The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Sharp’s Tales: There Will Be Blood

Yes, Yes it was

But as KJ always say's you have to be ready to pounch when the opportunity comes up.

And I do plan to shift the makeup of my Den with fewer items.. Expect some excellent items to be out of the offer.
\nBut as KJ always say\'s you have to be ready to pounch when the opportunity comes up. \n
\nIndeed..... but cancelling orders? What\'s that about?
Morning Cadre...

Dec Shave #12 (2day)

Razors: Mergress XL adjustable
Blade: Gillet Nacet (3)
Brush: Paladin El Dorado Select Badger 28mm
Soap: Strop Shoppe Black Tie
AS: Thayer's Medicated.

2 passes razor set to 4

I am loving this razor more and more every day. My guess the performance and feel of Mergress might be close to that of the Timeless. Big, heavy but comfortable, efficient razor. When I bought a Timeless, I looked at the size and weight of it and thought to myself TO BIG... Sent it back without even trying... Maybe a mistake, but not sure if I need the Timeless while I have this sucka.

Held this shave down to two passes that were reasonably comfortable. Not BBS but close enough to be serviceable. I have only used the Gillet Nacet in this razor, and it is off the bat a perfect fit. I don't think I need to try other blades with the Mergress other than I only have 2-3 of them left... Trade anyone?

As you can see from the post above. It was a costly last few days. Merry Christmas to me. But the plan is to shuffle around the den a bit.

Be on the lookout for a new thread on Face Mapping.
Great hauls Jim. I hope the new catches prove worth it for you, especially the CG since it’s been on your acquisition list!

Face/beard mapping does help some! With good technique, a decent soap, razor and blade, it all plays together to deliver that good shave!
Very good reviews man. BTW where in NYC are you? Maybe we should meet up one of these days. Always fun meeting a fellow member.
Great scores Jim. I'll be watching what you shed from the den but before Jan 1st man !!! ?? Doing that "S" thing

You and I should trade razors for a week just to sample. I love my Timeless and curious of the Mergress
Very good reviews man. BTW where in NYC are you? Maybe we should meet up one of these days. Always fun meeting a fellow member.

On the upper west side. Let's work on it after the new year.

Great scores Jim. I'll be watching what you shed from the den but before Jan 1st man !!! ?? Doing that "S" thing

You and I should trade razors for a week just to sample. I love my Timeless and curious of the Mergress

Listings up.... That is why I am listing things now. Get people in their Restocking faze before everything shuts down for the new year.

I would do that. Are you a .68 or .95 gapper?
Saw the listing and nice stuff for sure but nothing struck me the same as the brad sears bbrush I got from you. Love it. I have a .68 gap open comb. 95 would be above my confort level and the open comb brings the 68 right to where I liked it. Enjoy the mergress for awhile since it's new to you and sime time after the new year we can swap for a little if ya want to.
Thanks Dave.

Man running these larger BST like full time gig till the Bizarre is over. But almost done. Fully going to have a new set up for 2019. Will announce acquisitions as they come in.

@Dave in KY. Finally got container to put that sample of A&E in that I promised you. Will get it in the mail tomorrow.
Thanks Dave. \n\nMan running these larger BST like full time gig till the Bizarre is over. But almost done. Fully going to have a new set up for 2019. Will announce acquisitions as they come in. \n\n@Dave in KY. Finally got container to put that sample of A&E in that I promised you. Will get it in the mail tomorrow.
\nNo worries
Looking back it has been three days since my last shave..

I hope to late today. We shall see. I am at the Dr's office awaiting a Stress Test. No signs of issues but getting older (51) and over weight. Lets check the ticker. This is to start the kick off of getting active in my life again. Will let you know on the follow up.

In other news .. My other kid has stomach flu.. threw up 4 times last night and is looking forward to an afternoon infront of the TV.

Hope to get a shave in later.
Looking back it has been three days since my last shave.. \n\nI hope to late today. We shall see. I am at the Dr\'s office awaiting a Stress Test. No signs of issues but getting older (51) and over weight. Lets check the ticker. This is to start the kick off of getting active in my life again. Will let you know on the follow up.\n\nIn other news .. My other kid has stomach flu.. threw up 4 times last night and is looking forward to an afternoon infront of the TV.\n\nHope to get a shave in later.
\n\nSorry to hear about your kid...but I am sure things will be okay soon!\n\nHope the stress test goes well! Any step to a healthy life is a good one! I\'ll be seeing a cardiologist in January. Nothing\'s just time to see one. But getting active again is a big step!
Well all those trips to Pasteur's must count for some activity.
With any luck, the stress test will reveal that traditional shaving has improved your quality of life!

Sorry to hear about the kiddo. I hope it’s a one day and done deal.
Hope the little one feels better soon.

A stress test huh? Well I guess I know what I have to look forward to when I get old...I mean uh...more mature...haha just kidding. I’m really not that far behind you. Hope everything checks out just fine!
Well, the stress test worked out great .. I think.. Still waiting for the official report.
And yes Daves .. I think the evening strolls and Deep breathing at Pasteur's helped attribute to the positive results. Also, need to make sure I use large BP cuffs.
At home, I get BP readings of 135/90- 145/98 I go to the cardiologist and get readings of 122/76.. Dr said order the large cuff.

Shave world I am going on 3 days growth will have 4 by tomorrow.. Just have not been able to get around to it.

I came home to a mystery package today. When I opened it there was the Ever-Ready BN 500 Handle I had PIFed to Kyle.. and That mother knotted it with a beautiful 20mm 2 band polished it and surprised me with it. I have never received such a heartfelt thing from a shave member.. I nominate him for a member of the month.

On a hard/software report as many of you know I have been busy the last two days doing a complete overhaul on my inventory in time for the up coming VADER. Buying and trading over multiple BTS's
Please don't take me as being obnoxious when I come out with the full report. I went for downsizing and rebuilding with some pretty cool things.

Report following.

Face mapping is complete as well. Have a nice evening Cadre.