The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Sharp’s Tales: There Will Be Blood

\n\nWould you Rather have me get an RX? I saw one on another BST
\nJust banter, I want you to get whatever you want. I have an Rx already. I\'ve had a Vector and stand in the cart several times and walked away......eventually the cart will go thru checkout. I hear great things about it and it may be a better fit for me then the Rx but it\'s a big blind buy purchase. I\'d be happy for you if you get one !
Picked up some soaps at Pasteur\'s.. Probably my last time for the year.
\n\nYou say this the end of the year is more than a few days away!
Who else thinks we need a new video series? Sharp's Live from Pasteur's!
Who else thinks we need a new video series? Sharp's Live from Pasteur's!

I can interview Leo.. and then alot of the soap makers actually come in and i could interview them.. Then again I can also do it Rush Limbaugh Style where I just film myself from my "Studio" and just conduct the interview on the phone.
Dec Shave #11 (1day)

Razors: Mergress XL adjustable
Blade: Gillet Nacet
Brush: Paladin El Dorado Select Badger 28mm
Soap: Strop Shoppe Black Tie
AS: Jack Black Post Shaving Cool Gel

Pass One-3, Pass Two -4 and Pass Three- 5

I am starting to play with other things in my den as a get ready for an end of year hardware adjustment. Trying test things out a bit.

Everything worked in harmony tonight. Razor, Blade Brush Soap and me..
This was the first time I have gotten to use the Mergress XL since I had buying it a month ago. The first DE razor I owned was a Merkur Progress, and it was a great performer. The Mergress was a project undertaken by Eric Maier where he has equipped the Merker Progress with a more massive machined adjustable knob and smoothed out the action just to name a few of the modifications. This is a big heavy razor, and I love it.

I loaded up the Paladin for about 20-25 seconds and worked it up for about 2-3 minutes in the bowl. Producing a dense, luxurious lather. Though it was not to dry. Off to a fantastic start.

I set the razor on 3 for the first pass not remembering what I would get. (WTG) It was incredibly smooth and easy to let the weight of the razor do all the work. Not the closest but very smooth.

Let's turn it up a notch for Pass two...(XTG) 4 suit this razor perfectly, and I was mowing down whiskers like a sickle through winter wheat. Excellent.

One more click to 5 for pass three. (XTG @ 45 degrees and ATG on the neck)One last lather slabbed on. There was definitely more blade field on it's highest setting but not so much that I feel I could be a danger to my self. That highest setting added only a slight amount of, but probably if I had two days growth, I wouldn't even notice it. If I had to, I could push this razor up to 5+, but there was no reason to go there today.

A quick slab of Alum and got a little feedback on the jawline but no weepers. This is a fantastic daily driver and can't wait to see what it can do when I have more experience on her.

I will be using this baby more.

The only downside to this shave was the stickiness to the Jack Black aftershave gel. Maybe in the summer but for winter it offers no feedback you skin only feels relieved... Kind of like when you have a headache and the aspirin kicks in without you noticing that a headache is gone. There is no pleasure in touching your face though..

For the record I used about 5 gm of Soap and if that continues I have about 10 more shaves in the Strop Shoppe..

OK, folks Sharps out..
I looked at it. I really want a Mergress, just not the XL.

Congrats, glad it’s working well for you.
Dec Shave #11 (15 hours)

Razors: Mergress XL adjustable
Blade: Gillet Nacet (2)
Brush: Paladin El Dorado Select Badger 28mm
Soap: Strop Shoppe Black Tie
AS1: L’Occitan ASB
Jack Black Post Shaving Cool Gel

Christmas Party season launches tonight so I had to get a 2nd shave in under 24 hours. Figured the Mergress set fairly low would be fine and it was.

Three passes all at level 3 and it was all smooth. Actually I should have stopped after two passes. The third pass lead to some irritation that showed up on the Alum. Found a use for the Jack Black. It actually will help with pain. I am enjoying this razor more and I imagine close to what a Timel
ess would be like.

The Strop Shoppe performed flawlessly for the past to shave. Having sellers regret because I only have one more tub after this one is done.
BBS light

No no blood though. Will send some booze shots from the party.
Dec Shave #11 (15 hours)\n\nRazors: Mergress XL adjustable\nBlade: Gillet Nacet (2)\nBrush: Paladin El Dorado Select Badger 28mm \nSoap: Strop Shoppe Black Tie\nAlum\nAS1: L’Occitan ASB\nAS2:\nJack Black Post Shaving Cool Gel \n\nChristmas Party season launches tonight so I had to get a 2nd shave in under 24 hours. Figured the Mergress set fairly low would be fine and it was. \n\nThree passes all at level 3 and it was all smooth. Actually I should have stopped after two passes. The third pass lead to some irritation that showed up on the Alum. Found a use for the Jack Black. It actually will help with pain. I am enj\r\n oying this razor more and I imagine close to what a Timeless would be like.\n\nThe Strop Shoppe performed flawlessly for the past to shave. Having sellers regret because I only have one more tub after this one is done. \nBBS light \n\nNo no blood though. Will send some booze shots from the party.
\nNice Shave Jim and I believe I still have a Black Tie in the BST ?
Saturday night, I woke up about 3am and could not fall back asleep. Good time to meander on over to TSC. I saw Doug's @Dkester purchase of the .84 plate. "Quick, go look over at Italian Barbor." Sure enough there it was; The Game Changer .84 P for available.
Two clicks later it is on it's way to NYC.. 5 minutes later I go over to that other forum, and I see an old Thread with a new entry. Ready to Ship Charcoal Razors. WHOA... quick look.
Heck, it is wasn't almost perfect. Brass LvL2 Head with hand hammered 3-inch razor .. ready to GO!!! Checked my waitlist spot, #356... Hmm hmmmmm... 3 clicks later... And this sucker is on it's way to me.

The Charcoal is one of my top must-haves for razors. Now when my order comes up, I only have to get a lvl 3 head and a 3.5-inch handle.

I finally gained a little common sense.. I canceled the Game Changer Order the next morning..
I received 1 of 9 Ready to Ship Razors.
Never been so happy to be hit with Insomnia