The Shaving Cadre

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Sharp’s Tales: There Will Be Blood

Den perfection is something we all strive for. For some it means collecting more and getting the next soap, razor, splash, etc. For others it means narrowing everything down to the be all, end all setup. Looks like you’re finding your happy place!
Den perfection is something we all strive for. For some it means collecting more and getting the next soap, razor, splash, etc. For others it means narrowing everything down to the be all, end all setup. Looks like you’re finding your happy place!

For now Steve.. ha ,, I am sure that will change.
Razor: Chacoal Goods LvL2 SB

Blade: Astra SP (1)

Brush: Paladin Fallstaff 28MM

Soap: Pheonix & Beau Pall Mall


AS: L'Occitane ASB

Shave #32, 2 days growth

So all new hardware and software day. Loving everything about it. The way this Fallstaff's knot is set up, it offers a little more backbone and scritch than the El Dorado.
It worked perfectly fine as a bowl lather.

This CG is a Godsend .. lightweight but efficient. Easy to maneuver and get in every nook and cranny. At first, I felt like it was not aggressive enough but bypass three that opinion might have been changed. I have an LVL2 OC plate on its way, and I hope to get an LVL 3 when my number finally comes up on the website. I had to wait 20 minutes for my face to show that I definitely BBS 1 on 95% of my face. I am going to try one or two more of my blades with this though. For my face, the Astra SP worked well but felt a little more aggressive than smooth. Then again I am sure I need more time with this razor to perfect it.

Head out of town for Christmas today. Kids are extremely excited. I don't get it though ... I have had to cancel Christmas three times already, and they feel that they are still going to get presents.

Kids today.

Merry Christmas for all those that might be checking out for the next few days. Everyone else speaks to you later.

Ho Ho Ho
\nKids are extremely excited. I don\'t get it though ... I have had to cancel Christmas three times already, and they feel that they are still going to get presents.\n\nKids today. \n
\nLOL! Been there brother! I\'ve never been able to, but I like the suggestion of wrapping some empty boxes under the tree and when they really act up, throw one in the fire.
Got all caught up. Great stuff. I think in 2019 I might do what you did with my razors and soaps. Also might get rid of a few brushes. We shall see though.
December 25, 2018 (Merry Christmas)

Shave #33

Razor: Mergress XL (Setting 3.5)
Blade: Gillette Nacet(1)
Soap Declaration Grooming Chat Lux Lamplight Penance
AS: Witchazel and Jack Black Post Shave Cooling Gel

Christmas Shave was quick clean up before Chrismas dinner.
Father in-law gifted me the Lamplight Penance. Great lather and crazy cool scent. Kind of remindes you of a country in the wintertime. Great mix of Lamp oil and leather.
It was a scent that stuck through a good part of the night.
2 quick passes and it was off to family dinner.

Good to have everyone around the table including my brother who has had a tough year personally.

I hope everone had as great of a holiday as I did. Merry Christmas.
Bit of a delaid post.
How do you like the Lamplight Penance? This was a sent I was considering. For some reason it sounds like a scent I would like!
How do you like the Lamplight Penance? This was a sent I was considering. For some reason it sounds like a scent I would like!

Great in a funky way. The lamp oil was powerful and lingered. I always love leather. There was a sweetness that I will need a little more time to pick up. I could use this soap a few days before needing a rest. I love it but dont think I could 3017 it.