The Shaving Cadre

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Sharp’s Tales: There Will Be Blood

Hope you’re not losing too much of your hard earned in the den rebuilding process. I’m sure the outcome will be worth it though!
Ok glad you’re not gunna die. Now, 4 days growth??? Let’s take this a little more seriously huh?

Shave #13 (4 days growth)

Razors: Blackbird OC Black Oxide
Blade: PolSilver SI (2)
Brush: Cowboy.. Ever-Ready BN-500 20mm 2 Band
Soap: Strop Shoppe Black Tie
AS: Thayer's Medicated.

So finally got the Blackbird I have been waiting for the Black Oxide with OC but the really hidden gem was the rePIFed Ever-Ready BN 500 reknotted with a 2 Band Maggard.

I Might have to try a another blade in the BB.. I cannot tell if the blade was worn a little or the Black Oxide finish created a bit of drag. Still, this razor can handle 4 days growth no problem and got me DFS-CCS in just two passes with no cleanups.

The Every-Ready was pleasantly surprising performer. I am not used to a 20mm. First off adopting a Captains Choice bowl does make a difference. I was able to whips up a shave ready leather in just a few minutes. The ER. loads up quickly and displays soap very well. I was ready to go in about a minutes. Held enough soap for two passes if not three and has a nice splay. The knot opened up nicely. I am going to like this brush and will serve it's roll in my travel bag as the designated road brush. I know I thanked Kyle but very special brush. You will be hearing from it much more.

Have a great day Cadre.
No, just ribbing you on the auto correct probably in your post where it said "I cannot tell if the blade was worn a little or the Black Oxide finish created a but of drag. "
\n\nCan\'t you use your premium Cadre membership and use time travel?
\n\nAfter all the commotion the other day, I had to take the keys to Delorean back from KJ. No more time travel until after the new year....unless he comes back to before the new year and then goes back again...
Seeking the ultimate Hardware Line-Up (WARNING-LONG WINDED)

When I speak of the following subject, I Hope it does not appear obnoxious or bragging. I have reached an age where I like things a certain way. I love high-performance gear. To me, it adds to my shave experience. YMMV and that is your ideal situation and are entitled to it. I would rather have fewer more beautiful things. Having lots of things means you might not have time to enjoy everything you have.

So as a few of you knew the past week was a time to work on the lineup of all my hardware for the 2019 season prepping for the upcoming VADER. But also to try to keep giving me a lineup that will keep me happy and content.

I loved 2 Band Badgers and had some of the top elite brushes from Simpson M&F Brad Sears Paladin and Wiborg. I had 7 brushes. I really only need one but am allowing my self 3 or 4. I have been enjoying my Paladin El Dorado and decided to build my stable strictly of Paladin 28mms. I love that they have amazing handles based on Classic handle styles of the past. I also like that you will get individual characteristics of each knot before you buy. Are there other elite brush makers out there that perform equally as well? Yes. But the standard and tolerance to perfection are higher than others out there. So they are going to be the official brush maker of team Sharps.

Razors. Again there are only so many razors I can shave with. I can’t have too many. And I want to make sure that each razor has a purpose while at the same time have a beauty to their nature.
I like the idea of aggressive razors but have come to realize I need a heavy mid-aggressive razor to use as a daily Driver. It was obtaining the Mergress XL that taught me that. Again I went quality over quantity. The beauty adds to my experience. Not that there aren’t less expensive razors or vintage ones that can add to the experience.

Wow rambling on now Jim. Get to it.

So over the last weeks, I scrambled to either sell or trade the following items out of my den and then obtained the hardware I look to make my perfect setup for 2019.

Listed and sold over multiple BTS Sites
Most of these sales allotted for the purchases I made. I might have spent a little more.

Wiborg Finest 2 Band.
M&F Polo Finest 2 Band Pre collaboration
Simpson 58 Manchurian
Brad Sears Select Badger
Black Eagle Exclusive Badger.

Blackbird OC Machined
Blackbird SB Black Oxide
Muhle Rocca
Tradere OC Gen 2

I obtained the following items either through trade or purchase with the proceeds. They either arrived or are all incoming.

Paladin Kansas City Fallstaff 28mm
Paladin Fallstaff 28mm
Paladin Chief 28mm
Paladin Churchill 28mm

Blackbird OC Black Oxide
Charcoal Goods with both Lvl 2 SB and Lvl 2 OC plates.
Raw RS-10.

Let's hope this should do it for me. For a while at least
I don’t see any bragging. You’re just trying to get the best equipment for you, to optimize your experience. You are on the more practical side, rather than being a collector, and I can appreciate that.
Great that you can treat yourself to some luxury like that! You’ve worked hard to earn the right! Solid list of haves and incomings Jim!
\n\nthank you Eric. I will post as they come in. Saw your video this morning of you turning your handles. Such a cool thing to watch.
\n\nThanks! The list of things I want to add the The Dungeon is almost as long as the list of things I want to add to the shave den, but as long as I have the lathe and can spend some time makin shavings, I\'m happy.