tier2. Also I love the parker blades!
Jim, if you ain't doing a video, I need pics of the equipment so I can live vicariously thru you. Nice shave and yes, more water helps but still tier 2 (Agreeing with you because Chad agreed with me before and I wanted to agree with him, agreeing with you..........................and because it's true)
2019 Shave #10 (2days)

Razor: Blackbird OC
Blade: Parker Premium Platinum (2)
Brush: Paladin Lotus 28MM
Pre Shave: Kiehl’s Exfoliating Cleanser
Soap Ghost Town Barber (10) 3017
AS: Alum, L’Occitan ASB

Was in a rush to get out of the house today test still managed to get in a pretty quick mindless shave. Mind was elsewhere and usually wouldn’t grab for the Blackbird under these conditions but since it was loaded with the Parker I was excited to see how it would be back to back. This was a maden voyage to the Butterscotch Paladin Lotus so it needs time to break in. Because of this plus under loading the brush the GTB lather was not huge. I blame myself and the knew brush for this and not the soap. It was good enough for two easy mindless passes. This Par
ker blade: it isn’t the smoothest or sharpest. There is something about it that is so pleasing. Seems to scrape more than slice through the hairs but not in an uncomfortable way. More like nicely scratching an itch. There is no tugging or pulling and hairs are mowed down. All in all this was a comfortable CCS in two passes with no thought to it. I will take it.
Similar to Nurse Dave, I think in the next few weeks I will be testing for my ultimate overall rig set up.

In other News: I was away from the forum a lot this weekend as I started my guitar lessons( Christmas present). Took the kids ice skating. Then took the daughter to the new Spider-Man cartoon. For my seven year old I was expecting something closer to Teen Titans Go. It was way more intense and we both loved it. Great sound track too.

Shave Metrics Score: 7.9
I live across the street from a theater we I almost never go.
We are a big netflix/amazon prime and apple TV users. But it is convient to go accross the street and buy a large bucket of theater Pop Corn..

But this movie is great in a theater for the 3d and sound effect and sound track.
Great update! Looking forward to seeing the Spider-Man movie as well.

When so we get the requisite Kumbaya guitar lesson video?
Great update! Looking forward to seeing the Spider-Man movie as well.

When so we get the requisite Kumbaya guitar lesson video?
Beat me, I was going to ask for Mary Had a Little Lamb.
When I was a kid I had Marry had a little lamb down good and made my way to Red River Valley but never stuck with it.........ADHD and all ya know. Wish I had stuck with it but it became like 3017ing soap (I was 9 or 10)