The Shaving Cadre

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Sharp’s Tales: There Will Be Blood

January 4, 2018

Mergress XL -setting 4

Gillette Nacet (4)

Ever Ready 2 Band 20mm

Chiseled Face Ghost Town Barber (4) 3017

Jack Black Post Shaving Cooling Gel

2019 Shave #4

Nice easy shave tonight. Took the Mergress up to 4 and still had nice two pass irritation free shave. Seemed to figure out the GTB pretty well. The scent is about 80% perfect except this sweetness that is turning me off a bit. I don’t get the leather notes that others are speaking of but I definitely get the white pachouli which my nostrils have a tough time stomaching.Though I am still figuring out this soap tier system for myself. I might put this as a tier two soap for me. Loads well, performance and cushioning is great but the scent is a little sweet for me and my face doesn’t feel conditioner as well as other soaps I use.
The Gillet Nacet: four great shaves. Almost never get four and I think I can get one more out of it tomorrow or Sunday. This blade did not do well for me in my Blackbird but it is the only blade I have tried in me Mergress and seems to be perfect. Could not see any other blade making a vast improvement. I have added a few more tucks since Chad PIFed these to me. Hope I have enough to last the VADER

Shave Metrics Score: 7.3

Other news.
Violet and I spent 3-4 hours at the Georgia Aquarium today. Might be the best one I have been too ever. Beat Chicago’s and thought that would be hard.
Back to NYC tomorrow.

Evening Cadre
We went to Atlanta a few years ago and did the aquarium. it was awesome. We pet a penguin!

Sounds like you’re starting to get the GTB dialed in. I’m still shocked when I hear people (KJ) don’t like the scent!
We went to Atlanta a few years ago and did the aquarium. it was awesome. We pet a penguin!

Sounds like you’re starting to get the GTB dialed in. I’m still shocked when I hear people (KJ) don’t like the scent!

Thanks Steve

i don’t hate the scent but don’t love it either. Kind of more tolerating it. This will probably be the last time I use it.

Pachouli and Sandalwood are two scents that don’t agree with me.
2019 Shave #5 1 Day

Razor: Charcoal Goods OC LvL2
Blade: Astra SP (4)
Brush: Paladin El Dorado
Soap: Chiseled Face Ghost Town Barber (5) 3017 Started Jan 1
Alum, Tayers Medicated and L’Occitane ASB

Back home and loving it. Well except everyone seemed to want to be in the bathroom at the same time as I was shaving.

Start shaving when the wife thought it was a good time to give our daughter a bath and catch up on our trip and of course the 5 year old boy wants to be in there just to be part of the action. Mind you this is a small bathroom and I have a razor to my neck and the bath is steaming up mirror. Hot sweaty and claustrophobic.
Less than stellar shave. The Astra Blade three shaves on it already and I seem to remember telling myself it was done the last shave. Neck got chewed up a bit. About a SAS shave at best. Felt clean though and good to be home.

Shave Metrics Score: 6.4
Had many of those shave days myself, just hoping nobody bumps your elbow....
Awesome pics in the trip. Sounds like a great time was had. Kids in the bathroom while shaving almost as dangerous as walking through the living room with the lights off after your son said he put all the Legos away
Awesome pics in the trip. Sounds like a great time was had. Kids in the bathroom while shaving almost as dangerous as walking through the living room with the lights off after your son said he put all the Legos away

oh I know that pain. Haha
Always interesting how people’s noses work differently. I don’t get patchouli at all and I’m pretty sensitive to the hippies.
"Patchouli oil, with its recognizable musky, sweet, spicy aroma"

GTB containes white Patchouli in it. Whatever scent is, it is extremely sweet. And to sweet turns me off. Def no leather or gunsmoke in my opinion.
\"Patchouli oil, with its recognizable musky, sweet, spicy aroma\" \n\nGTB containes white Patchouli in it. Whatever scent is, it is extremely sweet. And to sweet turns me off. Def no leather or gunsmoke in my opinion.
\nWell I had no idea. Now watch, the next time I use it I’ll pick up on patchouli and hate it. Like the coyote realizing he’s standing in mid-air.
Like Dave says.. it speaks of Hippy to me. Now GTB isnt exactly hippy but it is sweet mixed in with a great Barbershop scent.